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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Egyptian army destroyed 1,639 Gaza tunnels

Egyptian Army personnel supervise the destruction of tunnels between Egypt and the Gaza Strip at the border, near the town of Rafah, northern Sinai, Egypt,  (photo credit: AP/AP Television)

Eggypt’s army said Sunday it has destroyed 13 more tunnels connecting the Sinai Peninsula to the Gaza Strip, taking to 1,639 the overall number it has laid waste to

Cairo has poured troops into the peninsula to counter a rising insurgency since the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi last year, and its security operation involves the destruction of these tunnels.

The Palestinian terror group Hamas, which rules Gaza, reportedly uses the tunnels to smuggle arms, food and money into the blockaded coastal enclave.
Israel has been waging a military offensive in Gaza since July 8 to halt rocket fire, and it launched a ground operation on July 17 aimed at destroying the network of tunnels that infiltrate into Israel.
Ties between Hamas and Cairo have deteriorated since the Egyptian army deposed Morsi on July 3, 2013. Hamas is an affiliate of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood.
Cairo also accuses of Hamas of being involved in militant attacks inside Egypt, which have multiplied since Morsi was toppled.
Militant groups say their attacks are in retaliation for a police crackdown on Morsi’s supporters which has seen more than 1,400 people killed in street clashes.

Palestinians angry at Kerry

Palestinian officials criticized Kerry for failing to invite representatives of Egypt and the Palestinian Authority to last weekend’s meeting in Paris to discuss a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian officials in Ramallah on Sunday launched scathing attacks on US Secretary of State John Kerry and accused him of working to “appease” Qatar and Turkey at the expense of Egypt and the Palestinian Authority.

The officials also criticized Kerry for failing to invite representatives of Egypt and the Palestinian Authority to last weekend’s meeting in Paris to discuss a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip.

Protesting against the participation of Qatar and Turkey in the Paris parley, senior Palestinian officials warned against attempts to “bypass the PLO as the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.”

Walid Assaf, a former PA minister, pointed out that “this was the first meeting to discuss a Palestinian issue without Palestinian participation.”

Qatar has become the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, Assaf said with a tone of sarcasm. “This was the conference of the friends of Israel.”

PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction said in a statement: “Those who want Qatar or Turkey to represent them should leave and go live there.” The statement is directed against Hamas.

The London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper quoted an unnamed Palestinian official as saying that Kerry was trying to sabotage the Egyptian cease-fire proposal by offering his own plan.

The official said that Kerry’s intention was to “appease” Qatar and Turkey.

The official also accused Kerry of working to “exploit the war in order to restore the influence of Muslim Brotherhood in the region.”

According to the Palestinian official, the Americans “wrongly believe that moderate political Islam, represented by Muslim Brotherhood, would be able to combat radical Islam.”

The official said that Abbas was furious with attempts to “tamper with Palestinian blood and make it hostage to regional rivalries.”

Zahira Kamal, secretary-general of the Democratic Union, one of various organizations belonging to the PLO, said that the Paris conference had “non-national goals” because of the absence of Palestinians and Egyptians.

“The PLO is the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinians,” Kamal said. “The PLO is the only decision-maker that reflects the will and interests of the Palestinians.”

Another PLO figure, Ahmed Majdalani of the Front for Popular Struggle, said that the Paris meeting reminded him of meetings sponsored by the US and its allies under the title “Friends of Syria.”

Majdalani said that these meetings have only served to prolong the war and destroy Syria.

Fatah spokesman Ahmed Assaf was quoted by the PLO’s official news agency Wafa as saying that the Paris gathering was primarily directed against Egypt.

Assaf attacked Kerry’s effort to give Qatar and Turkey a role in solving the current crisis while sidelining Egypt. He also denounced Kerry’s failure to invite Palestinian representatives to the meeting.

Kayed al-Ghul, a senior representative of the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, said that what happened at the Paris conference was “very dangerous and threatens the future of the Palestinian cause, especially following the reconciliation agreement [between Hamas and Fatah].”

Referring to the participation of Qatar and Turkey, al-Ghul said that the Palestinians did not authorize anyone to speak on their behalf at the Paris conference.

Why is John Kerry Trying to Save Hamas?

By Dovid Efune
Hamas is in bad shape.
The terror group’s overseas benefactors are diminishing and rival groups within Gaza are seizing Jihadi market share. The new regime in Egypt is supremely unfriendly and after weeks of relentless targeting, the IDF now has Hamas with its back against the ropes.

All this leaves just about every Israeli wondering why exactly US Secretary of State John Kerry is frantically seeking an “immediate ceasefire” in Israel’s Operation Protective Edge.

The surgery is in full swing and after some 2000 strikes the tumor is half removed. To pull out now would be a ludicrous misjudgement.
Even Israel’s peacenik poster-girl Tzipi Livni was having none of it. “There is no real option for a cease-fire now. This operation is unavoidable,” she asserted on Tuesday morning.

Amazingly, since Hamas rejected last week’s Egyptian ceasefire proposal - which was immediately accepted by Israel - Kerry has been diligently working to secure more favorable terms for the Islamists.
“US officials said they were also looking to see if they could encourage changes in Egypt’s proposal to secure the backing of Hamas, which believes Israel has reneged on previous agreements,” the AFP reported on Tuesday.

Additionally, a bizarrely timed FAA travel ban on Tuesday left Israeli officials fuming, with some speculating that the move was intended to cajole Israel into accepting new, less than favorable, ceasefire terms.

As baffling as this all may be, Kerry was good enough to provide some candid insights into his diplomatic calculus in a rare ‘hot mic’ moment preceding a Sunday interview on Fox News.
“It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation, it’s a hell of a pinpoint operation,” Kerry, sounding frustrated, is heard telling an aide.
The aide responds: “It’s escalating significantly and it just underscores the need for a ceasefire,” to which Kerry replies, “We’ve got to get over there. I think we ought to go tonight.”

Obama era foreign policy has an innate aversion to escalations.
It has been withdrawing troops and downsizing the military from its inception. It has downplayed the threat of Al Qaeda, dismissed the terror attack in Benghazi, walked back from its red line in Syria and allowed more flexibility for Putin’s indiscretions.

It is an aggressive ’shove it under the rug’ policy that downplays real threats allowing them to fester, regroup and re-emerge, and it is about as short sighted as a naked mole rat.

But Israel has already seen the inherent risks that come with leaving a job unfinished following its last two Gaza wars, and the public is in no mood to leave Hamas alive to kill another day. Egypt’s al-Sisi has had a similar experience with the Muslim Brotherhood.

But here is the good news. Nobody listens to America nowadays anyway.
The author is the Editor-in-Chief of The Algemeiner and director of the GJCF and can be e-mailed at defune@gjcf.com.
This article was originally published by The Jewish Chronicle.

Satmar says that G-D Sent Message to Car Accident Victim Brenda!

Brenda making fun of Satmar
So if G-D sent a message to Brenda, 
what message did G-D send to Satmar when Menachem Stark was murdered?

From New York Post

God must not have “liked” what she was posting.
Ex-Satmar  Brenda Turtle has been getting a rise out of the Orthodox community for nearly two years by posting racy photos of herself on Facebook and Twitter.

So when Turtle, 23, whose real name is Brenda Rosenberg, was injured in a car accident on the Belle Harbor side of the Marine Parkway Bridge last week, some in the Satmar community said it was divine intervention.
“This is a message from heaven for her to stop making perverse acts,” the Hebrew-language news site Kikar Hashabat quoted one unnamed “learned scholar” as saying.
“We believe there was the hand of God,” reads World of the Orthodox blog. “No wonder she was punished.”
“Are you finally going to listen to that [voice from heaven] and get back on the good side of Hashem?” asked Twitter user @YankyChiller, using the Hebrew word for God.

Some of Turtle’s photos show the saucy Satmar stunner draped in nothing but a tallit, a Jewish prayer shawl. Others show her bare leg wrapped in tefillin, the leather straps and boxes used by devout Jews to keep the literal word of God.

Other images show the tattooed Brooklyn bombshell with a lit cigarette dangling from her fingers, sipping on a brew while wearing nothing but a ­bikini — a no-no in the ­Orthodox world, where women are expected to dress with utmost modesty.
“I don’t need permission, make my own decisions, that’s my prerogative!” a posting on Turtle’s Twitter account @Willitzideikis declared on July 11.

Among the dizzying array of Turtle’s scantily garbed selfies are gender-bending snaps of her dressed as a man in a traditional fur hat. There are also dance videos, including one of her appearing to twerk — a far cry from the traditional hora circle dance.
“I don’t do anything illegal or crazy. It’s just that I was [observant] and now I’m not, so whatever I do . . . is considered bad. singing on a video is legal . . . posting bikini pictures is legal. Kissing a guy is legal. Smoking a cigarette is legal,” reads an Oct. 14 Facebook post. “Sex is normal to discuss, doesn’t mean I f–k ­every guy on planet . . . chill out people and let live.”

The brassy Brooklynite has built a legion of fans, whose numbers on Facebook have swelled to nearly 5,000 and on Twitter to nearly 1,500.
“She’s become like a ­celebrity,” said one source in the Orthodox community. “No rabbi has a fan base of daily followers like her!”

But her critics believe she is causing thousands of ­Orthodox Jews to sin by lusting over her photos.
“They say God acted as the bible says, ‘measure for measure’ — that’s why her car accident is a good thing, they are celebrating,” ­explained the source.

He said he’s disgusted by the “hypocrisy” of her critics, who use “fake names” to view her posts on Facebook — which is forbidden by the ultra-Orthodox, who shun aspects of modern life.
Turtle is recovering from her injuries, which are not life-threatening, police sourc­es said. She did not respond to questions.
“She believes in God and is a good person,” said a friend.
“She likes to entertain people, this is her passion. Sometimes she overdoes it.”

Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, ordered Charedim not to attend the Home Front Command's war education sessions held specifically for Charedim in Charedi neighborhoods of Jerusalem.

As the IDF battles Hamas terrorists in Gaza, the ultra-Orthodox battle against drafting yeshiva students is continuing in full force. The Frum world is becoming crazier and crazier!
R' shmuel Auerbach 

R' Auerbach's Charedi Hapeles newspaper is leading the struggle and has called on residents not to turn up for the Home Front Command's guidance sessions in the Jerusalem's Charedi neighborhoods, claiming that the IDF is trying to show the Charedim that some of them do serve in the army and thereby reduce the opposition to the IDF draft law

The Home Front command has been sending haredi soldiers, who have been called "Chardakim" (a derogatory term meaning frivolous Charedim) on the ultra-Orthodox street, to instruct the haredi population on how to defend itself against rockets fired from Gaza. But the leaders of the struggle against the draft law are asking residents not to cooperate with them.

The unusual call was issued when Charedi soldiers began showing up at local schools and synagogues to instruct the residents. They have even been offering separate guidance sessions for men and women for modesty reasons.

In the call, published by Charedi daily Hapeles, the public was urged not to cooperate with the Home Front Command soldiers, as the instructions have already been published in the Charedi press and there is no need for further guidance by the soldiers.

Prominent Lithuanian Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach was quoted as saying that he feared young haredi men would be tempted to join the IDF.

According to the leaders of the battle, the IDF is trying to show the young members of the sector that there are haredim who serve in the army and make them enlist too.

"They won't bring a secular soldier, because the entire purpose of the gathering is to show that things are not so bad and that there are haredim who have become soldiers and now have the honor of lecturing in front of yeshiva students," the newspaper claimed.

Meanwhile, the Maayanei Hayeshua Medical Center in the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak has been subject to internal criticism in the haredi society after yeshiva students began volunteering to help the medical staff.

Rabbi Auerbach's students complained that the young men's emergency activity would cause them to neglect their yeshiva studies. Hospital officials said in response that they had consulted rabbis who ruled that the yeshiva students could be asked to volunteer as a life-saving mitzvah. 

Israeli Officials 'Horrified' at Kerry Ceasefire Proposal, 'Complete Cave-In' to Hamas

The ferocity of Friday’s unanimous rejection by the Israeli government of Secretary of State John Kerry’s cease was kept quiet to prevent a formal rupture of relations between the two erstwhile allies, reports Israel’s Channel 2 Television.

The popular and widely-watched Saturday evening newscast quotes several unnamed high officials in the Israeli government who claimed that Kerry’s cease fire proposal represented a “complete cave-in” to Hamas’s demands for an end to fighting in its war against Israel.

The official, and others cited in The Times of Israel, claimed that Israel was “stunned” and “absolutely horrified” that Kerry’s ceasefire proposal, which contained no demand that Hamas dismantle or destroy its terror tunnel network. It demanded that both Israel and Egypt open their border crossings with Gaza, from where all the devastating weapons of war were initially imported. Furthermore, the Kerry plan did not simply call for Hamas to be allowed to build a seaport on its Mediterranean coast; but that Israel and Egypt should help pay for it.

Fearing an open breach in US-Israel relations, Channel 2 reported that Israel’s outraged ministers decided to leak the terms of the Kerry proposal rather than formally respond to them. Israeli officials were enraged not just about the totally unexpected terms contained in the Kerry proposal but deeply offended by what they thought were the underhanded tactics he used to push it.

Kerry flew to Paris and held talks Saturday without representatives of Israel, the Palestinian Authority or Egypt. The talks instead occurred with Qatar and Turkey, which Israel’s Communications Minister Gilad Erdan said showed “we’re a long way from a political solution.”

It wasn’t just Israel that found itself outraged that Kerry was working secretly with Turkey, a country whose president twice this week called Israel a “terrorist state” whose crimes are worse than Hitler’s and Qatar, the only Arab state that openly allies itself with the genocidal terrorist group dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the murder of all Jews in it.

Egypt too, according to these Israeli sources, was opposed to Kerry’s position.

Kerry claimed Friday that his ceasefire proposal was not pro-Hamas, but was in fact constructed on top of the Egyptian proposal he submitted last Tuesday. Israel hotly disputes this. They claim Kerry’s latest missive breaks entirely from the Egyptian proposal, which called for an immediate ceasefire after which negotiations would commence, whereas Kerry’s document accepts Hamas’s demands for concessions prior to accepting a cease fire.

Israel’s multi-party security cabinet was so taken aback by the pro-Hamas scope of the Kerry proposal, they initially refused to believe they were real. “It must be a misunderstanding,” the source told Channel 2. Israel’s security cabinet was in fact meeting at this writing late Saturday night in Jerusalem.

Meanwhile, inside Israel, pressure is building not to cease operations, but to complete them. Israel’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman told Israel radio that the IDF needed to be given more time to insure it could prevent Hamas from waging a “fourth war” against Israel. 

Friday, July 25, 2014


Terrorists planned a major slaughter of Jews on Rosh Hashanah R”L. Siyata Dishmaya choreographing the chain of events has prevented this from occurring.

Thousands of Hamas-linked terrorists planned to invade Israel on the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah), which begins on September 24, according to an Israel security source.

First reported by Ma'ariv, then in English by i24news, “thousands of terrorists were meant to cross over to Israel from Gaza through the tunnels and kill and kidnap as many Israelis as they could. The source added that the army learned about the huge planned attack during the interrogations of Hamas prisoners, captured during Operation Protective Edge in Gaza.”

Reports state that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informed his cabinet about the foiled plot during a Thursday cabinet meeting. The leader of the Jewish State reportedly expressed to officials that if this attack was not stopped, the number of Israeli fatalities may have been higher than the over 2,200 deaths Israel suffered during 1973 Yom Kippur War.

During Israel’s recent incursion into Gaza, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have set their sights on destroying Hamas’ sophisticated tunnel system. In the past, the U.S.-designated terror group has successfully infiltrated the Jewish State, resulting in the killing and kidnapping of Israeli soldiers. 

The last occurrence was on July 19 when two IDF soldiers lost their lives and the assailants were able to escape back to Gaza through a tunnel. Gen. James T. Conway, USMC (ret.) recently returned from Israel, where he was joined by a dozen retired U.S. generals and admirals, sponsored by Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA). While there, the group toured a tunnel from Gaza recently discovered near an Israeli kindergarten.

“Unlike tunnels that I had seen during the Iraq war that were designed for smuggling, this Hamas tunnel was designed for launching murder and kidnapping raids. The 3-mile-long tunnel was reinforced with concrete, lined with telephone wires, and included cabins unnecessary for infiltration operations but useful for holding hostages,” the retired General wrote in the Wall Street Journal.

Israel has reportedly destroyed over 30 tunnels during “Operation Protective Edge.” The Jewish State contends that Hamas, which governs Gaza, devotes resources to building tunnels to commit acts of terrorism, instead of building homes, parks, schools and hospitals.

An article published by the Gatestone Institute quotes an Israeli spokesman’s observation that “there are two Gazas, one above ground and one below ground: an underground terrorist city.”


The Los Angeles Times leads Thursday with a story entitled: "Gaza's dilemma: Deadly war or suffocating Israeli embargo." 

According to the story, Palestinians in Gaza are left with no choice but to wage war, because if they do not fire rockets at Israeli civilians, they must accept an Israeli [sic] "embargo." The article omits the obvious point that if Hamas would stop trying to kill Israelis, neither the embargo nor the war itself would be necessary.

The authors, Alexandra Zavis and Batsheva Sobelman, both Jews, accept that Hamas started the war--and even suggest that most Palestinians in Gaza support it, though there is nothing beyond anecdotal evidence to prove that claim. They also describe Hamas's smuggling tunnels to Egypt--which have been used to import deadly weapons--in positive terms, lamenting their supposed closure: "Residents are left to struggle just to get by."
Nowhere--not once--in the entire article do Zavis or Sobelman note the terror tunnels that Hamas has spent the past several years building to attack Israel, diverting humanitarian aid and building materials for that purpose. Nowhere do they mention the fact that Hamas is using Palestinians as human shields, or that Israel has offered many ceasefires, or that the rockets fired from Gaza are intended to kill as many Israeli civilians as possible.
The article presents "war" or "embargo" as a false choice for Palestinians, utterly ignoring the fact that Gazans could choose peace instead of either of those options. The Jewish authors faithfully report the skepticism of Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal towards a ceasefire, as if he is a reliable source and his reservations are justified. 
In sum, the article is nothing short of pro-terror propaganda, in other words, presented to readers as front-page news.
Image: Newseum

Letter to Ami Editor

I am printing this so that the typical Jew should know, that I am not making this up. 
Frum Jews are writing  hate and misinformation at this critical time, and these letters are being printed in English Magazines that the typical frum housewife buys....
This is the garbage that you have in your house.
This was printed in the Satmar Propaganda Magazine, Ami.
Ami is probably afraid to print anti-Zionist editorials, so they embed their anti-Zionist obsessions in the guise of  a "Letter to the Editor"....
Now, the clown Yitz the Frank, can say, "it's a letter to the editor, its not an editorial."
My response below,  maybe "the derby" will also comment to answer this lying letter.
Double Click on Image to read
To M.E. London
Look around your city, is that what you want in Israel? You want Israel to be ruled by ISIS?
You write:
"Well, even avoiding the debate whether the actual idea of a state in Israel is in accordance with "religious Judaism" something that most gedolim and tzaddikim in the last generations(including the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Elchanan Wasserman, and more) believed it is not.'
Those Gedolim lived before the State was established. What are you talking about?
Rav Wasserman was murdered by the Nazis in 1941, and his son Rav Simcha actually established a Yeshiva in the Zionist State  Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon in Jerusalem
The Chofetz Chaim was niftar in 1933, 14 years before the State was established. The Chofetz Chaim actually wanted very much to make Aliyah to the then Palestine, he never spoke either for or against the State.
You write:
"the State of Israel has in no way any sort of link to religious Judaism"
This would be news to  Rav Shach who started his own party, Degel Hatorah, and news to Rav Ovadia Yosef who founded Shas, and the Aguda and Mizrachi who have seats in the Knesset.

How about all the Torah being learned presently in the State of Israel? Is that nothing? 
Its the Zionist government that are the largest supporters of Torah to this very day?
Ask the Roshei Yeshivas who received milllions and millions of shekels every single year....

You write:
" A huge percent of the millions of chilonim currently living in Israel, living a life without Torah and mitzvos, had grandparents or great-grandparents who were Yidden with mesiras nefesh on the tiniest halacha in shulchan Aruch.."

How about the millions of chilonim living in England and the USA, who had "had grandparents or great-grandparents who were Yidden with mesiras nefesh on the tiniest halacha in shulchan Aruch.."?

More coming soon, got to eat supper first!

Letter to the Editor of Satmar Newspaper, Der Blatt

This week's Letters to the editor of the Satmar Yiddish Newspaper, Der Blatt, features the following letter. 

Keep in mind that this letter was written, while Jewish boys are fighting the enemies of the Jewish people in Gaza!

I will translate the letter loosely :

What to ask (from G-d, I guess) in these days

In Honor of "Der Blatt"
Of course it goes without saying that we should all share in the pain of our Jewish brothers, who reside in the Holy Land, and to pray to G-D that no Jew should, G-D forbid, be harmed either with their soul, body or property.
But we should also remember to pray to G-D that the Zionist state should be destroyed.
To prove my point, The Mishkolzer Rav, the author of the sefer Yageil Yaakov, Z"L, said that the acronym of Tammuz is
Umalchus Zadon Mehirah Taeiker (the evil government should be eradicated soon)
A worthwhile prayer during these days and in this month.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Israel doesn't need the IDF because the Frum are praying to protect it, says Shas Rabbi

How come Moshe Rabeinu, Yehoshua, Shaul Hamelech, Dovid Hamelech, Shlomo Hamelech, the Chashmonim  and even Rebbe Akiva all required armies?
But this old man says, we don't need the IDF!
Why are people following this fanatic? Why don't they drive him to an old age home and serve him some herbal tea?

The foremost religious arbiter in the ultra-Orthodox Sephardic Shas movement raised eyebrows on Wednesday when during a special prayer held at Jerusalem’s Western Wall for IDF soldiers, he remarked that “Israel doesn’t need an army.”

The comments by Rabbi Shalom Cohen, the man who succeeded the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef as spiritual leader of Shas, drew rebukes from secular Israelis as IDF soldiers continue to operate in the Gaza Strip on the 17th day of Operation Protective Edge.

“Do you think that the people of Israel need an army?” Cohen asked during his sermon. “It is God almighty who fights for Israel.”

When stunned worshipers asked the rabbi to offer a blessing for IDF troops, he replied, “Do you think you are fighting? I am fighting for you. We screamed out to God: ‘Save us without inflicting anymore sorrow on the people of Israel’.”

The head of Hiddush, an organization that champions religious freedom and equality, lambasted the rabbi for the comments.

“If the country doesn’t need an army, then there’s no doubt that the yeshivas and Torah students don’t need budgets from the treasury,” Uri Regev, the director-general of Hiddush, said. “From now on, they can put their faith in the Lord when it comes to asking for money to fund their education systems. We will help the ultra-Orthodox in saying earnest prayers for money to start growing on trees.”

“At the end of the day, most of us believe that we do need an army, but we are quite uncertain as to whether we need Shas,” Regev said

R' Kahane's letter to Chedvas Seminary telling them to "Shut Up" about Meisels

Loshon Hara Rabbi Kahane

This letter is so wrong on many levels:
1) He tells his naive students  that "loshon hara without toeles is assur."
No "toeles?" Why don't you send your daughter to have coffee with him at 4:00AM?
2) "assur?" How about "mitzva l'farseim?"
3) "assur?" Is feeling up your students muttar? 

He further writes " even l'toeles the halacha is that it’s asur to believe it."
Excuse meeeeeeeeeee! "asur to believe it" ? 
So if you are prohibited from believing the students, then those students are a bunch of liars?
How come students from 3 different Seminaries  are telling similar stories, and some of them don't know each other?
This Kahane guy must resign, no other way!

Parents, have pity on your children, they will be tainted forever going to this seminary with Kahane over there!
From: Meir Kahane <MKahane@aish.com>
Date: July 17, 2014 at 7:03:09 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
From: Meir Kahane <MKahane@aish.com>
Date: July 17, 2014 at 7:03:09 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Dear Chedvas Graduates amus'h,
I am inspired to write you a letter. It was just recently that I was reminiscing about your year. When the three kdoshim were missing, I recalled our mission a few years ago to save Gilad Shalit. I recalled the the dedication with which you worked and the determination. I recalled that you were brave enough to fight a yetzer hara that so many fell prey to. When most girls were wearing skirts above their knees you made a kinnus to teach the world that it’s assur. While the kdoshim were missing, I kept asking myself, where is my army? We saved Gilad, we can save them as well. I have no doubt my army was doing their part. This time, Hashem said no.
But the death of three kdoshim led to war. When things started getting worse the nagging thought kept coming back. Is my army doing its job? While the rest of the world is relying on the IDF, I personally was relying on a different army- you, my Chedvas graduates.
The thought crossed my mind more than once over the past couple of weeks "can we do another kinnus?" Can we do one now to save us from the war? But scattered all over the world, it seemed quite impractical.
Hakadosh Baruch Hu has his ways. And he sent us a nisayon of colossal proportions. It’s as if Hakadosh Baruch is telling us that Klal Yisroel needs major zchuyos, gigantic zchuyos. You be the ones to do it.
All of us know that loshon hara without toeles is assur. At this stage of the very unfortunate situation our school finds itself in, there is no toeles in discussing the situation and its details. And even l'toeles the halacha is that it’s asur to believe it. My Chedvas students. Much of the world is talking about it and much of the world believes it. Do you hear Hashem speaking to us? Hashem is saying Chedvas you be the ones to stay quiet. Hashem is giving us another chance for a kinnus. He’s telling us that he listened to us last time, and wants to listen again. But this time the kinnus will not be on a stage, with signs all over Yerushalayim and a video. It will personal, and quiet, and extremely hard. My students, if we stay strong we can and will change the world.
I never thought we'd have a chance to do this again. Hashem believes in us, so let’s believe in ourselves. Let’s make chizuk projects to be michazek each other, let’s make buddy systems to see if we're staying in check. I'm ready for volunteers to come up with a mehalach. I have a sinking feeling we’re going to bring Mashiach.
Sources tell us that before Mashiach there will be a big nisayon that will be very hard to pass. Those who do will merit Mashiach. Those who don't...
I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas on how to initiate this program. I'm happy to make it worldwide.
With tefilos that Hashem should bring everyone back to His Torah, I remain,
Rabbi Kahane

Meisels defenders now claiming "Loshon Harah" to talk against the pervert

DIN met with the parents of  3 girls that attended the seminaries, this week, and all said  that Meisels was inappropriate. They are very upset about the letter that Rabbi Meir Kahane wrote to parents, and the separate letter he sent to students saying in effect that it is "Loshon Harah" to talk about this menuval! 
R' Meir Kahane defender of the pervert!

Here is a letter from Rabbi Yair Hoffman:

The Seminary Scandal and Halacha

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman
By now, many people are aware of the very unfortunate scandal in some of the religious seminaries for women in Israel.
The seminaries involved included Pninim, Binas Bais Yaakov, Chedvas Bais Yaakov and Kesser Chaya. There seems to be e-mail evidence, phone text evidence, and testimony from young ladies that gravely inappropriate things have been happening over several years by Rabbi M., who has run these four seminaries. It also seems that when victims did come forward to staff members within the seminaries, no steps were taken to rectify the situation. An independent investigation conducted by this author with multiple sources has shown that there is serious substance to what has been alleged.

Some of the students did consult with their Rabbis at home as to what had transpired. One such Rabbi stated that the threshold of “Raglayim l’Davar” delineated by Rav Elyashiv zatzal in his January, 2004 ruling to Rav Feivel Cohen, has certainly been passed in this case. Ultimately, the issue was investigated by the Chicago Beis Din.

After its interviews and investigations, the Chicago Beis Din made up of Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst, Rabbi Zev Cohen and Rabbi Gedalya Schwartz, issued its ruling on July 10th. On July 12th , they sent a letter to the various high schools that send their students to seminaries in Israel and recommended that the students not attend those seminaries. This was in light of the fact that the Beis Din deemed that the environment posed risk.

The matter, however, did not end there.

The case was then taken up with Rav Mendel Shafran’s Beis Din in Bnei Brak, Israel. Initially, the Beis Din was misidentified as an official Torah UMesorah Beis Din. This is not accurate, however, as Torah uMesorah has no jurisdiction or affiliation with post high school seminaries in Israel. Regardless, this distinguished Beis Din did ensure that the offending party was no longer involved in the education of the seminaries, and declared that the seminary environments were now safe.

The Chicago Beis Din still had some serious reservations about how the matter was being handled.
Generally speaking, when an untoward situation exists, it is necessary to completely “clean house” and ensure that there is absolutely no control or influence of an offending party over students or staff. This would include even being in charge of the building facilities, educational programming, and financial responsibility. It is also necessary to make sure that any new owner not be tied to the offending party in any manner or form. These criterion were not met to the degree that the Chicago Beis felt necessary.

Regardless, a call placed by this author to Rabbi Fuerst in Chicago revealed that as of Thursday, July 17th ,the Chicago Beis-Din stands fully by its statement of July,12, 2014.

The Rabbonim of the Beis Din have spent more than three months conducting intensive investigations both here in the United States as well as in Eretz Yisroel. In fact, it held multiple hearings in four different locations. The Rabbonim also interviewed multiple complainants, and numerous other witnesses. They both consulted with mental health professionals and reviewed many documents. These documents included e-mails and text messages. They also heard testimony, including admissions of critical facts, by the defendant.

The Chicago Beis Din is certainly aware of the letters written by the Beis Din in Eretz Yisroel, stating that these schools are currently safe environments for our children. They believe, however, that under the current conditions, the environment is not yet fully safe.

I have further been assured that if and when the conditions do change, the Chicago Beis Din will inform the public.

The initial letter of the Special Chicago Beis Din has prompted the Hebrew Theological College to suspend its affiliation with these seminaries. This is crucial because FAFSA funding is dependent upon recognition by an American institution that is accredited by an agency affiliated with the Department of Education. Other institutions may soon follow suit.

A guidance counselor associated with a New York based Bais Yaakov estimated that these seminaries can stand to lose up to 40% of their funding if the Chicago Beis Din’s requirements are not met, and can possibly even close. “Many of the other girls who have attended these seminaries have grown remarkably there because of the wonderful staff, and it would be a shame if they lost any girls, or if they were to close on account of this terrible development,” remarked the guidance counselor

In the past, we as a Torah community have not been very good at effectively preventing such abuse within our ranks.
There is no question that there are halachic authorities that sanction the past methods of minimal and quiet intervention where we handle all such matters internally. However, experience has shown that this either doesn’t work anymore, or never even worked in the first place.

There are numerous Mitzvos involved in taking decisive action to ensure that future victims are protected. The verse in Parshas Ki Taytzai (Dvarim 22:2) discusses the Mitzvah of Hashavas Aveida – returning an object with the words, “Vahashaivoso lo – and you shall return it to him.” The Gemorah in Sanhedrin (73a) includes within its understanding of these words the obligation of returning “his own life to him as well.” For example, if thieves are threatening to pounce upon him, there is an obligation of “Vahashaivoso lo.” The psychological repercussions that victims develop often causes them to, r”l, ideate suicide and also to abandon Judaism. This can be confirmed with experts in the field.

Lo Saamod Al Dam Rayacha
There is a negative Mitzvah of not standing idly by your brother’s blood as well. This is mentioned both in Shulchan Aruch (CM 426:1) and in the Rambam.

Lo Suchal l’hisalaym
There is yet another negative commandment associated with the positive commandment of Hashavas Aveida, and that is the verse in Dvarim (22:3), “You cannot shut your eyes to it.” This verse comes directly after the Mitzvah of Hashavas Aveidah. The Netziv (HeEmek Sheailah) refers to this Mitzvah as well. We as a community cannot shut our eyes to this type of activity anymore.

V’Chai Achicha Imach
The Sheiltos (Sheilta #37), based upon the Gemorah in Bava Metziah 62a, understands these words to indicate an obligation to save others with you. The Netziv in his He’Emek She’ailah understands it as a full-fledged obligation according to all opinions. He writes that he must exert every effort to save his friend’s life – until it becomes Pikuach Nefesh for himself. Thus, even when faced with intense pressure, it is our communal obligation to stop this type of activity within our midst.

V’Ahavta l’Rayacha Kamocha
The Ramban, Toras haAdam Shaar HaSakana (p42-43) understands the verse of “And love thy neighbor as yourself” as a directive to save him from danger as well. Although he discusses the issue of medical danger, it is clear that this is an example, and it would apply to danger from activities of molestation as well. Even without the Ramban, however, it is clear that defending and protecting someone from danger is a fulfillment of this Mitzvah.
Our Ineffectiveness
The repercussions of our ineffectiveness have led to four very unfortunate situations. It has led to untold suffering on the part of the victims themselves and on the part of other students who have attended these seminaries and now are at a loss because their spiritual guide has fallen. It has also led to a situation where the public has lost much of their trust in their teachers and Rabbis. And finally, it has led to untold suffering and embarrassment for the families of the perpetrators themselves.

The efforts of the Chicago Beis Din, however, with the haskama of leading Gedolim, represent a sea-change in how we are dealing with these types of scandals internally. The Beis Din has handled the situation with a strength and sensitivity that, unfortunately, in the past has been rarely seen.
The growth we have witnessed in how these matters are handled involves a greater sensitivity to the needs of the victims in terms of both closure as well as counseling and a firm commitment to ensure that the situation not repeat itself again. This can only happen if we adopt the idea that “Sunshine is the best disinfectant.”
Which approach is most ideal when dealing with such a horrific topic? Do we follow the lead of the Chicago Beis Din where we need to completely “clean house?” Perhaps the field of Kashrus may be instructive here. In kashrus, when an owner is caught selling tarfus, changing the management is not adequate. Recent events have born that out. Shouldn’t our children be treated with at least as much dignity as our meat?

The author can be reached at yairhoffman2@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Bloomberg defies Obama's crippling sanctions on Israel and flies to Israel!

Majority of Americans Back Israel in Gaza War

57% of Americans Back Israel in Gaza War

Similar Figure Supported Jewish State in Previous Conflict

A majority of Americans back Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip, according to a poll.

The CNN poll conducted from Friday to Sunday – just as Israel was launching its ground operation in the conflict, which started July 8 – found that 57 percent of Americans see Israel’s actions as justified, with 12 percent among those respondents saying Israel is not using enough force.

CNN noted that the same percentage, 57 percent, believed Israel was justified in its use of force during the previous conflict with Hamas in Gaza in 2012, and 63 percent thought it was justified during the 2008-2009 Cast Lead conflict.

 Democrats and people under 35 were split down the middle on Israel’s actions, divisions that were apparently made up for by stronger support among Republicans and older people as compared to previous polls.
The telephone poll of 1,012 Americans had a margin of error of three percentage points.

Tens of thousands attend funeral of Los Angeles Lone Soldier Max Steinberg, who was killed in Gaza

'Tell my mom I love her': Heartbreaking last words of American 'lone soldier' killed fighting in the Gaza Strip as 30,000 mourners attend his funeral in Jerusalem

Tens of thousands of mourners paid their final respects to Sgt. Max Steinberg, the slain IDF soldier who was laid to rest on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

Steinberg, the Los Angeles native who immigrated to Israel and enlisted in the Israel Defense Forces as a lone soldier, was among the 13 soldiers killed in the Gaza Strip on Sunday. Twenty-nine Israeli troops have been killed since the army launched its ground incursion into Gaza last week.

IDF employs the anti-tank rocket, defense system

The commander of the 401st Armored Corps Brigade Colonel Saar Tzur reports the Windbreaker anti-tank rocket defense system permits his tanks to advance in Gaza without fear of rocket attacks....

IDF Funerals in Photo Part 2

The flag covered coffin of Israeli soldier Bayhesain Kshaun, 39, who was killed on July 21, is carried during his funeral in the southern town of Netivot July 22, 2014. Israel pounded targets across the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, saying no ceasefire was near as top U.S. and U.N. diplomats pursued talks on halting fighting that has claimed more than 600 lives. With the conflict entering its third week, the Palestinian death toll rose to 603, including nearly 100 children and many other civilians, Gaza health officials said. Israel's casualties also mounted, with the military announcing the deaths of two more soldiers, bringing the number of army fatalities to 27 - almost three times as many as were killed in the last ground invasion of Gaza, in a 2008-2009 war. (Credit: REUTERS|)

Elyaniv and Elipaz Kasahun, children of killed Israeli soldier Sergeant Major Baynesain Kasahun, weeping during the military funeral ceremony in the cemetery at the southern city of Netivot in Israel , 22 July 2014. According to the Israel Defense Forces 27 Israeli soldiers have been killed and hundreds wounded since the ground invasion into Gaza (Credit: EPA)

Israeli Soldier carries the daughter of Israeli soldier Baynesain Kasahun during the military funeral ceremony in the cemetery at the southern city of Netivot, Israe 22 July 2014. According to the Israel Defense Forces 27 Israeli soldiers dead and hundreds wounded since the ground invasion into Gaza (Credit: EPA)

Israeli soldiers embrace and comfort Galit Kasahun, (white tee shirt) the wife of Israeli soldier Baynesain Kasahun during the military funeral ceremony in the cemetery at the southern city of Netivot , Israe 22 July 2014. According to the Israel Defense Forces 27 Israeli soldiers have been killed and hundreds wounded since the ground invasion into Gaza (Credit: EPA)

The flag covered coffin of Israeli soldier Bayhesain Kshaun, 39, who was killed on July 21, is carried during his funeral in the southern town of Netivot July 22, 2014. Israel pounded targets across the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, saying no ceasefire was near as top U.S. and U.N. diplomats pursued talks on halting fighting that has claimed more than 600 lives. With the conflict entering its third week, the Palestinian death toll rose to 603, including nearly 100 children and many other civilians, Gaza health officials said. Israel's casualties also mounted, with the military announcing the deaths of two more soldiers, bringing the number of army fatalities to 27 - almost three times as many as were killed in the last ground invasion of Gaza, in a 2008-2009 war. (Credit: REUTERS|)

Israeli soldiers embrace and comfort Galit Kasahun, the wife of Israeli soldier Baynesain Kasahun during the military funeral ceremony in the cemetery at the southern city of Netivot , Israe 22 July 2014. According to the Israel Defense Forces 27 Israeli soldiers have been killed and hundreds wounded since the ground invasion into Gaza (Credit: EPA)

A Time for National Soul-Searchng

by Rabbi Eliezer Melamid

The days during the three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B’Av are days of soul-searching, in which the Jewish nation is required to correct the sins that led to the churban (destruction). This is especially true in light of the government’s weakness in dealing with Hamas.
In truth, the two fundamental sins that occurred on the 17th of Tammuz still require correction. Today, the continuation of the Sin of the Golden Calf which led to the breaking of the Tablets of the Law is the delusional vision of “peace”. And the continuation of the placing of an idol in the Holy Temple which led to its destruction is currently the religion of democracy, which holds that granting equal rights to all is the supreme value, upon whose altar the lives of people and nations should be sacrificed.
The coupling of these two mistaken beliefs is what leads the Israeli left to support the establishment of a Palestinian state in the Land of Israel. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister is also corrupted by this concept, and as long as he does not renounce it, he will not be able to achieve victory over Hamas.
Who is being Logical?
There are leftists who arrogantly claim that their position is the rational one, whereas the right-wing position is based on religion and faith, and thus, irrational and impractical.
However, thus far Jewish history has proved that the Torah’s position was the most logical, but alas, due to our sins we did not act according to the Torah’s instructions, and were exiled from our Land.
In modern times as well, we did not act according to the Torah. When the gates of the Land of Israel were opened, many Jews failed to fulfill the Torah mitzvah of immigrating to Israel and remained in exile; their fate was the Holocaust, Communist decrees, and assimilation. On the other hand, the majority of the secular Zionist leadership did not follow the Torah, and relinquished Transjordan and Judea and Samaria. And with regard to the Arab citizens of the country, they did not attempt to deal with them in line with the principles of the laws of ger toshav (resident alien).
According to these principles, non-Jews who fulfill the Seven Noahide laws and recognize Israel’s sovereignty over its land can live together with us in dignity. And as for those who do not, we must try to remove from the country in internationally accepted ways, as could have been done immediately after the Six Day War. Today as well, we can moderately encourage migration to other countries.

Questions for a Rational Leftist (with the hope there is such a thing)

If there are leftists who are willing to contemplate the future rationally, they are invited to address a few questions I will present in a number of areas:

Morality or Rights

Do you support the establishment of a Palestinian state because, in your opinion, you believe that all Arabs should be given equal, democratic rights,and because you want their lives to be as good as possible (employment, individual freedom, religious and national expression)?
In other words, if you knew that in a Palestinian state within a few years a secular dictator the likes of Saddam Hussein would arise, or a religious ruler like Khomeini or an oganization like Hamas - who would suppress the people and violate their individual rights, would you still support the establishment of a Palestinian state?
If in such a situation you would not support the establishment of a Palestinian state, what would be your position if you knew that the chances of dictatorial regime taking power in such a state were fifty percent?
To illustrate this point, a similar question can be asked: 
Western countries imposed various types of boycotts on South Africa to force her to grant equal rights to the black population. 
Twenty years ago, the white regime in South Africa succumbed and gave the blacks equal rights; consequently, they came to power and overturned the previous administration. 
During those twenty years, the average life expectancy in South Africa fell approximately fifteen years, from 64.5 years, to 49.5 (with the decrease among the blacks even greater).
If the Western countries knew in advance about the expected heavy price in human life and their well-being, would they have pressured South Africa to immediately grant equal rights to the blacks even then? Perhaps they might have sought to implement an extended, gradual process leading to the granting of equal rights, even though doing so temporarily violates the sanctity of the principle of equality?

National Rights

You claim that all people have the right to self-determination, including the right to national sovereignty, and for that reason, the establishment of a Palestinian state is just and moral.
Apart from the basic question of how a nation is defined – for, by any objective criterion, Israeli Arabs do not deserve to be considered a nation – it is necessary to clarify: Who has the right to self-determination – all Arabs in the Middle East, or all Arabs residing between the Jordan and Mediterranean Sea? Or perhaps a distinction should be made between the Arabs of ’48, and the Arabs of ’67?
If you support the establishment of a Palestinian state for the ’67 Arabs (residents of Judea and Samaria), will they have the right to demand unification with the Arabs of the Middle East on the basis of their national rights? And will the Arabs of the Middle East have the moral right to gain control over the Palestinian state, as part of an Islamic or Arabic caliphate?
Also, does empowerment give the Arabs of the Galilee the privilege to demand national rights, or to merge with the Palestinian state? If not – what is the moral justification for preventing them?
Surely, a leftist would answer that Arab residents have the prerogative to decide what their national rights will be, and since they are presently demanding a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria, this is what the State of Israel is obligated to grant them. However, the fundamental question is crucial, because chances are if given a state in Judea and Samaria, after a year or two they will claim their national rights also apply to Arabs in the Galilee and the Triangle, and some Arabs will argue that national rights includes all Middle East Arabs.

Rights in Terms of Demography

As a leftist, you most certainly assume and believe that there are two and a half million Arabs living in Judea and Samaria. What would be your position if you discovered there are only a million and a half, as various distinguished researchers from the right claim? Would you still believe they are entitled to a state? And what would you say if they number only a million (and perhaps we can achieve this by encouraging voluntary migration)?
To put it differently: How many Arabs must there be to entitle them to demand a state? And another important question: In your opinion, how many people (settlers) can be expelled justifiably in order to grant a state to a million and a quarter Arabs?
Another question: If it turns out that the demographic process is not as the left customarily believes it to be, but rather, the number of Arabs in Israel will not grow significantly in the future, while the Jewish population does grow quite rapidly (thanks to a high birthrate and and aliyah), so that within a generation the Jewish population, including those who identify with us, will number over 75% between the Mediterranean and the Jordan (including the Gaza Strip) – would you change your mind?
If you are a rational person, would you not agree that there is a further need to check the numerical data and the demographic process more thoroughly and accurately, and not to rely on conventional demographic beliefs which over the years were repeatedly discovered to mistaken?


As a rational leftist, what do you think is the danger that if a Palestinian state is established, it will merge with other enemy countries and initiate a war against Israel? If you knew that the prospect this will happen within twenty years is greater than fifty percent, would you still support the establishment of a Palestinian state?
What do you think the probability is that from within the area of a Palestinian state, rockets will be fired on all Israeli cities, like what has happened in recent years in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip? If the danger is greater than fifty percent, would you still support the establishment of a Palestinian state? If so, at what level of risk would you oppose its establishment?

The Security and Demographic Aspect

As a rational leftist, what do you think the chances are that a Palestinian state will absorb four to six million additional Arabs, funded by UNRWA and other Arab countries?
What do you think the chances are that a Palestinian state, with eight million citizens in Judea and Samaria, will continue to demand from the State of Israel compensation for its (third and fourth generation) "refugees", and the "right" of return? In your opinion, what are the chances that marches of tens of thousands of starving women and children will climb the fences of the State of Israel? Do you think there will be a way to stop them without committing mass murder?
What are the chances that this will lead to a cruel and prolonged war, at high and low degrees of intensity? Can the results of such a war be better than our present situation?

The Instruction of the Torah is the Logical Position

It seems that after outlining these questions, it is possible to see how the Torah’s position rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state in the Land of Israel, is moral and logical.
I will summarize:
Regarding the question of morality, since the overwhelming odds are that the individual rights and quality of life of the Arabs will be adversely affected, as happened in Gaza – there is no moral justification to demand the establishment of a Palestinian state for them.
With regard to the question of national rights, the reasonable difficulty of defining Israeli Arabs as a nation obligates a return to the basic position that there is no “Palestinian people”, but rather, the Arabs living in Israel are part of the Arab nation that resides in the Middle East, and thus, they have no right to demand a separate state for themselves in portions of the Land of Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people.
Concerning the demographic aspect in point of fact, there is a positive growth trend of the Jewish nation in Israel – since the establishment of the State, for sixty-six years, we grew tenfold. The predictors of gloom about Arab population growth compared to that of the Jews, always proved wrong and misleading. The Arab birthrate is declining. It turns out that the demographic threat is not critical, and we should reduce it by adopting a policy that will enhance the growth of the Jewish people in Israel, prevent Arab immigration into the Land of Israel, and if possible, even encourage emigration of those who alienate themselves from the Jewish state.
From a security perspective, the establishment of a Palestinian state is liable to endanger the existence of the State of Israel, since the chances of each one of the risks mentioned is over fifty percent. And no international guarantee will help prevent this risk, just as the U.S. and European countries failed to stabilize the situation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and the rest of the Arab countries.

The Challenge before Us

In light of all this, we are charged with a twofold challenge:
1) to strengthen the consciousness of Torat Eretz Yisrael, from which comes the instruction of coping realistically with the difficult complications facing us. 2) In practical terms, to join the settlements in Judea and Samaria; this is the most effective way of fortifying the State of Israel, both spiritually and physically.
This article appears in the ‘Besheva’ newspaper, and was translated from Hebrew.