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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Naive Hillary Clinton:"America should 'empathize' and 'show respect' to its enemies"

Hillary Clinton has come under fire after saying that America should 'empathize'' with its enemies.

Speaking at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. to promote female leadership, the former U.S. Secretary of State also said the country should show 'respect' to those fighting against it.

Using an approach she dubs 'smart power' - which women are apparently uniquely positioned to deploy - she urged Americans to use 'every possible tool and partner' to advance peace. 

This approach means 'showing respect, even for one's enemies; trying to understand and, insofar as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view,' she said. 

The front-runner Democratic nominee's speech, specifically focusing on female leadership in foreign conflicts and relations, was held in the university's famed Gaston Hall on Wednesday.

Within minutes of the 67-year-old's appearance being broadcast, she was being criticized by social media users across America for her 'ridiculous' attitude toward the country's enemies.

Many people condemned her comments in the context of the U.S.'s recent airstrikes against the Islamic State (ISIS), which has taken over swathes of Iraq and Syria, Fox News reported. 

Addressing Clinton directly, one Twitter user wrote: 'You have NO understanding of ISIS or ANY of America's enemies. Empathizing with killers only ensures your demise.'

Another user, named Sally LeMaster, told the politician: 'You know what, If you're so gung-ho to "empathize with America's enemies," go turn yourself over to them & see what happens.'

And Dr Sha Clark described her views simply as 'baloney'.

Away from social media, former Marine Lieutenant Colonel, Oliver North, now a Fox News host, described Clinton's comments as 'naive' and 'irrational'.
'I can’t think of a presidential candidate who would have said those kinds of things,' he said. 

'If you’re going to run for president of the United States, you cannot talk that way about the people who intend to kill us. Who are dying to kill us... This is capitulation.'

Karl Rove, ex-George W. Bush adviser, added that Clinton's remarks were the 'wrong language'. 

During the speech, Clinton also told listeners: 'Women are not just victims of conflict. They are agents of peace and agents of change.'
And she claimed 'smart power' would help to 'define problems' and 'determine solutions'.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Clinton's speech at Georgetown University was met with tepid enthusiasm from students, with just half of seats in the reception hall appearing to be filled.

Pictures and video discovered by the Daily Caller showed empty clusters throughout the 750-seat auditorium in which she spoke as part of the security conference.

This is at least the second time in recent weeks that Clinton has been unable to pack a room during an appearance as she decides whether she wants to carry her political party's torch in 2016.

In late October,the politician served as the headliner at a rally for Maryland Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, who was campaigning to become the Bay State's chief executive at the time.
After the event at the University of Maryland's College Park campus was over, Brown's staff claimed that more than a 1,000 supporters came out to see Clinton.

However, it was later evident that there were far fewer attendees, as most of the nose-bleed seats on one side of the gymnasium were empty, as were areas of the bleachers on the side.  

Friday, December 5, 2014

Obama Considering Sanctions on Israel but Wants Congress to Remove Sanctions on Iran

The Obama administration is refusing to discuss reports that emerged early Thursday claiming that the White House is considering imposing sanctions on Israel for continuing construction on Jewish homes in Jerusalem.
State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf dodged several questions on Thursday when confronted with reports that the administration had held secret internal meetings to discuss taking action against Israel for its ongoing building in East Jerusalem.
The classified meetings were reportedly held several weeks ago and included officials from both the State Department and White House, according to the Israeli daily Ha’aretz, which first reported on the meetings.
The possibility of sanctioning Israel for its ongoing construction sends a signal that the Obama administration is willing to go further in its denunciations of Israel then any previous White House.
At the same time, the White House is vigorously pushing Congress against passing new sanctions on Iran.
When asked to address the reports Thursday afternoon, Harf declined to take a stance.
“I’m obviously not going to comment one way or another on reported internal deliberations,” she said. “We’ve made clear our position on settlement activity publicly and that hasn’t changed.”
When pressed to address whether the White House has reached a point at which it believes its harsh rhetoric against Israel is not enough, Harf again demurred, stating that she would not “address hypotheticals.”
A White House National Security Council (NSC) official also would not comment on the report when contacted Thursday by the Washington Free Beacon.
News of the supposed meeting leaked to the press though Israeli officials who were apparently apprised of the discussion.
Senior Israeli officials told Haaretz “that White House officials held a classified discussion a few weeks ago about the possibility of taking active measures against the settlements,” according to the report.
The discussion about levying sanctions on Israel reportedly began after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s October meeting at the White House and the subsequent battle between Washington and Jerusalem over settlement construction.
The thought of the White House leveling sanctions on Israel as it works to lessen those already imposed on Iran prompted consternation on Capitol Hill and throughout the pro-Israel world.
One senior congressional aide who works on the issue of Israel expressed shock that a White House could even discuss such action.
“If these reports are true, this would mark a new era of unprecedented hostility from the White House against our strongest ally in the Middle East,” the source said. “It’s impossible not to notice the irony of the administration mulling sanctions on Israel while threatening to veto new sanctions against Iran.”
The aide added: “The president should be forewarned that taking such action against Israel would yield tremendous pushback from Congress.”
Those in the pro-Israel world expressed a similar view when reached for comment.
“Even this administration, which has been historically hostile to our Israeli allies, even as they worked overtime to bomb the enemies of Iranian proxies across the Middle East, could not possibly be so aggressively committed to undermining our alliances as to levy sanctions against Israel at the same time they’re lifting them on Iran,” said one senior official with a pro-Israel organization who agreed to speak only on background.
Others took a more critical view.
“The Obama administration is against sanctions on Iran, but for them on Israel,” said Noah Pollak, executive director of the pro-Israel organization Emergency Committee for Israel. “Is [White House deputy national security adviser] Ben Rhodes wearing a green headband to work these days?”

The Rami Levy Store Attack: Choose, or We Will

Paula R. Stern
Paula R. Stern is the Founder and Documentation Manager of WritePoint, a technical writing company.
by Paula Stern

Life teaches us many things, if we are willing to learn them.
Today, my 14 year old daughter once again learned fear. She was on her way back from a school trip when a terrorist attacked the Rami Levy supermarket branch in Mishor Adumim,  the industrial area just to the east of our home. 

As her bus passed it, she heard sirens and someone with an Internet connection announced that there had been a terror attack. In those confusing first minutes, it was reported that two people had been shot. She called me right away, afraid that I had decided to do our weekly shopping this afternoon.

In the last Intifada, I gave my children strict instructions - if something blows up in Israel, I don't care where or when, you call me Immediately. Now, they call me not to tell me they are fine, but to see where I am.
"Where are you?" she asked. Thirty minutes later, my 18-year-old son did the same.
For the first I answered, "at home." For the second, I simply said, "not at Rami Levy."

When my daughter got home, she looked at me and said, "it's getting closer." Her "it" consists of so many things - evil, terror, violence.

"First it was Jerusalem, now Mishor Adumim. Next it will be Maale Adumim." Such sadness in a child, such resignation.
I found myself wanting to reassure her and so I responded with inanities, such as "Mishor Adumim has hundreds of Arabs working there"  - where Arabs don't work, they can't stab and shoot innocent people. But of course, hundreds of Arabs come into my town of Maale Adumim daily to work as well.

Then I said, "and there's no light rail here. They just jump on the train in Shuafat and go wherever they want." But even without a light rail, they can kill in Jerusalem and in Maale Adumim, Tel Aviv, Netanya, Ofra, Kfar Sava, Eilat - it really doesn't matter where.

I shop at Rami Levy every week, sometimes on Wednesdays, usually on Thursdays, sometimes on Fridays. I made a decision long ago. I can never afford to give the kind of charity that Rami Levy, whose generosity is legendary and whose prices are aimed at the poor, can afford to give. I can never do the amazing things he has done by having Jews and Arabs work together. So I do what I can - which is shop there and show my support that way.

Most of the bag packers in the Mishor Adumim store are Arabs, and they work beside one who is Jewish and wears a kippah. Most of the stockers are Arab. One of the managers is an Arab and he works beside a Jewish assistant manager.
I know some of the workers by name, others simply by face. One lived in America for a few years and speaks English very well. "Hey there," he says each time he sees me and then asks how I'm doing. I know the guys behind the meat counter, behind the cheese counter, in the vegetable aisles. I know the Arab assistant manager and some of the Arab cashiers.

I think I can tell the difference between those Arabs that tolerate us so that they can have work and those who care about having good lives and being decent. There is one Arab worker there who looks so sad after each attack that I wonder if he too feels angry or just senses the angry vibrations that fill the store in the hours and days that follow terror.

Over the 20+ years that I have lived here, I have met many Arabs who just want to live in peace, just want to give their children the best chances in life - good education, good medical care. They just want to live. "With this one," I'll often say, "with this one we could have peace." But we don't hear them.

I once had an Arab contractor bring an Arab worker into my home. The worker was wearing a t-shirt with a map of Israel on the front and blood dripping from a wound (in a Jewish star) around where Jerusalem would be, and somewhere in the mess of the shirt was the Palestinian flag. I asked the contractor to go outside so I could "show him something" and then I told him to get that worker out of my house immediately and if he brought him back, he and the rest of the workers could pack their bags as well.

With that one, we can't make peace, I thought as I watched him leave my home. I called security and reported him as well. If someone says he is going to kill you, Elie Wiesel once said, believe him. The message on that worker's shirt was that Jewish blood would flow.

Jewish blood flowed today in a store where I shop every week. I thought about going there today and decided I'd go tomorrow. My daughter thought of going there today, but didn't. Two Jews did go today, and they are in the hospital now.

Rami Levy has done special things to offer equality in employment, so this attack had a message. It targeted a place and a man who is at the forefront of attempting to mend the problems between ordinary Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs. There isn't a single time I shop there that I don't interact with the Arabs there.

In these hours after the attack, there are two lessons we can come away with. Which one rises to the top will depend more on the Arabs than on us.

The first message that we could take is the one we've been trying to believe all along, but now we wonder why we ever thought it was the right one. We thought it was the extremists, not the main. We thought there might be, somewhere buried deep below, a path to peace, a way to live together.

The second message is to surrender to the opposite approach. Maybe the lesson of today's attack is that there is a fundamental flaw in the Rami Levy way of thinking. 

If you are bent on attacking us, our homes, our stores, our buses and trains, we surrender. Perhaps it is time to build the very apartheid state you accuse us of having. You know it is a lie - and yet you continue to tell the world that Israel is a segregationist society. You shop where we do, work where we do. You travel on the same buses and trains, go to the same hospitals. 

In the last month or so, one learned Rabbi was gunned down and critically injured, three others were axed or shot to death. An infant was murdered, two Druze policemen killed for attempting to stop terror attacks in progress. A young woman who came across the world to align her life and beliefs with Israel was murdered, another beautiful young woman was run over and then stabbed on the same day that a young soldier was killed in Tel Aviv. Thousands of rock attacks, buses have been shot at and firebombed.

Perhaps the time has come to explain to the Arabs that we will walk away with one of these lessons, not both. 

The first would encourage us to give them a bit more time while they readjust a society that has incorrectly glorified violence, death and martyrdom. 

The second option would be to embrace the very society they accuse us of having; to become the very society they are forcing us to be.

We can separate ourselves to protect our children, fire all the workers, restrict all the shoppers.

We can say:
 Go build your own roads, your own hospitals. Shop in your stores, not ours and be healed by your doctors, not ours. Run your own buses and get off our trains.

We have the power to make all the lies you tell the world come true, to be your worst nightmare. Because we want to live, we want our children to live. 

Time is running short.
Choose the lesson you want us to take from today's attack. Choose, or we will.

60 Chareidim Enlist into Air Force

Amid great tensions over hareidi enlistment, about 60 hareidi soldiers joined the ranks of the IAF Tuesday as part of the Shahar Kahol project, writes the IAF Website.

The new recruits will be integrated into a variety of professions and rolesin the IAF, including programmers in the IAF's Ofek computer unit, software inspectors, network administrators and information securityprofessionals, certified electricians, mechanical engineering equipment operators and technicians.

After about three weeks' basic training at the Uvda base, they will begin courses at the College of Management Academic Studies, after which they will receive professional certificates.

“All of the training for hareidi soldiers is carried out separately, in gender-segregated battalions in which the soldiers receive all they need for living their religious way of life," explained the IAF's Captain Moshe Prigan.

By the end of 2014, about 400 young hareidi men will have joined the IAF in the Shahar Kahol project, which is meant to benefit both the IAF and the hareidi sector. 

Two new positions have recently been opened up to Shahar Kahol enlistees: the first is that of application developer, in cooperation with Microsoft, and the second is that of intelligence investigator.

Daniel Gozlan, 24, who is married with a 5-month-old baby girl, was among those who enlisted Tuesday, and is to serve as a certified electrician after undergoing training.

“I am glad that the military enables people like me to enlist and study a proper profession, and serve while maintaining our lifestyle,” he told theIAF Website.

The issue of hareidi enlistment has seen great tensions over the past year amid an Enlistment Law forcing the hareidi draft which has been strongly opposed. 

More recently the question of enlistment has been cast in further doubt given the Knesset debate on the "religionization" of the IDF, which former IDF Chief Rabbi Brig.-Gen. (res.) Rabbi Avichai Ronski condemned as being anti-Semitic.

Amateur Photographer Releases New Photos Of Har Nof Attack

Police forces arrive on scene shooting dead the 2 terrorist. Officer Saif is seen on the right. See Terrorist coming out of Shul (Photo: Zohar Ross)
See Officer Saif on right!

See two dead terrorists

New images taken by an amateur photographer of the deadly attack at Har Nof’s Bnei Torah synagogue have been published.
Ynet News (http://bit.ly/15QZzzb ) reports that Zohar Ross who lives next door to the building next to the synagogue, was woken up by his son Nov. 18, and said he heard gun shots and saw people running outside.
“I ran to the balcony, and the first thing I saw was Shmuel Goldstein running out and shouting ‘there’s a massacre inside.’ I told my wife to call the police and grabbed my camera,” said Ross.
Traffic policeman Itzik Weizmann arrived on the scene, along with traffic cop Zidan Sif. Both drew their guns and Weizmann was about to go into the synagogue when he heard a shot. He shot at the terrorists inside, but missed. The terrorists – cousins Ghassan and Uday Abu-Jamal – then moved toward the exit.
“I have eye contact,” Zidan Sif called out.
The first attacker exited the synagogue holding a knife and ran toward Sif. Police opened fire on the first attacker, and the second was close behind. He exited the synagogue yelling “Allahu Akbar” and carrying a knife and gun.
“I was so focused on documenting this inferno,” Ross said, “I did not even realize what horror was unfolding in front of me. But I felt I had to photograph the terrorists, in case they managed to escape.”
Shots were fired and Sif and the second terrorist were dead.
The attack also claimed the lives of Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, Rabbi Kalman Levine, Rabbi Moshe Twersky and Kupinsky Aryeh inside the synagogue.
Information taken from Ynet News

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Frum Parties Make a Kiddush Hashem by Making Threats Against Yishai Warning Him Not to Start a Party

B"H, we have peace in Eretz Yisroel. How do I know!
I know, because when the Religious parties in Israel start fighting with each other, that's a sign that everything else is ok...

They would get a lot more seats in the Knesset if they were united, and that would bring more $$$$$
to the kollilim! 

But, the Satan got involved, and wants to make sure that there is no unity amongst the frum parties, so that the Kollel guys shouldn't, G-D Forbid, live up to their promise in the Ketubah to support their wives!

So what does the "Sitra Achra" do to pull this off? 

First he make sure that they should rip each others heads off, ....just like in the Dor Haflagah.

Second, knowing that the frum guys will never join the army, he divides them anyway,he makes sure that some of the frum voters should back Rav Shteinman, who holds that the Yeshiva Bochrim sign up for the army, but not go,
and some of them should hold like Rav Shmuel Auerbach who holds that they shouldn't even sign up!

To make sure that all this goes smoothly without a hitch, he throws a wrench in, and gets Yishai to start his own party.
Then he puts a cherry on top, by getting another frum guy to threaten Yishai, that he will stab him.... 
The Satan knows that the Bochrim in Yeshiva have alot of time on their hands and will go in fire for their Rosh Yeshivos and even if it means hurting your opposition, just like they learned in their musser sedorim.

Meanwhile, the Sitra Achra is happy that at this time he doesn't need to deal with the Satmar hooligans, because they don't vote. 
They only vote for Gay and pro abortion candidates that stand for everything the Torah forbids!

A real Kiddush Hashem....can't wait till all this plays out!

Amid rumors that he is likely to announce his break from Shas to launch his own independent party, former Shas leader MK Eli Yishai received death threats. The latest threat warns him that if he announces his own party “I will stab you”. The threat was made over the phone.
Knesset security officials about two weeks ago assigned a bodyguard to Yishai fearing his outspoken right-wing views may have resulted in threats against him.

Policeman Going To Daven Attacked in Meah Shearim

NO! NO! NO! Not by Arabs! 
By Frum Jews! 
In Meah Shearim!
Guys, keep giving those monsters business by shopping in their stores..
and don't forget to vote for all the frum parties!

A Policeman in uniform that was heading to a minyan in Meah Shearim was attacked. The policeman had to call for assistance to extricate himself from the attack.
It would appear the presence of a person in an Israel Police uniform is sufficient reason for some to go on the offensive. In this case it was an officer simply looking to daven.
Israel Police officials told the media they view the attack against a uniformed policeman as very serious and they will do everything possible to apprehend the suspects responsible for the unprovoked assault.

Rebbes fighting to get largest Onion brings tears to the eyes

World's Largest Onion
"Eiyer mit Tzvibal" just made history! 

This onion was found weighing 18lb and smashes the world record. Some say that's a "gilgul" of a deceased Tomato.

 DIN just learned  but it's not confirmed that the two Satmar Rebbes are trying to get a hold of it, so they can feed their flock  "eiyer mit Tzvibel" l'ekoved Shabbos!

The little "Rebbelich" with only a 25- 100 Chassidim are not interested into getting into this "crying" bawl, since they can do just fine with 3 eggs and a small onion..... and some will even add "gehakta leberlach"

But the bigger the chassidisus, the bigger the eggs, and the bigger eggs require a huge onion!

DIN contacted various Litvishe Geonim, and they declined to comment, some didn't even know that it's a mitzva to eat "eiyar mit Tzvibel" on Shabbos ...those that did speak to our reporters said that eating "Tzsunt" (Cholent) provides enough gas!

Video Footage Of Jerusalem Supermarket Stabbing Released

New video footage of the stabbing attack that occurred in a Jerusalem supermarket on Wednesday has emerged.
The video shows the terrorist stabbing two shoppers, then fleeing the scene as men follow him toward the door.
News outlets previously reported  that a 16-year-old Palestinian entered the supermarket in Mishor Adumim, east of Jerusalem, and stabbed two Israeli shoppers. The shoppers, in their 50s, were moderately wounded and taken to a hospital in Jerusalem.
An off-duty security guard shot the attacker in the legs and police later arrested him.
Security arrested two other Palestinians suspected of assisting the attacker, and also arrested a relative in al-Azariya.
The security guard who took down the attacker received a congratulatory call from the prime minister, and said, “I did my duty. I thank those who kept a cool head and helped neutralize the terrorist.”

The store reopened two hours after the attack.

Chicago Beis Din Allows Accreditation on Meisels Seminaries

The four Jerusalem-based, post-high school girls seminaries (Pninim, Chedvas, Binas, and Keser Chaya) once controlled by disgraced sex abuser Rabbi (sic) Elimelech Meisels are finally having their accreditation restored, allowing for US financial aid and transferable college credit. This ends a half-year impasse that started with a July 10th ruling by the Chicago Special Beis Din for sex abuse (aka CBD) ruling that the Meisels seminaries were not safe for students because of Meisels misconduct. That Beis Din consisted of Rabbis Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Shmuel Feurst and Zev Cohen. In a later ruling they also accused other staff of enabling or covering up abuse. On that basis they convinced Touro College and Hebrew Theological College to deny them accreditation. This in turn prevented students from getting US government aid and college credits.
In contrast, the Israeli Beis Din (IBD) of Rabbis Mendel Shafran, Chaim Malinowitz and Tzvi Gartner claimed that with Meisels departure there were no problems and that additional safeguards had been installed.
The Chicago Beis Din insisted they could not clear the seminaries until accused staff agreed to be interrogated. They also reported, that contrary to IBD claims, Meisels retained control.
The impasse was resolved through a joint Beis Din whose members included the dayanim of both battei din and a seventh member, R. Eliyahu Brudny (Rosh Yeshiva of Mirer Yeshiva in Brooklyn). They met in the Manhattan building of Agudath Israel of America on Thursday, November 6th from about 3 p.m. till past midnight and had subsequent interactions culminating in their Dec 1 ruling.
The Beis Din made heavy use of video- and tele-conferencing.
Rabbi Meir Kahane, Principal Chedvas Bais Yaakov
Rabbi Meir Kahane, Principal Chedvas Bais Yaakov
Two of the rabbis (Schwartz and Gartner) participated from Chicago and Israel. Witnesses of abuse and enabling participated either in person or by phone. In an incredible breach of judicial procedure, the accused were all in the same room able to hear and echo each others claims. Meisel’s guilt was taken as a given and he was not part of the session. They also did not allow any rabbinic pleaders (toanim). This prevented Mrs. Hindy Ullman from using her father, famous toen, Shmuel Fried. While both of the original battei dinhad rules allowing witnesses without the presence of the accused (as is now established halacha for sex abuse cases) they forced the witnesses to give testimony in front of the accused staff, who interrupted, screamed and heaped abuse in a desperate attempt to intimidate the witnesses. Some the dayanim conducted a number of other interviews with the staff.
Hindy Ullman
Mrs. Hindy Ullman
A number of the dayanim were convinced that the scandal at these seminaries involved some of the worst staff enabling of abuse they had ever encountered, both in ignoring the obvious signs and in rebuffing reports. Seminary principals Rabbi Meir Kahane and Mrs Hindy Ullman are being demoted but this will not be stated officially. Formal control of the organization which was previously in the hands of Elimelech Meisels and Mr Yaakov Yarmush will fully pass to a new party. Mr Yarmush is now convinced of the severity of Meisels misconduct and wishes no part of an arrangement that still involves Meisels. Supposedly, the terms for transferring control are settled but the legalities are not completed. New protocols are being installed at the initiative of the Beis Din. A new training was conducted at Peninim by Mrs. Debbie Gross of the Israeli organization, Tahel. Rabbi Moshe Krupka of Touro College was also in Israel to meet with all the seminaries they accredit to advise them on new standards and requirements for avoiding abuse and dealing with it. I also expect to see a shift in seminaries away from male staff and administrators (as advocated by Rabbi Zucker at the recent convention of Agudath Israel of America).
So, now at the end of this process, the seminaries are allowed to live on though they are likely to decline in size. Insiders say five new seminaries are recruiting for the 2015 year both because of growth in this market and the expectation that the seminaries that Meisels used to control will never be as large as they used to be. It does not matter that they have now been proclaimed kosher. The stench of scandalous misdeeds hangs over them. Kosher is not good enough and many parents are not willing to believe they are mehadrin.
I am disappointed that some truly outrageous staff misconduct did not lead to anyone being fired. However, no one should mistake this joint ruling for an innocent verdict on staff. Daniel Eidensohn’s Daas Torah blog leaked the last page of the ruling restoring the accreditation and assuming new controls will make the seminaries safe. He used the misleading headline: “It is official!: Chicago Beis Din and Israeli Beis Din agree 4 seminaries are o.k.
He makes it sound as if there was never a problem. However, he only posted the final page of a longer statement which condemns misconduct in the seminaries by Meisels and other staff. I have heard some of the content and will post it when I get a copy within the next day or two.
The Beis Din is relying on new training. I think the previous conduct of staff suggests they are too indifferent or too stupid to recognize ugly realities being played out in front of them. I for one don’t think these staff should be trusted. Stupidity and indifference cannot be cured by retraining.
It is good that there is a new consciousness about the need to train staff and confront abuse. It is especially good that seminaries realize such scandals can cost them accreditation. But once again the frum world has shown that protecting institutions is more important than protecting victims and punishing culprits. We all know about the problem of financial institutions that can be reckless with our money because they are “too big to fail.” The Haredi world suffers from institutions “too frum to be shut down.”
The biggest problem with this resolution is that many staff of the seminaries are still claiming that the allegations against Meisels are either false or grossly exaggerated. Unfortunately, the Beis Din, has done nothing to correct that falsehood. They have not let the public know that they heard clear evidence that Meisels sexually assaulted girls.
meisels beit din of 7 lifts ban dec 1 Hebmeisels beit din of 7 lifts ban dec 1 Eng

However, no one should mistake this joint ruling for an innocent verdict on staff. Daniel Eidensohn’s Daas Torah blog leaked the last page of the ruling restoring the accreditation and assuming new controls will make the seminaries safe. He used the misleading headline: “It is official!: Chicago Beis Din and Israeli Beis Din agree 4 seminaries are o.k.

He makes it sound as if there was never a problem. However, he only posted the final page of a longer statement which condemns misconduct in the seminaries by Meisels and other staff. I have heard some of the content and will post it when I get a copy within the next day or two.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Three Prior Arrests For Driver In Fatal Boro Park Crash

Bilal Ghuman driver

The minivan driver that killed a Boro Park girl and sent her pregnant mother to the hospital last night had an open, active warrant and was driving the vehicle without permission of the owner.
22 year old Bilal Ghumman, who lives at 2008 West 22nd Street in Brooklyn, was making a left turn onto 60th Street at the corner of 18th Avenue when he struck 33 year old Chaya Sara Friedman and her 10 year old daughter Blima in the intersection.  
Ghumman, who has an outstanding warrant for possession of marijuana dating back to October, also had two prior arrests, for fare evasion at a subway station and for occupying more than one seat on a train, a violation of a local MTA laws.
Police said that both victims were lying in the roadway when they arrived on scene, with the mother pinned under the rear passenger-side tire.  Mrs. Friedman, who suffered internal injuries, was taken to Lutheran Hospital where she delivered a full term baby by Caesarean section.  Blima Friedman was pronounced dead on arrival at Maimonides Hospital, as previously reported on VIN News.
Ghumman, who was driving a grey 2015 Honda Odyssey, remained on scene. Police said that neither drugs nor alcohol were a factor in the crash and that the ongoing investigation will indicate whether or not Ghumman was speeding at the time of the accident.  Ghumman has been charged with unauthorized use of a vehicle and violation of local law because of the open warrant and police said that they expect the charges to be upgraded in light of Blima Friedman’s death.
Eyewitnesses said that Hatzolah extricated Mrs. Friedman from under the minivan and that several Hatzolah members were attending to Blima Friedman who was lying face down on a sewer grating, bleeding profusely from her face.
“There was a lady on the floor and a child on the street,” said a second eyewitness. “She was holding her stomach.  The guy came out of the car, he was pacing, asked her if she was okay. He didn’t want to get too close because he was mad nervous.”
The eyewitness said that the driver appeared to be driving at excessive speed at the time of impact, given last night’s rainy weather.
Last night’s accident marks the second time that the Friedman family, who lives on 58th Street, just two blocks away from the scene of the accident, has found themselves in the media spotlight.  
A Chanukah fire, which began after an oil menorah tipped over five years ago took place at the Friedman family home. Tzivia Friedman, who was three years old at the time, was rescued by firefighters and hospitalized after suffering serious burns to her hands and feet.

Chaya Sara Friedman And Daughter Blima Struck By Vehicle On 18 Ave And 60 St...Child Killed....Mother gives birth..

A mother and child were struck and pinned under a vehicle Tuesday night, with the child R”L dead after arriving at the hospital. The accident happened just before 9:00PM at the intersection of 18th Avenue and 60th Street. Boro Park and Flatbush Hatzolah were on the scene in moments, and along with the FDNY and NYPD were able to extricate the victims.
The child, reportedly a 10-year-old girl, was rushed to Maimonides Hospital in traumatic arrest. Doctors tried to save her life, but she was R”L Niftar a short while later from her massive injuries.
The mother, who is 9 months pregnant, was taken to Lutheran Trauma Center. She is in serious but stable condition.
The NYPD was on the scene investigating the cause of the accident. The streets were wet at the time of the accident.
No name for Tehillim was available for the mother at this time.
The name of the child has not been released.