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Showing posts with label ami letter to editor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ami letter to editor. Show all posts

Friday, July 25, 2014

Letter to Ami Editor

I am printing this so that the typical Jew should know, that I am not making this up. 
Frum Jews are writing  hate and misinformation at this critical time, and these letters are being printed in English Magazines that the typical frum housewife buys....
This is the garbage that you have in your house.
This was printed in the Satmar Propaganda Magazine, Ami.
Ami is probably afraid to print anti-Zionist editorials, so they embed their anti-Zionist obsessions in the guise of  a "Letter to the Editor"....
Now, the clown Yitz the Frank, can say, "it's a letter to the editor, its not an editorial."
My response below,  maybe "the derby" will also comment to answer this lying letter.
Double Click on Image to read
To M.E. London
Look around your city, is that what you want in Israel? You want Israel to be ruled by ISIS?
You write:
"Well, even avoiding the debate whether the actual idea of a state in Israel is in accordance with "religious Judaism" something that most gedolim and tzaddikim in the last generations(including the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Elchanan Wasserman, and more) believed it is not.'
Those Gedolim lived before the State was established. What are you talking about?
Rav Wasserman was murdered by the Nazis in 1941, and his son Rav Simcha actually established a Yeshiva in the Zionist State  Yeshiva Ohr Elchonon in Jerusalem
The Chofetz Chaim was niftar in 1933, 14 years before the State was established. The Chofetz Chaim actually wanted very much to make Aliyah to the then Palestine, he never spoke either for or against the State.
You write:
"the State of Israel has in no way any sort of link to religious Judaism"
This would be news to  Rav Shach who started his own party, Degel Hatorah, and news to Rav Ovadia Yosef who founded Shas, and the Aguda and Mizrachi who have seats in the Knesset.

How about all the Torah being learned presently in the State of Israel? Is that nothing? 
Its the Zionist government that are the largest supporters of Torah to this very day?
Ask the Roshei Yeshivas who received milllions and millions of shekels every single year....

You write:
" A huge percent of the millions of chilonim currently living in Israel, living a life without Torah and mitzvos, had grandparents or great-grandparents who were Yidden with mesiras nefesh on the tiniest halacha in shulchan Aruch.."

How about the millions of chilonim living in England and the USA, who had "had grandparents or great-grandparents who were Yidden with mesiras nefesh on the tiniest halacha in shulchan Aruch.."?

More coming soon, got to eat supper first!