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Saturday, December 29, 2018

Kidnapped Lev Tahor Children Have Been Recovered in Mexico

The two Lev Tahor children kidnapped on a Shabbos morning earlier this month in upstate New York,have been successfully recovered in Mexico and are in the custody of child services.
The operation involved FBI, Interpol, the US State Department and Mexican Police.
14-year-old Yante Teller and her 12-year old brother Chaim Teller are in good condition B”H, and are expected to be reunited with their mother in the United States some time next week.
Additionally, an effort is underway to have 5 leaders of the cult – arrested two weeks ago in Mexico – extradited to the United States. Their list of charges has grown since the kidnapping of the children.
Aron Rosner of Williamsburg remains in custody in New York for allegedly orchestrating the kidnapping.
According to an indictment unsealed earlier this week Rosner kidnapped the children from their family in Woodridge, NY, dressed them in clothing with superman logos (to avoid detection of law enforcement) and drove them ON SHABBOS to an airport outside of Scranton, Pennsylvania where they boarded a flight to Mexico.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Satmar Monroe Will No Longer Fundraise Using The Internet .......

The Poster praises the Dushinski Rebbe for no longer raising funds for their mosdois from the internet, and Satmar will follow his lead!

Israel blocked 19,000 people from entering in 2018

Israel turned away visitors at a record pace in 2018.
Of the about 4 million visitors to Israel in 2018, nearly 19,000 were turned away by immigration staff when they reached an entry point over concerns that they would commit criminal or security crimes in the country, the business daily Globes reported, citing statistics from the Population and Immigration Authority.
Some 16,534 people were turned away in 2016, compared to 1,870 who were refused entry in 2011, according to the report.
Staff from the Population and Immigration Authority are stationed at Israel’s airports and other entry points and are empowered to refuse to allow a foreign visitor to enter.

Satmar News Site "VIN" Vos Iz Neias Defames the IDF Quoting the Anti-Semitic B'Tzelem Organization!!

The Satmar guys running VIN, VosIzNeias, wait like hungry rats  to pounce on the 'medinah" even quoting from Nazi organizations like B'Tzelem! 
To bury, so to speak, the State, they will quote from the Chareidie hating JTA.

Copying and pasting from the JTA, they report that over "90% of Israeli Jews trust" the IDF. 

 Headlining the article 

"Are Israeli Media Too Soft On The Country’s Popular Military?"

What utter nonsense.... ...what would they want... ?? 
that the media attack the IDF, the only Jewish army in the entire universe?

They quote from the Jew hating B'Tselem organization funded by Arab murderers:

According to B’Tselem, the army  misled the public about the shooting incident in Tulkarem.
“When the incident was made public, the military responded by claiming that a ‘violent disturbance of the peace had developed’ in the area, that ‘dozens of Palestinians were throwing stones,’” B’Tselem said in a statement. “The video footage and the eyewitness accounts collected by B’Tselem from people who were near Habali show no absolutely no of sign of any ‘disturbance,’ stone-throwing or use of crowd control measures.”

Then VIN, the gypsy Satmar Website quotes anonymously ...
The following week, B’Tselem accused the IDF of “manipulating the truth” in its accounts of the deaths of two Palestinians teens killed in northern Gaza by an Israeli munition. Israel claimed he had been accidentally killed by an explosive used as a “knock on the roof” to inform residents that their building was about to be leveled. In a video posted to YouTube, B’Tselem and the British-based group Forensic Architecture alleged that the IDF intentionally omitted video footage showing that Israel’s highly touted method for warning civilians was not as safe as popularly believed.
“When reports like these come out they tend to cast doubt on the credibility of the IDF spokesman’s office,” said one senior foreign correspondent who asked to remain anonymous.

Vin, continues it's vitriol and hate, 
NGOs like B’Tselem wield significant influence in how the the outside world views the Israeli military, which it sees as as less than honest in admitting its failures.
“When human rights violations are exposed, the IDF spokesperson tends to immediately respond without substantiating claims and with no thorough research,” B’Tselem spokesman Amit Gilutz told JTA. “Thus, time and again it changes its unfounded versions, after being caught sending the media unreliable information. All this is predictable, as the spokesperson operates like a de facto PR agency for the military. What is surprising is how readily the media still publishes the military’s claims with no reservation despite such claims proven wrong, misleading or inaccurate time and time again.”

Of course, I realize that they are just copying and pasting directly from the lefty website JTA, but VIN chooses which articles they want to post ....so when they see something that bashes our children serving so bravely in the IDF ... they pounce!!!

Nazi Nuremberg Laws Are Back In Europe .... Shechitah to Be Outlawed in Belgium as of January 1, 2019

At the beginning of 2019, Shechitah will be outlawed in the Flanders region of Belgium. The region is home to the city of Antwerp and 60 percent of the country’s Jews presenting a huge problem for the Jewish community throughout the region.
The law, which was passed in June 2017, requires that all animals should be stunned prior to their slaughter for humanitarian purposes. This requirement is not allowed according to the Halachos of Shechitah, thus making kosher shechitah illegal.
Since the law was passed, the Jewish community of Belgium, as well as various federations and organizations across the country and Europe, as well as the World Jewish Congress, have fought against the law claiming that it violates EU law, the European Convention on Human Rights and the Belgian Constitution. All three of those bodies of law guarantee the freedom of religion. In this case, that freedom is breached by making Jewish shechitah illegal.
Another region in Belgium known as the Walloon region passed a similar law in the same year. This law will come into effect in August of 2019. It too was challenged in court.
President of the Belgian Federation of Jewish Organizations, Yohan Benizri, said when the law was originally passed that: “Legislators have given Belgian Jews a worrisome political signal, by trumping their right to practice their faith, in violation of the crucial principle of separation of church and state. That’s very sad, but it is also unlawful. It is a violation of European legal norms, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and we are hopeful it will be overturned as such. If this legislation ever comes into force it would be a dark day for freedom in Belgium.”
Particularly hit hard in this new process are Mashgichim and Shochtim who will face a double burden of losing their parnassah as well as having difficulty trying to find meat to give to their families.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

After 2 1/2 Minutes of "Mitzvah Tantz" Michatanim Had Enough and Break It Up!

DIN Invited to witness ceremony of First-Ever Ethiopian Israeli Get His Wings!

So we are finally on the map .... 
We were honored and privileged to be invited to the ceremony of the Israeli Air Force Graduation class of 2018.

We witnessed the first-ever Ethiopian-Israeli  graduating and watched how he received his wings along with the rest of his class at Hatzerim Air Force Base in southern Israel.
The cadet, Lieutenant Y, is the first member of his community to graduate the program; he is slated to begin active duty as a combat navigator.
We heard Bibi Netanyahu addressing the cadets and listening to him give the cadets his brachois, I was thinking that he sounded just like a rebbe .... 

Fake News reports "Migrant Boy Died In U.S. Custody" But he dies after his father refused medical attention!

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials said on Wednesday that the 8-year-old Guatemalan boy who died in U.S. custody this week did so after his alleged father declined additional medical treatment.
The boy, Felipe Gomez Alonzo, was initially taken to the hospital after CBP agents noticed that he was sick and was "diagnosed with the common cold, given prescription medications and discharged," ABC St. Louis reported.
A spokesperson for DHS said on Wednesday that the boy later continued to complain about not feeling well and started vomiting, "but the man claiming to be his father told agents that the boy did not need to return to the hospital and that 'he had been feeling better.'"
The agents later checked on the boy and noticed that his condition had worsened, at which point they decided to take him back to the hospital where he later died.
"Our system has been pushed to a breaking point by those who seek open borders," Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen wrote on Wednesday. "Smugglers, traffickers, and their own parents put these minors at risk by embarking on the dangerous and arduous journey north."

Moshe Moskowitz 34 Married Father of 3 Killed With His Own Gun in Telz-Stone

ברוך דיין האמת
 בקרית יערים טלז-סטון, נפטר אתמול באופן פתאומי ר' משה מושקוביץ ז"ל, והוא בן 34 בפטירתו. 
Yesterday, in the town of Telz-Stone, R' Moshe Moshkowitz died suddenly, He was just 34 years-old.
אמש (שלישי) בשעות אחר הצהריים, נהרג ר' משה מפליטת כדור לפתע בביתו, מאקדח אותו החזיק ברישיון. פטירתו הפתאומית בדמי ימיו הכתה בהלם את תושבי קרית יערים טלז סטון, שהלכו אחר מיטתו בהלוויה. 
It was after 3:00PM in the afternoon, when he was killed with his own licensed gun. Shocked residents of Telze-Stone followed his remains to the funeral! 
המנוח ז"ל נולד ברעננה, להוריו שיחי' בבחרותו למד בישיבת היישוב החדש בתל אביב ולאחר מכן בישיבת "מאורות התורה" בטלז סטון, שם קנה את תורתו מראשי הישיבה ולאחר מכן נישא לרעייתו ובנה את ביתו בקרית יערים טלז סטון. 
בטלז סטון מספרים ל'בחדרי חרדים' כי המנוח היה איש עדין נפש, שתמיד הלך בצידי דרכים וקבע עיתים לתורה בכל רגע פנוי. 
הותיר אחריו את רעייתו שתחי' ושלושה ילדים יתומים שנותרו ללא משענת. 
מסע הלוויה יצא אמש בשעה 22:00 מישיבת 'מאורות התורה', שם ספדו לו ראש הישיבה הגאון רבי נחום רגוזניצקי, שפתח את הספדו בפסוק "משפטיך תהום רבה, אין לנו שום הבנה על מה שקרה וסיפר על טוב ליבו, הוא היה רחוק מהשקר. אם היה מצווה בתורה לשקר אני לא יודע אם הוא היה יכול לקיים את זה. לאחר מכן הספיד בבכי ראש הישיבה הגאון רבי שמואל גריינמן, אשר סיפר על גדלותו של המנוח שהקים בית של תורה ויראה". 
אחיו הרב שאול יהודה מושקוביץ, נשא דברי הספד וסיפר כי לאחרונה כי התקיימה הגרלה בכולל "נחלי דעת" ביישוב למי שתורם ור' משה זכה בגורל על סך 10,000 שקלים זכות קנייה בצרכניית 'ברכת יוסף' בטלז סטון, הוא לא היסס וביקש מהכולל, שיעבירו את זכות הקנייה בו זכה - לאברך נצרך במקומו. 
כל המספידים עמדו על הצורך הגדול לעזור למשפחה החשובה ואף הוקמה קרן על ידי 'קופת העיר'. 
לאחר מכן יצא מסע הלוויה להר המנוחות בירושלים, שם נטמן למנוחת עולמים. 
תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים. 

Peleg Tzaddikm Rip Tichel Off Lady Trying To Stop Them From Blocking Cars!

These are Malkiel Kotler's followers!!! 
Keep sending Hard earned Jewish $$$$ to Lakewood...

Take your kids out of the "freezer" and place them in other Yeshivois...


Harvard Law School Professor Emeritus Alan Dershowitz said in a Wednesday interview on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal that CNN — which he described as an “anti-Trump network,” alongside MSNBC — no longer invites him as a guest following his repeated statements in opposition to Democrat calls for impeaching President Donald Trump.

Dershowitz said:

More and more I’m getting called on only by people who misunderstand and think I’m pro-Trump. I’m not pro-Trump, but it’s been harder for me to get on anti-Trump networks – not that I’m craving to be on television all the time. I have a good life, but it has had an impact on which channels seek my services more often, and that’s changed. I used to be, for example, on CNN more often than on Fox. I was a regular — not paid — but just a person who was on all the time debating with [Jeffrey Toobin]; debating with others.
I haven’t been on CNN, now, since the summer, and Fox calls me all the time. I’d love to be available to people who watch all channels and I try to write op-eds widely for different newspapers and different media.
If I had written a case against impeaching Hillary Clinton — if Hillary Clinton had been president — they’d have built a statue to me on Martha’s Vineyard, but instead, my friends on Martha’s Vineyard need trigger warnings. They don’t want to be seen in the same room as me, because my book has been The Case Against Impeaching Donald Trump. There are many reasons I wish Hillary Clinton had been elected president, one of which is, I would’ve kept many more friends if I had written the book The Case Against Impeaching Hillary Clinton, but I want to emphasize, it would’ve been essentially the same book.

Moshiach Seen Outside The Old City Wall

Chassidishe Wedding Canceled Because Chasan Has Measles

A Chasidic wedding scheduled for tonight has been called off at the last minute because the groom is infected with the measles.
One of the musicians who was hired to play at the wedding  confirmed that the New York City Department of Health put the kibosh on the wedding which was to have taken place at the Vayoel Moshe hall in Williamsburg.
The DOH declined to comment on the matter, citing a policy of not sharing information on specific patients.
 The groom is from Antwerp and showed signs of having measles when he landed in New York,  the bride is a Williamsburg resident.  
The wedding was scheduled to take place in the Vayoel Moshe Hall on Bedford Avenue in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.

Rabbi Yisroel Pinto, Owner of Orot Hotel in Uman Dies at 34

Swine flu has struck the small Israeli Jewish community of Uman, in Ukraine, and taken the life of 34-year-old Rabbi Yisrael Pinto, z’l, according to a report posted on the Hebrew-language Actualic news website.

Rabbi Pinto served as a spiritual leader in Uman’s Breslov community, and was the owner and manager of the Orot Hotel. The rabbi was transferred to Odessa for medical care when his condition began to deteriorate, and when it was obvious that he required better care he was transferred to Israel’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center in Jerusalem – but he did not survive.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

IDF Jets Strike Hezbollah Leaders & Arms Depot Near Damascus....Airstrike targeted Hezbollah leaders

Israeli warplanes flying over Lebanon fired missiles toward areas near the Syrian capital of Damascus late Tuesday, reportedly striking several leaders of the Hezbollah terror group, hitting an arms depot and wounding three soldiers, Syrian state media reported.
Sanaa News Agency reported that the air defense systems in Syria were activated and shot down some Israeli missiles.
The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a war monitor, said Israeli airstrikes targeted three positions south of Damascus that are arms depots for Lebanon’s  Hezbollah terror group and Iranian forces.
In an apparent Hezbollah retaliation, the IDF spokesperson said that the Israeli air defense systems shot down an anti-aircraft missile fired into Israeli airspace and that no damage or injuries were reported.

NYPD Officer Fights Off Group of Homeless Men Inside Manhattan Subway Station, CHARGES DROPPED!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Monday, December 24, 2018

Women's March leader claims she was kicked out of group for being Jewish as rift becomes so deep that TWO rival protests are to take place on the SAME day next month in New York

A former leader of the Women's March has claimed that she was kicked out of the group because she is Jewish.
Vanessa Wruble, from Brooklyn, left and formed her own group called March On, which is set to hold a protest on the same day as Women's March next month on January 19.
Wruble claims that she confided in the Women's March group that it was her Jewish heritage that inspired her to try to help repair the world.
She alleged that she was told by fellow leaders Tamika Mallory, a black gun control activist, and Carmen Perez, a Latina criminal justice reform activist, that Jews needed to confront their own role in racism before they kicked her out.
The activist told the New York Times that one of the group insisted that centering a Jewish woman at the heart of the campaign may deter other groups such as Black Lives Matter from supporting the movement.     
Wruble's new progressive group states a strong message against anti-Semitism while the Women's March will focus their protest on women of colour this year. 

"Let them eat cake." Baker creates extraordinarily lifelike cakes

 Baker Sebastian Davies creates extraordinarily lifelike cakes
Sefarim You can eat.... 
אם אין קמח אין תורה

A Cakeburger ... ?

Cakes he has created include a Christmas turkey, a bottle of red wine, a pair of boots and even designer bags. 

The self-taught baker has discovered a nascent talent for creating spectacular illusion cakes: 
from edible sculptures of beloved pets and replicas of classic cars, to mouthwatering models of first edition tomes, designer handbags and vintage crates of wine, his creations know no boundaries. 

"If you say that again,I'll eat my Shoes!

Itshak Holtz Frum Artist Passes Away At 93

Itshak Holtz, a realist artist whose iconic paintings of Jewish scenes adorn thousands of homes, as well as art galleries and museums, passed away Friday, December 21, 2018. He was 93. 

Born in Skiernewice, Poland in 1925, Holtz had a passion for art from the age of five. After studying in art academies in Jerusalem and New York, Holtz embarked on an artistic career that would span more than a half-century. 

During his lifetime, he was called the greatest living Jewish artist, with his paintings commanding six-figure sums, by far the costliest and most sought-after of any Jewish artist. 

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Why Are The Satmar Kestenbaums Hounding Blogger "Lost Messiah?"

Joel Kestenbaum
Louis Kestenbaum

There is a blogger out there called Lost Messiah that is being hounded like a dog by a bunch of rich Satmar Chassidim......

She is Julie Globus,  recently unmasked and outed by the Satmar Kestenbaums that own a company called the Fortis Property Group. 

For two and a half years, the Rockland County resident -- a  wife, mother and attorney -- wrote an anonymous blog under the name Lostmessiah and started investigating the company the Kestenbaums own, The Fortis Property Group, and must have hit the jackpot,  she must have touched a raw nerve.

The Satmar Kestenbaums engaged a major law firm to bring a defamation and libel suit against her, to seek to shut her up. This law suit demanded that their very own documents used to justify their lawsuit be sealed by the court from public view.????

Is there something sinister going on with the Kestenbaums that they are so frightened of Julie Globus??

Why are they insisting that the documents they filed to sue Globus, be sealed????

What are the Kestenbaums hiding???? 

Why are the Kestenbaums threatening anyone that dare ask questions??? 

Why do they insist on hounding Mrs. Globus???

Julie Globus has set up  a GoFundMe page to cover her attorney costs to get the Kestenbaum documents unsealed, if you can find it in your heart to help her out financially, it would be appreciated...
You can donate "anonymously."

ARCHAEOLOGISTS CONFIRM: Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by fire and brimstone falling from the sky

A group of archeologists and other scientists say they have discovered strong evidence that the region of the “Middle Ghor,” where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are believed to have existed, were in fact destroyed by a meteor that exploded in the sky above, raining down superheated matter and raising temperatures to thousands of degrees, a theory that matches the account of the cities’ destruction contained in the Book of Genesis.

According to the theory, the meteor exploded at low altitude with the force of a ten megaton atomic bomb at an altitude of about one kilometer over the northeast corner of the Dead Sea, and obliterated all of civilization in the 25-kilometer-wide circular plain that constitutes the “Middle Ghor.”

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's Daughter Suing Rabbi For Calling Her "Reform."

A law suit in Israel seeks to have the term "Reform" officially recognized as a defamatory insult.

In the libel suit brought by Adina Bar Shalom — a daughter of the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef – against Rabbi David Benizri, a prominent supporter of the Shas movement whom she said defamed her, the adjective “Reform” is listed among the slights.

The dispute began just after a woman, Dr. Aliza Bloch, was elected mayor of the Jerusalem suburb of Beit Shemesh, which has a significant Charedi population.

Bar Shalom spoke in favor of women’s rights during the campaign, sparking the rabbi’s fury, according to an article published Dec. 16 in the news site Srugim.
Naming the late Yosef, Benizri wrote in a letter to followers:

 “I pity his Reform daughter, the accursed wicked woman, who came here and spoke in the name of the Rabbinate and for the so-called Women’s Council of Beit Shemesh. Bitter will be her day of judgment, bitter will be her day of reproach.”

Benizri, brother of a former Shas lawmaker, quickly realized he had crossed a line in what he wrote about Bar Shalom, whose father was a seminal leader of Shas, and apologized in an op-ed published in the Keren Or local news site.

“I had a complicated few days, including insomnia,” he wrote in a rare apology for a rabbi of his stature. “I never should have said what I did and I feel bad about it. So I want to convey here an apology and I hope she accepts it.”

But Bar Shalom said she has no intention of burying the hatchet, telling Ynet she is preparing a libel suit for $80,000 against Benizri.

“I am not Reform and his intention was to defame me and my family. I will not let it go,” she said. 

“People like him harm the Charedi public terribly and he should learn his lashing out has its price.”

Poisoned Kugel Served At A Kiddush in Beitar Illit!

Mispallalim at the Darchei Torah Shul on HaHozeh M'Lublin Street in Betar Illit detected a chemical flavor in the kugel served at the end of Shabbat morning services, the Kikar Shabbat website reported.

According to the report, some worshipers began to vomit. Shul officials came to the kitchen to examine the scene and discovered a can of K300 insect spray on the kitchen floor.
Shul officials suspect that boys entered the shul's kitchen late on Friday night and sprayed the kugel with poisons they found in the shul's warehouse as a prank.

Shul officials are considering filing a police complaint.

The Israel Poison Information Center of the Health Ministry is the National Poison Center of Israel. They provide expert advice on poisonings to the general public via a telephone hotline that operates 24/7. 

They also answer questions on drugs, their effects, and allergic reactions. The Poison Hotline's number is 04-854-1900.

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Chullin 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, & 25

You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

"דף י''ט.."רובו ככולו     
Page 19  Mesectas Chullin  
"If You Did Most of a Task, It's As If You Completed It" 

One of the Halachois that is discussed the most in Mesactas Chullin, is the concept of "רובו ככולו" .    

This principle was established by the rabbis, because in some instances, if one does most of a particular  mitzvah, he is exempt from completing it ... and he gets the credit as if he did the entire mitzvah.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Is Trump pulling all US forces out of Syria "Good For The Jews??"

How are we to understand a move that seems to advance the interests of all of the US’s worst enemies at the expense of its closest allies?

US forces were first deployed to Syria in 2014 as part of an international anti-Islamic-State coalition. At the time, then president Barack Obama was engaged in negotiations with the Iranian regime toward the nuclear deal.

Obama’s embrace of Iran was part of an overall strategic realignment of the US away from its traditional Sunni Arab allies and Israel toward Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood. As Obama’s deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes told an audience of pro-Obama activists at the time, Obama viewed his embrace of Iran through nuclear talks as the central policy of his second term.

Since Sunni ISIS was perceived as hostile to Shi’ite Iran, by fighting ISIS, Obama was achieving two goals: He was helping Iran by getting rid of a powerful adversary in Iraq and Syria, and he was selling the idea to the American public that Iran was their ally in a common war against ISIS.

US forces in Syria were given a very narrow mandate. They were prohibited from taking any action against Iran or Iranian-backed forces.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

100 Year Old Still Drives & Works ......

Toronto Group Say Kaddish for Palestinian Terrorists!

May they continue saying Kaddish for Terrorists until all of the Terrorists gets killed!
ifNotNow is a relatively new Jewish organization that opposes the policies of the Israeli government, voices pro-Palestinian positions, and criticizes the Jewish establishment in North America for its “silence” over Israel’s “crimes” against the Palestinian people.


Veronica Brooks Teaches Us A Lesson In Life!

Muslims Decapitate Two Girl Tourists in Morocco But Media Covers It Up and Call it "Stabbings"

Two female tourists from Scandinavia have been found dead in Morocco, local police announced today.
The bodies of the women, from Norway and Denmark were found near the town of Imlil in the High Atlas mountains with knife wounds to their necks. A Muslim man has been arrested on suspicion of murder, the Moroccan Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation.
Victims Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, of Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28, from Norway were discovered stabbed in the neck Monday by other tourists.
The killings have shocked Morocco, a popular tourist destination where such attacks on foreigners are extremely rare.
The Rabat public prosecutor's office said in a statement Wednesday that the only captured suspect has affiliations to a terrorist group, without naming the group.

Footage of the horrifying attack shared on social media shows a blond woman screaming while a man cuts her neck with what appears to be a sharp kitchen knife.
“This is for Syria, here are the heads of your gods,” a man can be heard saying in French in the video
Moroccan media outlets say there is footage showing three suspects putting up a tent near the victims’ camp and leaving the area after the murders. 
Earlier reports said the killings were sexually motivated.

Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss Engaged!