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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 117,118, 119,120,121,122, & 123

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף קי''ז ''פרק העור והרוטב
Page 117  Mesectas Chullin  
''The Chapter The Hide & The Gravy"

The chapter "The Hide and The Gravy" deals with tumeh or if you wish,contamination.
The first Mishna of this chapter mentions various different parts of animals, such as the hide, bones, horns etc in reference to tumeh.
How would horns have any connection to tumeh?

We have a rule that contaminated food cannot contaminate another food item unless the food has the minimum volume of an egg.

The mishna discusses a case where we found a piece of contaminated meat with less than the minimum volume of an egg but it was attached with the bone; with the bone it would meet the minimum requirement of the volume of an egg.... 
the halacha is that we combine the food with the bone which would now have the required volume of an egg and now it is able to convey contamination to another food item.

''דף קי''ח ''ידים ו'שומרים של מאכלים 
Page 118  Mesectas Chullin  
''The Handle & The Protector of Food"
On this daf we are introduced to the concept of "handles" and "protectors" of fruit.

Just like pots have "handles" which is attached to the pot and one grabs it to take hold of the pot, so too, fruits have "handles" which are attached to the fruit.

The "handle" of fruits is the soft branch that the fruit hangs from on the tree.
The "protector" of the fruit is the peal that covers the fruit and protects it from getting ruined.

Why does  the mishna and the gemarrah deal with the 
"handles" and the "protectors" of food?

Because they are vital to various different halachos, for example:
If tumeh would touch the "handle" or "protector" of the food item, then the entire food item becomes contaminated as if the tumeh touched the food itself.

''דף קי''ט ''גרעין חיטה
Page 119  Mesectas Chullin  
''Wheat Kernel"
In the Bet Midrash of Rebi Yishmoel it was taught that the husk of wheat kernels and the husks of barley are considered "protectors," and it would therefore be able to be combined with the wheat kernel or barley itself to make the required volume of an egg.

But wheat and barley kernels are tiny and cannot possibly amount to the volume of an egg even if you were to combine it with its husks?

The Talmud states that we are talking about very large kernels like those in the era of R' Shimon ben Shetach.

The Talmud in Mesactas Taanis relates that in the era of Shimon ben Shetach there was great blessings in crops, and that in fact the wheat and barley kernels were so large that it would amount to the volume of an egg.

''דף ק''כ ''כתיבה תמה
Page 120 Mesectas Chullin  
'' Writing That Must Be Complete"

Rebbe Yochanan says that each strand of hair has a tiny perforation which penetrates deep into the skin unto the flesh.

There is a halachic requirement for tefillin to be written "complete" כתיבה תמה! Any klaf (parchment) that has holes or even pinholes cannot be considered כתיבה תמה ... complete!

According to Rebbe Yochanan how can tefillin ever be written since every klaf has tiny holes;  klaf is actually animal skin, and we just discussed that hair penetrates the skin making microscopic holes?

The Talmud answers that when the scribe writes on the klaf, his ink covers those tiny pinholes that the hairs penetrated in effect rendering the klaf ,,, כתיבה תמה

''דף קכ''א ''אלל
Page 121 Mesectas Chullin  
'' Ah'lol"
Our Mishna stated that the ''Ah'lol" combines with meat to convey  tumah of foods but not the tumah of neveilos.

What is ''Ah'lol?"
There are two opinions of what it is.

Reb Yochanan is of the opinion that it is the very hard sinew of the neck and spine.
Rabbeinu Chananel and Rabbeinu Tam explain that R' Yochanan  is talking about the dead flesh that a veterinarian would cut away if the animal were alive.
According to Tosfos, the Ah'lol is not considered food in its own right, but is deemed edible when combined with other meat.
Resh Lakish, on the other hand, explains that Ah'lol is the meat that was excised by the knife when the animal was flayed.
Rashi explaining Resh Lakish states that when an animal is flayed, the knife used to peel away the hide sometimes cuts into the meat, so that some shreds of meat are excised from the body and remain attached to the hide, these shreds are really insignificant.

''דף קכ''ב ''דבשת הגמל
Page 122 Mesectas Chullin  
'' A Camel's Hump"
The Torah states that only edible items can convey tumah's neiveilah.
Therefore the first mishna in this chapter rules that the hide of an animal does not contaminate tumas neiveilah, since hide is very tough and cannot be eaten; it is not considered meat!

The mishna on this daf, however states that the hide from a young camel's hump does convey tumas neiveilah, because it is soft, so it is considered meat.

Until what age is the hide of the hump of a young camel considered meat?
Ulah states in the name of R' Yehoshuh ben Levi it is considered meat up until the camel carries a burden.

''דף קכ''ג ''גדוד החילים
Page 123 Mesectas Chullin  
'' A Battalion of Soldiers"
An interesting bareisah (Mishnayis that were learned outside of the Bet Midrash, bareisah literally translated means "outside") brought down on this daf, states that if a Roman Legion enters a house while its on a warpath, the house is tumah!
The Romans would carry with them the scalps from their enemies ' corpses, which they would use for sorcery to achieve victory in battle, so this bareisah rules that human skin has "corpse tumah" even after it had been tanned, since it is logical to assume that these scalps were tanned.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

The Halakhic Controversy over tiny insects! Do We Really Have to Be Machmir ? ..... Maybe Not!

The Question of Tiny Insects

 In order to understand the entire scope of the prohibition of shratzim (worms and insects) and the extent to which one must make an effort to check food for them, it is necessary to explain the basic dispute regarding tiny bugs.

Ordinary Torah students think that the law of tiny shratzim is simple: what a person can see is forbidden, and what he cannot see with his naked eyes, but only with the help of a magnifying glass or a microscope, is permitted. 

This is indeed what several Achronin wrote (Binat Adam 34:49; Aruch HaShulchan 84:36; Igrot Moshe, Y.D. 2:146; Yibeah Omer 4, Y.D., 21).

According to this, presumably, one needs to know how small an object a person can see, and in view of that, determine the halakha. However, this definition is not sufficient, because eyesight varies from person to person, and also depends on the color of the insect and the background on which it is situated. A person with good eyesight can see on a white background large black bacteria the size of five hundred microns (0.5mm), however, when the color of the insect is similar to the background on which it is situated, even if it is ten times larger, one will not be able to see it, and only laboratory workers will possibly be able to see it.
People with good eyesight cannot always detect even a two-millimeter insect, however, when it is pointed at, they are able to see it. In other words, seeing the tiny insect depends on several factors: a) its size, b) the quality of one’s eyesight, c) the color of the sheretz (insect) and its background, d) recognition of shratzim,  and e) how it is situated, for if it is crawling, it is easier for it to be seen.

Mass Grave of Murdered Jews by Nazis to become luxury apartment complex

A Nazi-era grave containing the remains of nearly 2,000 Jews was discovered in Belarus two months ago — but that’s not stopping officials from forging on with plans to turn the site into a luxury apartment complex, according to a report.
Soldiers combing through the soil have pulled out the blackened remains of 1,900 people murdered during World War II since bones were first found by builders on the site in January.
“You see the results of this horrible war and of a genocide,” the commander of the search battalion, Major Pavel Galetsky, told DW. “History speaks for itself here.”
Before World War II, almost half of the 50,000-strong population of Brest were Jewish, according to the BBC.

Arab Pressure Get NYC Councilman Yeger Kicked Off Of Immigration Committee

A city full of Jews, and the busy "askanim" are quiet! 
Where is the "capo" Ezra? 
Bunch of cowards!!!
Less than a week after a tweet denying the existence of Palestine, City Councilman Kalman Yeger has been removed from his seat on the council’s immigration committee.
Yeger’s tweet resulted in a public outcry and The New York Times (https://nyti.ms/2YAs6W2) reported that he was removed from committee after a council leadership meeting that lasted over an hour.  Participants said that Yeger’s remarks were incompatible with the committee’s mission.
“I do not believe that someone who engages in the type of rhetoric we heard from Councilmember Yeger belongs on the immigration committee which is supposed to welcome and support immigrants in our city,” said Speaker Corey Johnson.
 Mayor Bill de Blasio had said on Friday that Yeger should either apologize for his remarks or be removed from the committee.  Yeger had categorically refused to rescind his statement, even as he found himself in the center of a sea of controversy and criticism, still sticking to his guns tonight, even after news of his removal broke.
“I respect the Speaker’s right to run the Council as he sees fit,” tweeted Yeger.  “It’s unfortunate that political correctness takes precedence over objective fact. Of course, there are Palestinians.  However, the fact remains that there is no Palestinian state.”
A jubilant tweet posted by Palestinian activist Linda Sarsour announcing Yeger’s removal from the committee received nearly 1,000 likes in just over an hour.

Skulener Rebbe Passes At 95 .....

Petira of the Skulener Rebbe, Hagaon HaRav Yisroel Avrohom Portugal. He was 95.
The Rebbe was Niftar on Monday afternoon at John Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore where he had been hospitalized for nearly two months.
The Levaya will be held on Tuesday morning at 11:00AM at the Skulener Bais Medrash on 13th Avenue and 54th Street, and the Kevura will be in Monsey at the Vishnitzer Bais Hakvaros. 

Monday, April 1, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin Dafim 110,111, 112,113,114,115, & 116

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף ק''י ''תבשיל בשרי
Page 110  Mesectas Chullin  
''A Meat Dish"

The Talmud relates on this daf, that Ravin and Rav Yitzchok bar Yosef  visited Rav Pupei and he offered them a meat dish from meat that came from a part of the animal (the udder) that the rabbis dispute whether it is permitted to consume!

Rav Yitzchok bar Yosef went ahead and he ate it while Ravin declined the dish. 

Said Abaye: "Why didn't Ravin eat?" Didn't the wife of Rav Pupei prepare the dish, and wasn't she the daughter of Reb Yitzchok Nafcha who was very meticulous in his actions?
There is no way that she would go ahead and prepare a dish from meat  that her father would object to?

A related story from this daf:
Rami bar Tamri arrived in the town of Sura on Erev Yom Kippur with no food, he was obviously very poor.
In the town of Sura they had a custom that they wouldn't eat the udder, and  they would dispose of it .
Rami bar Tamri who did have the custom to eat the udder, and so he went around town to collect them and ate them.

When the residents noticed that Rami ate something that they wouldn't eat, they brought him before Rav Chisda.

Rav Chisda asked him , "why do you eat the udder when you know that we in this town do not eat it?"
Rami answered that he lived in the same town where Rav Yehuda lived who permitted it, and was therefore  careful not to eat it in the town of Sura proper, but made sure to eat it on the outskirts of the town, to be sensitive of the town's minhagim.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Monsey Anti-Vaxxers Chassidim Don't Like Ed Day's "Barring Unvaccinated Children From Public"

I can't for the life of me understand these crazies who are ready to wipe us all out because of their uneducated ignorant stance not to vaccinate !
This is one huge Chillul Hashem! 
An executive order pulled close to 6,000 unvaccinated children out of schools. Nearly 17,000 doses of the measles-mumps-rubella (M.M.R.) vaccine were given in 26 weeks. There was a public health campaign in which community officials, doctors and rabbis testified to the importance of immunizations.
None of those efforts stemmed the severe measles outbreak that has been plaguing Rockland County in New York since October.
So on Tuesday, in an extraordinary step, the county executive, Ed Day, declared a state of emergency, effective at midnight, that would bar children and teenagers who are not vaccinated against measles from public places.

Dayanim rush a divorce deal to allow a Chareidie Man marry another man!

The man had just 'come out' but has already met his new life partner and wanted to join him abroad quickly; Rabbinical judges were torn between indirectly supporting gay marriage, and leaving the man's wife a 'chained' women as her husband flies to Italy to unite with new lover.

Rabbinical judges were baffled by a recent case they had to rule on, when a man asked them to quickly grant him a divorce from his wife — so he can go abroad and join his new male partner.

The man, who is religious and a father of several children, walked in to the Netanya Rabbinate office in early March and asked for an urgent divorce — “right this instance.”

Neturei Karta Beat the Hell Out of Monroe Satmar Chassid ......

One thing I can say about Neturei Karta, at least they are consistent, whereas the Monroe Satmars are a bunch of hypocrites .....
Satmar Rebbe yells and barks that Israel antagonizes their Arab neighbors by provoking them, annexing the Golan Heights etc, while at the same time Satmar  themselves are annexing land in Monroe bordering Kiryas Yoel causing needless hatred from their gentile neighbors!

One of the men organizing a proposal to create a new village next to Kiryas Joel was assaulted outside Monroe Town Hall on Thursday morning by two fellow Hasids who oppose those plans and who grabbed the revised petition he came to file.
Moshe Hirsch The 2nd Tzaddik Who Beat Wagschal 

2,600-year-old seal impression and stamp bearing names from Tanach found in public building destroyed during destruction of First Bais Ha'Mikdash

A rare and exciting discovery: A bulla (seal impression) and a 2,600-year-old stamp bearing Hebrew names were uncovered in the City of David. 

The artifacts were discovered inside a public building that was destroyed during the destruction of the First Temple and were uncovered in archaeological excavations of the Givati Parking Lot in the City of David National Park in Jerusalem.

The dig was conducted by archeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority and Tel Aviv University.

According to Prof. Yuval Gadot of Tel Aviv University and Dr. Yiftah Shalev of the Israel Antiquities Authority who were responsible for the dig, these special artifacts were found inside a large public building, that was destroyed in the sixth century BCE - likely during the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE. 

Ohr Ha'Chaim's Handwritten Torah Notes Being Auctioned Tomorrow : $300,000.00 Opening Bid

On Monday, April 8, there will be a special auction with collectors' items the likes of which have almost never been seen in recent years. Chief among them is a precious manuscript by the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh.

The lot is the Rosh Mashbir authored by the great sage Moshe Birdugo ztz"l, written in manuscript by him and his great disciples, with the Ohr HaChaim most prominent among them. The volume was written after 1721, as evident from the content of the eulogies contained in the work. The manuscript opens with a title page and an introduction by the author. At its conclusion, the author praises the Ohr HaChaim's father-in-law. Leaves 16-37 feature a compilation of the author's Torah handwritten by Rabbeinu Chaim Ben-Attar, the author of Ohr HaChaim, the author's great disciple.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Nadler's Iran ordered rocket attack on Israel!!!

The Headline is not accurate, I meant to write "FAT NADLER"
and his crony the despicable back stabbing snake Ezra Friedlander!
Both tried to convince Holocaust Survivors that the Iran Deal was a "good" thing.!

After some Hamas officials claimed a rocket attack on central Israel early Monday morning which injured seven had been ‘accidental’ or caused by ‘bad weather’, senior officials in the Gaza-based terror organization and Egypt now say that the attack was intentional – and carried out at the behest of Iran, with the intention of altering the outcome of Israel’s upcoming general election.

A senior Hamas official, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed to Israel Hayom Tuesday that the rocket which struck the Wolf family home in the town of Mishmeret in central Israel Monday and injured seven Israelis had been fired at the urging of Tehran.

Mueller Madness

Monday, March 25, 2019

R' Aviezer Piltz Wants Segregated Buses Says "Even Nazis’ understood need to separate men and women"

Israel is at war, and this "Gadol" has only one thing on his mind..... women....it's a world gone totally mad!!!

Comparing Nazis that murdered over 6 million of his brothers and sisters to the Zionists who built with their own raw hands the country that he eats and craps in!
So what is his idea to get voters to vote for the Frum parties?
A safe Israel?????
Ha ha ha ha ha 
Seriously..... to be mekareiv his brothers and sisters so they embrace Torah ...
Are you flying to the moon on Bereishit?
They don't give two hoots about their brothers and sisters >>>
So tell me ... I'm dying... what's his idea to get other frummies to vote for the religious parties?
Making sure that there are separate buses for ladies and men!!!
And to prove his point... he says that even the Nazis were frum about this... 
they made sure to murder the men and women separately! 
So Chaneleh ..... do we still have any wine left over from Purim??? I need a drink !!

A prominent ultra-Orthodox rabbi speaking at the launch of the United Torah Judaism election campaign on Sunday compared Israel unfavorably to Nazi Germany over the Jewish state’s failure to recognize the importance of separating men and women in public.
Speaking at the event in the well-known Lederman Synagogue in Bnei Brak, Rabbi Aviezer Piltz, a prominent figure in UTJ and head of the religious seminary Yeshivat Toshia in the southern village of Tifrah, delivered a fiery speech on the importance of separate-gender seating on public buses.
“Start to organize, to ride separately,” he urged his listeners, then explained that the principle was so fundamental that even the Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust obeyed this policy.
“Even the Nazis, may their names be erased, understood that there has to be separate housing for women and men, but here [in Israel] it’s forbidden!”

Frum parties are losing voters — to Netanyahu’s benefit

He’s a rabbi in a pot-friendly, quasi-libertarian party; she’s a lawyer from Ramat Beit Shemesh; he’s a Jerusalem-based businessman; she’s a computer programmer-turned social activist. They share little in common in their professed political and ideological views. But all represent a growing trend of ultra-Orthodox political candidates being placed on a spread of non-Haredi party slates ahead of the April 9 elections.
As Israel heads to the polls, political parties have been quietly including ultra-Orthodox candidates on their slates in a bid to gain the support of a growing number of disenchanted voters — perhaps as much as 25 percent of the community — who won’t be voting for the two Haredi parties, United Torah Judaism and Shas, according to recent surveys.

Trump officially recognizes Israeli control over Golan

US president also expresses backing for Israeli strikes in Gaza, ahead of meeting with PM at White House

US President Donald Trump signs a decree officially recognizing Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, after tweeting Thursday that it was “time” to make the step.
Israel captured the northern region from Syria in the 1967 Six Day War and formally extended its control over it in 1981, in a move that — until now — had not been recognized by any other country.
At the White House, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praises Trump for the move for “making the bond between America and Israel stronger and greater than ever.”

USA Celebrating the Collapse of Hillary’s Big Lie

Stick a fork in impeachment. It’s dead.
Victory doesn’t get any sweeter for the winners. Or more important for our country.
The results of the probe by special counsel Robert Mueller are a tremendous vindication for President Trump and the many millions of Americans who never doubted his innocence. The findings prove, once and for all time, that he won the 2016 election fair and square.
Let me repeat the point: It is now a fact beyond any doubt whatsoever that Donald Trump is the legitimate 45th president of the United States.
“Hail to the Chief,” this time with feeling.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Media & DemocRATS Going Crazy As Trump, Russia, Possible Collusion Theory Totally Collapses

Satmar Purim Minhag Hasn't Changed Since The 70's

First they hung the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Effigy ....notice everyone smiling and having a great time!

And then they progressed to burning the Israeli Flag!

The Call To Remind Jews In Yerushalyim To Remove "Miktza" Stuff From Their Pockets For Shabbos!

Customer Beats Owner of Gerlitz delicatessen in Geulah and then thrashes the place!

Litvisheh DEGEL Party Starts Campaign With Attack Against Ganz ... Saying "Even the Nazis Separated The Men From the Women"

Now... I'm no fan of Ganz & Lapid ..... and I hope they lose! 
Having said that .... I have to say that all the frum parties are going to lose seats because the "oilem" are no longer"goilem" 
they will probably secretly vote for Likkud!  
Absolutely ...
Why do I think so???

Take for example, the picture I posted of last night's kinnus to launch the Degel Party 2019!
Sitting "oiven uhn" is R' Chaim Kanivsky and Rav Edelstein and many other "gedoilim." 
What were they listening to?
To a crazed fanatical "asken" barking against the "Blue/White" Party of Ganz & Lapid! 

So DIN... are you upset with that?

Listen guys ... you don't have to be interested in Israeli politics to watch the inmates in charge of the asylum going bonkers!

We have mucho problems in Israel, B"H ... that we need to straighten out ...

Yet here is  a mashiginer who gets up to bark and complain that Ganz/Lapid want that men and women tם  mix (I have no idea where) ..... and then say that even the Nazis before they murdered the Jews, separated them by gender .....

I wonder if I just heard that correctly! ...
No he didn't talk about Chillul Shabbos.... nope ...not even about "gius" nope...
Something about men and women mixing>>>>
Crazy stuff! 

What's crazier is .... that the "gedoilim" were listening to this incoherent craziness and saying nothing!!!