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Saturday, June 22, 2019

Follower of Sex Pervert Berland Beats The Hell Out Of Rav Zalman Grossman At Kever Shimon Hatzadik

Police arrested a man who they say savagely assaulted Rav Zalman Grossman at Kever Shimon Hatzadik in Yerushalayim on Wednesday.
Police say the man is a 30-year-old resident of Bnei Brak.
The suspect told the judge that they have the wrong person, but the judge said video surveillance as well as other evidence shows that police nabbed the correct person.
The judge ordered his remand in police custody until Monday.
 Rav Grossman told a young child who was making alot of noise and being disrespectful at the kever to please be quiet and act appropriately. Seconds later, a young man, reportedly a member of the Shuvu Banim Cult, led by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, ran into the Kever, and began punching Rav Grossman repeatedly in the face, kicking him, and even throwing chairs and Shtenders at him.
People who were at the Kever were unable to stop the man, as he overpowered them all and continued his savage attack.
Rav Grossman was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for multiple traumatic injuries as well as serious facial trauma.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Bechoros Dafim 46 ,47,48,49,50 , 51 & 52

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף מ''ו ''פדיון הבן     
Page 46  Mesectas Bechoros  
''Redemption of the Firstborn"

This Perek in Bechorot, is the eight chapter of this tractate and  deals with the laws of Pidyon Ha'Ben, and the chapter is called "Yesh Bechor", "There Is A Firstborn."

According to one approach, it was forbidden to make use of any Firstborn Jewish child that came out of Egypt after the Exodus.

When the Jewish people came out of Egypt, Hashem instructed Moshe:
"קדש לי כל בכור" ......."Sanctify every Firstborn to Me"

Following the commentary of the Seforno, had Hashem not commanded to immediately redeem all of the bechorim, it would have been prohibited to utilize any of those people for mundane purposes because of their holy status.

Bechorim or Firstborn still possess a special status today. Although they are not sacred, it is a mitzvah to redeem the firstborn son, by giving five silver coins to the kohein.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Oh Oh! Veiberlach Meeting Yingalite in the Basement of Chase?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dr Herschkopf a Psychiatrist Convinced Businessman Martin Markowitz to alienate his family and endow his fortune to him

Marty Markowitz showing off his apiary in the backyard of his Southampton home. (Debra Nussbaum Cohen via JTA)
Marty Markowitz

This is one of the strangest stories you’ll ever read, about one of the strangest stories ever told in a podcast.
“The Shrink Next Door,” rated No. 1 for three weeks straight on Apple’s Podcast charts, is about a Manhattan psychiatrist, Dr. Isaac “Ike” Herschkopf, known for treating — and name-dropping — an array of celebrity patients while becoming well known in US Jewish and literary philanthropic circles.
The podcast, written and hosted by Bloomberg columnist Joe Nocera, is mostly about Martin Markowitz, a longtime patient of Herschkopf, who says he spent most of his life – more than 30 years – under Herschkopf’s sway. 

In six episodes — a seventh comes out this week — Nocera describes how the psychiatrist isolated Markowitz from his friends and family and encouraged him not to pursue potential marriage partners. 

There’s more:
 “Shrink” describes how Herschkopf became president of Markowitz’s theatrical fabrics business, created a charitable foundation almost entirely with Markowitz’s money, and got the foundation and his wife named in Markowitz’s will after his patient removed his sister and her children at the psychiatrist’s suggestion.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

'Like Moses parting the Red Sea': Hong Kong protesters move aside to let an ambulance pass in seconds during a two-million strong demonstration

Watch how goyim behave when they protest, the frum protesters have a lot to learn …. yes from the goyim... absolutely 
Hong Kong protesters have earned praise after a video showing a sea of demonstrators making way for an ambulance on Sunday has gone viral.
Organisers said nearly two million people marched through the city in protest against a controversial extradition bill which would increase Beijing's control over the autonomous territory. Demonstrators are stepping up their demands for Chief Executive Carrie Lam to resign after a man died in a fall while trying to unveil a banner on the roof of a shopping mall on Saturday.
Moses would have been happy with a parting like that,' one person on Twitter praised.
'A noble act by the entire mob ... admirable,' another said.
One user called it 'the most beautiful scene in Hong Kong' on Sunday night.
Cathy, 28, who works in marketing, said she was in the crowd at about 6pm when she heard people yelling to let an ambulance pass through.
'I heard that someone had fallen ill ahead of us. The ambulance arrived and there was a protester separating the crowd and asking people to move to the side of the road,' she told MailOnline. 
There was no chaos at all. Everyone was so polite and organised,' she added. 'I was so touched. We are definitely not rioters!'
Actor Anthony Wong, who shared the video on his Facebook page, wrote: 'Moses separating the Red Sea. The Lord is my strength. The whole world now knows Hong Kong.' 
Another protester, who only gave her name as Sum, said she was part of a crowd that gave way to several public buses in Admiralty. 
'I'm impressed to see two million people protesting in such an organised and peaceful manner. People who didn't know each other were helping one another. I am proud to be a Hong Konger,' the 28-year-old translator told MailOnline.  
Lyndon Rees, founder of Citybus, one of the three major bus operators in Hong Kong, praised the peaceful protesters in a Facebook post on Sunday. 
'Let's be proud of Hong Kong's young patriots for their responsible behaviour tonight. In many cities in such circumstances, these buses would already have been targets for incineration,' he wrote.
Hong Kong's young protesters have also won praise last week after they returned to the site of the protest to clean up rubbish. 
Sunday's protest was largely peaceful, in contrast to the rally last Wednesday which ended in violence. Clashes between police and protesters erupted, with riot police firing rubber bullets and beanbag rounds at unarmed protesters in the worst unrest the city has witnessed in decades. 
The violence left 81 people injured, the hospital authority said. Police say 11 people were arrested as leader Carrie Lam called the protest an 'organised riot'. 

The clip, filmed along the jam-packed Harcourt Road near the Central Government Complex on Sunday evening, shows protesters parting in an orderly manner to create a path for the emergency vehicle. Social media users compared the scene with the parting of the Red Sea.

Iranian Woman Dragged and Beaten By Tzneas Police Because She Uncovered Her Hair

This is the shocking moment an Iranian woman is dragged across the street and beaten as the crowd cheers because she was dancing and not wearing a hijab.
The woman can be seen standing in the central reservation of a busy road as she is jeered by men in the city of Rasht, on Iran's Caspian Sea coast. 
A crowd appear to be in a stand-off with the woman before a few men approach her, with one grabbing her around the head and forcing her to the ground.
He then takes hold of her ankles and brutally drags her over the tarmac, prompting a massive cheer from the crowd of men.
After she is released she gets to her feet and goes towards her attacker you knocks her onto her backside with a hit to the face. 
According to Iranian journalist and activist Masih Alinejad she was set upon because her head was uncovered and she was dancing. 
The victim can be heard shrieking throughout the footage as men laugh in the background.

The video then cuts to her having been released and walking away, though clearly still traumatised by what has just gone on.
The Islamic dress code, in place since the 1979 revolution, considers veiling obligatory for any female above 13 in Iran and says they should cover themselves from head to toe while disavowing any figure-hugging dress.
Breaking the rules can result in fines of up to 500,000 rials (£17) and up to two months in prison.
President Hassan Rouhani, who came to power in 2013 promising a more moderate stance, has previously said it is not the job of police to enforce religious rules such as those forcing women to cover their hair.
But in April 2016, officials said there were 7,000 undercover morality police reporting on things like 'bad hijab' - a blanket term usually referring to un-Islamic dress by women.
Figures are rarely given, but Tehran's traffic police said in late 2015 they had dealt with 40,000 cases of bad hijab in cars, where women often let their headscarves drop around their necks.
These cases generally led to fines and a temporary impounding of the vehicle.

Chaya Shurkin,of Lakewood Charged After Infant Died Inside Car

Chaya Shurkin, 25, was charged on Monday by New Jersey prosecutors with second degree endangerment of the welfare of a child
I was debating whether I should post this, but  I think the community must be warned since this is now a very common occurrence in our communities...The tragedy is  so much more since the entire family and community will never get over this!
Please please ...watch our Jewish precious neshomois!
I suspect that since the weather outside was cool around 66 degrees she didn't want to wake up the child and didn't realize the danger!

New Jersey prosecutors on Monday brought charges against a Lakewood mother whose infant daughter died after she was left alone inside a car on a warm day last month.
Chaya Shurkin, 25, was charged with second degree endangerment of the welfare of a child.
If convicted, Shurkin faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of $150,000.
On May 6, police responded to a report of a 21-month-old girl who was found unresponsive inside her family’s car which was parked in the driveway of their home on Lewin Avenue in Lakewood.
When police arrived at the scene, they saw a neighbor attempting to perform CPR on the infant.
‘My wife was leaving to work and she walked out and she saw the mother crying holding the baby in her hands,’ the neighbor told WCBS-TV.
‘My wife walked in and said call Hatzolah, which is the local EMS, the Jewish EMS.
‘I performed CPR for the first couple minutes until first responders arrived and then they came and took over.’
First responders rushed the girl to Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus, where she was pronounced dead soon afterward.
‘A thorough and extensive investigation revealed that the child had been left alone in Shurkin’s motor vehicle for approximately two-and-one-half hours with the car turned off, in the heat,’ Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer said.
‘Shurkin was the child’s mother.
‘The investigation determined that the act of leaving the child in the car unattended for such a long period of time was the cause and manner of the child’s death.’
A neighbor told WCBS-TV that Shurkin found her daughter unconscious just after 2pm on May 6.
The temperature in Lakewood, New Jersey on May 6 at around 2pm was 66 degrees Fahrenheit, according to AccuWeather.
While the outside temperature is relatively mild, the inside of a car can quickly warm up to 100 degrees within minutes. 
The temperature in Lakewood, New Jersey on May 6 at around 2pm was 66 degrees Fahrenheit, according to AccuWeather.
While the outside temperature is relatively mild, the inside of a car can quickly warm up to 100 degrees within minutes. 

One little girl and the rape of a nation

Stock image
Where is our Jewish pride when a child is raped by a bestial Arab? Is it limited to "Giyus & Shabbos Protests? 

All the Fake Litvaks from the "Yerushalmi Faction" who disrupt traffic & other people's lives to protest being drafted were nowhere to be found! And where they at the Gay Parade???? HMMM?
Only Benzi Gopstein & Lahava as well as Itamar Ben Gvir & Baruch Marzel & Otzma Yehudit were demonstrating against the toeava parade!!!
Some people also protested by the Arab villages where the rapists live!!!!
Again no Litvaks penguins from the Yerushalmi Faction!!!!

Chevra Kadisha of Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh Arrested For Fraud

Following a covert investigation, police arrested seven suspects allegedly involved in two instances of cemetery fraud.
In one case, three chevrah kaddisha workers and two contractors are suspected of removing or covering children’s graves dating from the 70’s in Yerushalayim’s Har Hamenuchos cemetery in order to create new burial plots. Some of these were sold for up to $28,000 apiece to overseas Jews.
The other case involved two senior officials of the Beit Shemesh Religious Council who illegally sold graves plots wholesale to foreign citizens for $250,000.

Chareidie Gets Smacked After Exposing Himself to the Wrong Girl

Esther Fuerster
Esther Fuwerster

Israeli government employee and olah Esther Fuerster was walking home last night when she was accosted by an exhibitionist, meters from her home. 

Posting on Facebook immediately after the ordeal, Fuerster wrote:
 “I won't say who this was, whether a Jew, an Arab or a Christian, but on my way home now a religious-looking man turned to me as I approached and opened his trousers presenting his manhood.”

This is not the first time Fuerster has been subjected to such an outrage: “Last time it happened it was six months ago and I ran away, like a small child.”

Fuerster, who describes herself as athletic but slim, had reason to capitulate out of fear once again, but this time, she found strength within herself that can now never be taken away:
 “Tonight, I went off course, approached him and smacked him so hard across the face that his glasses flew off and he tumbled down onto a bench.
“He moaned in protest.

“I asked him very loudly and clearly, why did he think that such behavior was acceptable? Why did he think that it was acceptable to flash a stranger? How does he consider himself religious and yet disrespect a woman like this?
“I shook the entire time, but I didn't run this time. I told him to get dressed and go home.”

"Off the Derech" Guys Sing "Raza De'Shabbos"

Arsonist Suspect Matthew Karelefsky Who Nearly Murdered 12 People Grins Like A Sick Cat

The man who is accused of torching a Flatbush home on Thursday was grinning from ear to ear in Brooklyn Criminal Court on Sunday night.
 DIN reported on Friday, Matthew Karlefsky, 41, previously made comments on DIN and  was taken into custody and charged with two counts of attempted murder in the inferno that sent 12 people to the hospital – including a 6-week-old infant.
His intended target was Rabbi Yonason Max, a longtime Rebbe at Mesivta Yeshiva Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin in Midwood. The suspect had a tattoo on his arm calling for the death of Rabbi Max. His tattoo, which reads “Never let go of the HATRED – KILL Rabbi Max. YEMACH SMHO,” was visible – along with his big smile – in court.
“He said he would destroy him reputationally and then he came to actually kill him physically,” Ezra Max, the rabbi’s son told the media.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Bus Video Records Deadly Crash With 30 Year-Old- Chareidie in Beiter Elit

Agudah On The Wrong Side of History Again? Writes Letter Against Law That Eliminates "Religious Exemptions for Vaccinations

Chassidishe Anti-Vaxxers Cause Chaos, Screaming And Cursing in New York Assembly


“And these are the religious people?!”

The state Capitol turned into a chaotic scene Thursday as both houses of legislature — and eventually Gov. Cuomo — passed a bill that will end New York’s policy of allowing religious exemptions from vaccine requirements.

Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, the bill’s sponsor, got cursed out and flat-out threatened at one point by opponents of the legislation after it got passed and sent to the Senate floor.

“We’ll be back for you Jeffrey!” shouted one man in Orthodox religious garb, who was fuming in the gallery with others, many of whom had children with them.

“Motherf–ker!” screamed another person. “Shame!”

Dinowitz and other lawmakers remained calm during the mayhem, but were on edge as they recessed for the day.

Suspect In Arson Fire made Comments on "DIN" and Other Blogs

It seems that the suspect in the arson of this morning is Matthew Karelefsky, who was a Talmud of Yeshivah Chaim Berlin, and had it out for one of the Rebbes and even had his name tattooed on his arm.

It seems that this Matthew, was brought up in foster homes and then was transferred to Ohel and Ohel put him in Yeshivah Chaim Berlin.
When his marriage went south he went berserk and blamed one of the rebbes .....and accused him of sexual abuse....

When he originally wrote me about it, I did a massive investigation and found him to be insane and that he made up the entire story ...

At any rate, he is now a suspect in the arson of this Rebbes home!
Below is one of his posts to DIN, and a photo of the tattoo on his arm!

The "Bechoros Song" A Song To Remember the Mesactah

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Rocket Strikes Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot....

A rocket fired from Gaza struck the Hesder yeshiva in Sderot 

The rocket caused the Red Alert siren to activate in Sderot.

The building suffered damage. There were no reported casualties.

Police responded to scene, including bomb disposal experts. The police sappers secured the remains of the rocket.

The rocket was fired from the town of Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip, Channel 13 News reported.

Yisrael Beiteinu chairman and former defense minister Avigdor Liberman responded to the rocket attack:

 "Dear residents of the south, allow me to express my deep sorrow for the untimely passing of your sense of security. This is precisely why I resigned as Defense Minister. We must bury the policy of 'managing the conflict' and revive Israel's deterrence."

Bnei Brak: Dad & Son Arrested

Image result for man in handcuffs gif
I guess the Mishtara didn't learn the verse in the Torah
"oso ve'es bno lo cishtechee be'yom echod"
"One is prohibited from slaughtering an animal and its offspring on the very same day"
Three suspects were arrested on suspicion of carrying illegal weapon possession.
The suspects arrested are a 50-year-old resident of Bnei Brak, his 21-year-old, also from Bnei Brak and a 30-year-old resident of Ramat Gan.
At the end of their interrogation at the Dan District Police, the three suspects were imprisoned. On Wednesday morning, the police asked the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court to extend the suspects’ remand.

The Sin of the Nazir!

Image result for the nazirite gif
Every religion knows of people who aspire to lives of excessive piety. Some religions choose to venerate them, others shut them away in closed communities. 
The Torah takes a decidedly ambivalent view, providing pietists with the opportunity to consecrate themselves, but refraining from praising or even encouraging them.
The Torah calls such people Nazirites, from the Hebrew root meaning a crown. It implies that their decision is extraordinary, although most English translations miss the point. The English is usually rendered as something like ‘a man or woman who will specify, to vow a vow to God’ whereas the literal sense is ‘who will be extraordinary, to vow a vow…’.
The Torah makes just three demands on the person who vows to be a Nazirite. They are not to cut or shave their hair, eat or drink anything made from grapes or come into contact with a human corpse. Other than these restrictions, they can live a normal life.