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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Famous Actress defies the Israel Boycott and continues to model for Israeli product

One of the most famous actresses in America has the PC crowd in a swivet. Scarlett Johansson, you see, is shooting a Super Bowl ad for SodaStream.
As it turns out, SodaStream, the Israel-based booming “make your own soda at home” firm, has a plant in the Jerusalem suburb of Maale Edumim — which is on the “wrong” side of the 1949 ceasefire line.
That “green line” lasted for all of 18 years, until the 1967 Six Day War, and every proposed map for Israeli-Palestinian agreement has Maale Edumim on the Israeli side — but Johansson’s critics don’t care.
The global blame-Israel lobby long ago elevated that line to an almost holy status of “border”; anything Israeli beyond it is really, really bad.
Including SodaStream.
Enter the Boycott, Divest and Sanction crowd. BDS, as it’s known, calls for shunning Israel for all of its perceived sins — and knows it gets its best results when it asks for boycotts of “settlements.”
So Johansson, by agreeing to be SodaStream’s “first global brand ambassador,” became a BDS boogie woman.
The talented actress, mind you, has hinted she may launch a political career. In addition to being named (again) as “Esquire’s Sexy Woman Alive,” she’s an Obama supporter and a perfectly kosher lefty (who, incidentally, was born Jewish).
But instead of answering BDS jeers, she simply said she loves the brand and has used it for years, and that SodaStream’s “commitment to a healthier body and a healthier planet is a perfect fit for me.”
She could also add that Soda­Stream’s plant in Maale Edumim, one of three in Israel, employs 1,100 workers — mostly West Bank Palestinians, under the same conditions and salaries as Jewish workers. A fourth plant, in southern Israel, will hire mostly Bedouin Arabs, now suffering from high unemployment.
In other words, SodaStream boasts many corporate values admired by the politically correct crowd. But not for Hollywood’s anti-Israelis.
Ever since Vanessa Redgrave famously dedicated her 1977 Oscar acceptance speech to the plight of Palestinians, many entertainers have made a point of singling out the Jewish state for rebuke while ignoring abuses anywhere else.
Stars like Elvis Costello, Annie Lennox and Stevie Wonder canceled shows in Israel. Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters has dedicated his recent life and concerts to bashing Israel, complete with anti-Semitic rants.
Emma Thompson and several other actors recently signed a letter opposing the participation of Israel’s national theater, Habimah, in a British Shakespeare festival (though they evidently have no problem with a Chinese company performing “Richard III.”)
It’s not all bad: Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber and Neil Young will play Tel Aviv this summer. And Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys, Madonna and Bob Dylan have in the past ignored the BDS crowd. (Dylan’s 1983 “Neighborhood Bully” is a perfect sendoff to Israel’s phony critics.)
But consider: In the 1970s, many in Hollywood were rightly puzzled by Redgrave’s admiration for plane hijackers, some quietly wondering whether her outburst wasn’t informed by old-fashioned British anti-Semitism. Today, her take is gradually becoming mainstream in Tinseltown.
Yes, Hollywood was founded by Jews. But it also cherished some particularly odious anti-Semites like Walt Disney (whose Nazi sympathies were airbrushed from Tom Hanks’ recent biopic).
Anyway, the hard Hollywood left is happy to boycott anything having to do with the Jewish state — including Israeli theater companies that systematically bash their government’s policies.
Others are torn, saying they support Israel in principle, but oppose “occupation.” So they’ll boycott anything labeled “settlements.”
In Hollywood, where misguided radical chic hasn’t cost anyone a juicy movie part in half a century, ignoring the anti-Israel catcalls is no easy thing these days. Sticking by SodaStream in such an environment is admirable.
Scarlett Johansson, it turns out, is much more than a pretty face. Her casual dismissal of the BDS crowd is downright sexy.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Boro Park Parents freaking out because of Children Being Stalked! Video


Parents in Brooklyn were on alert Friday evening, as police investigated the motives of a man who has been seen following school buses and taking pictures of young children.

“It’s very scary,” said Chaim Krakauer, “very scary.”Krakauer is just one of the parents on alert here.

For more than a week, the suspicious man has been seen following school buses and taking pictures of students leaving their Yeshiva. Parents have been fearful because they don’t know who the man is.

 Krakauer said parents should “keep an eye on (their children) and make sure whoever goes around them should be safe.”

The man’s actions worried one parent so much that he snapped the photos and even recorded a video of him. And after video of the man surfaced, other parents in the area came forward, saying that they have also seen the man outside a synagogue.

“Our school has, I’m sure they have precautions in place and we hope and pray to God that our kids to get to school and come home safe,” said parent Chanie Schwartz.

State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) met with concerned parents Friday morning.“We don’t know who this guy is. We don’t know what his intentions are,” Hikind said. “But following kids around and taking pictures of them is not a healthy situation.”

As of Friday, police said they are not sure if the man has committed a crime, but did confirm they are looking into what his motives could be.“You never know,” Hikind said, “and I don’t want to wake up to some horrible thing happening, saying we should’ve done more. We’ve got to do whatever is humanly possible to get this guy away from these kids.”The concerned parent who snapped the photo of the man also got his license plate number, which was turned over to investigators.
As CBS 2′s Don Champion reported, one parent caught the man on tape.
A photo shows the man climbing into the driver’s seat of a van. It may look innocent, but it has been raising eyebrows in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Chassan cuts his foot breaking a glass under the Chuppah

Its time to use light bulbs, this glass business has caused many chassanim to cut themselves, forcing guests to call Hatzalah!
All Rabbonim who are Mesader Kiddushin  should insist on a light bulb!

A groom missed part of his own wedding after cutting his foot while breaking the glass cup during the chuppah ceremony, according to a new lawsuit filed in an Israeli court.

According to the lawsuit, the wedding guests were shocked to hear people shouting "medic, medic" instead of Mazel Tov.

The groom filed his lawsuit against the owners of a wedding hall with the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court last week, after the glass of the broken cup cut through his leather shoes and slashed his foot.

Following the injury, the groom underwent medical treatment and missed several hours of his own wedding.

The groom is demanding compensation for punitive damages and emotional distress.

He is also demanding compensation because he was unable to work for several days.

"The wedding hall failed to provide a suitable glass cup for the chuppah ceremony," the lawsuit states.

39 year old daughter of the Shomrei Emunim Rabbi dies in New York

The daughter of the Rabbi of the  Shomrei Emunim Bnei Brak, is dead after suffering from cancer, according to hospital officials in New York.

Sarah Goldstein, 39, the daughter of Rabbi Rafael Aharon Roth, died while receiving treatment for cancer in the U.S.

Goldstein was diagnosed with cancer last year. She left Israel for the U.S., in order to receive better treatment.

She was born in 1975, in Israel. She married to her husband, Rabbi Pinchas Baruch Goldstein, who is the son of the grand rabbi of Skulya in the U.S.

She left behind her husband and her four children. Her youngest child is 2-years-old.

Her funeral was held in Jerusalem, and she was buried on the Mount of Olives.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

20 year old grand daughter of Viznitzer Rebbe dies of Heart Attack

Chassidim  of the Viznitzer Rebbe  are in shock after the rabbi’s 20-year-old granddaughter suddenly died of a heart attack, according to hospital reports in New York.

Fradel Twerski died on Friday night, after suffering from a massive heart attack.

Twersky left behind her husband, Rabbi Meshulam Zusia Twerski, who is the grandson of the grand rabbis of Viznitz, Skver, and Rachmistrivka.

Fradel Twersky was born was born in 1994, to her father, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Goldman, also known as Barry Goldman, of Monsey, New York, who is the director of Skver in New Square, New York,

She married her husband just two years ago.

Two months ago, she gave birth to her daughter.

The funeral was held in Monsey, New York, at the main Synagogue of Viznitz.

Moshe Taubenfeld arrested for sexual abuse, walks...

The 55-year-old brother of a convicted sex offender from New Square was arrested Friday on accusations he molested a young boy repeatedly over five years, police said.

The chances of him ever being convicted and jailed are ZERO, since the case will be heard in New Square "Justice" Court!

Moshe Menachem Taubenfeld, 55, an educator like his younger brother Herschel, and the father of 20 children, was charged with a felony for alleged sexual abuse starting Sept. 11, 2001, when the preteen boy came to him seeking comfort after the terrorist attacks.

“I went to his house and he told me ‘I’ll give you love, I care about you,’ ” the alleged victim, Laiby, recalled Friday to The Journal News. 
He said Taubenfeld, a family friend, molested him that day and dozens of other times until he turned 13 in 2006. “I was scared and I trusted him completely, unfortunately. I was a naive child and didn’t know what he was doing was wrong.”

Laiby said he and his family reported the alleged abuse about six years ago to New Square’s Grand Rabbi David Twersky and other community leaders, who discouraged him from going to police.

“My mother, my brother and I told him (Rabbi Twersky) what was happening to me,” said Laiby, who asked that his last name not be used. “He let him (Taubenfeld) walk free.”

Rabbi Twersky has not responded to requests for comment.

Laiby’s alleged problems were similar to those of other New Square abuse victims, including a young man, Yossi, who reported Taubenfeld’s brother to police in 2011. Yossi was profiled earlier this month by The Journal News.

Laiby, who is 20, went to police in July.
“The community protected him,” Laiby said. “Since New Square did not want to deal with this, I went to police. I need to feel a closure.”

Taubenfeld, also known as Mendel Zarkowsky, was charged with second-degree course of sexual conduct against a child.
“The guy was hard to track down because he had two different names,” Ramapo Detective Lt. Mark Emma Emma said.

Taubenfeld was released on $25,000 bail Friday for an appearance scheduled for Jan. 27 in New Square Village Court.

Defense attorney Gerard Damiani said Taubenfeld denies the charges.
Damiani said the police complaint should be dismissed because it said Detective Peg Braddock had personal knowledge of the accusations. Damiani said the detective was not a witness and the charges came from the accuser.

Taubenfeld faces up to seven years in prison if convicted.
“It’s a step closer to getting justice,” Laiby said of the arrest. “I’m hoping this pervert who did this to me will get his time in prison.”

Moshe Taubenfeld’s brother Herschel Taubenfeld avoided jail last year when he admitted to sexually molesting Yossi.
Herschel Taubenfeld pleaded guilty to one count of forcible touching, received six years probation and had to register as a sex offender.

Yossi publicly criticized the non-jail sentence. He and another alleged victim, Yehuda, and their advocates have accused the New Square leadership of looking the other way when it comes to sexual abuse.
They argue that New Square and other Hasidic Jewish communities have created a culture where sex abuse rarely gets reported. Those who report abuse are ostracized, they say.

The Taubenfelds are the second pair of Ramapo brothers accused of sexually abusing children. Monsey residents Shmuel Dym, 34, and his younger brother Betzalel Dym are both registered as Level 2 sex offenders.

Dr. Alan Tuckman, Rockland’s former forensic psychiatrist, said having siblings involved in sex abuse is rare, but could result from abusive upbringings.
“If they were sexually abused or demeaned as children there is a higher likelihood they would become sexual abusers,” Tuckman said, but added, “The overwhelming majority of children sexually abused do not become sex offenders.”

Friday, January 17, 2014

CNN a bunch of liars! Reports of second Christe Scandel, NOT TRUE!

On Monday, CNN flooded the airwaves with reports of a second scandal threatening to engulf New Jersey’s Chris Christie, claiming the Republican governor is under federal investigation after evidence surfaced that Hurricane Sandy relief funds were used to purchase a self-promoting advertisement campaign. But according to the federal government, that’s simply not true — and CNN has yet to issue a meaningful correction or retraction.
The story first broke early Monday morning. “CNN has learned exclusively that a federal investigation will be launched into why money meant for Hurricane Sandy relief was used in a marketing campaign involving Christie’s family,” anchor Kate Bolduan began, before punting it off to CNN’s new investigative reporter, Chris Frates.
Frates alleged that the Christie administration improperly spent $25 million in federal Hurricane Sandy relief funds on a 2013 advertisement campaign to promote tourism in the wake of the storm — even going so far as to spend $2.2 million more on one ad because the agency agreed to feature Christie and his family.
The network pushed the story hard, revisiting the report in at least fourteen separate segments on Monday alone. 
But on Tuesday, HUD’s inspector general issued a rare press release directly contradicting CNN’s story.
“The Department granted a waiver to allow the State to use $25 million of its award on a marketing campaign to promote the Jersey Shore and encourage tourism,” the release read. “An audit was initiated in September 2013 to examine whether the State administered its Tourism Marketing Program in accordance with applicable departmental and Federal requirements. This is an audit and not an investigation of the procurement process.” The statement adds that audits of federal expenditures “are something that this office does routinely.”
That means there was never any “initial review of Sandy relief spending,” no “evidence” yet dug up suggesting wrongdoing, and certainly no “full-scale investigation” — a word the federal government uses only to define a probe by law enforcement. Instead, the inspector general’s release suggests a routine accounting review, the likes of which are pursued dozens of times each year by any agency doling out large grants.
So how did CNN respond to these new revelations? The television reports mostly dried up, while a few sentences added to Chris Frates’ written report Tuesday noted that the inspector general released a statement calling the probe an audit, not an investigation.
But the “update” failed to note that the audit is part of a routine inspector general process, that the $25 million diversion for advertising was approved by HUD or that CNN was wrong in its initial claim that the federal government was pursuing a law enforcement investigation against Christie. And on Wednesday Frates pushed boldly onward, writing that the ad agency rejected by Christie was asked if they would feel “comfortable” featuring the governor in their ads and that — unsurprisingly for a New Jersey state initiative– the committee evaluating the ad proposals was made up entirely of Christie officials.

Viznitzer Rebbe bans listening to the News even by phone?

 The Viznitzer Rebbe has banned listening to the news on phones, according to a report in the Haredi World.

The rabbi delivered his new ruling during a Tu Bishvat seuda held on Thursday. Thousands of the rabbi’s followers attended the event. Tu Bishvat is the Jewish new year for trees.

The rabbi attacked those who report the news on phone lines, and ordered his people not to call and listen to them.

"If your life and the lives of your children are dear to you, do not listen to the news,” the rabbi said.

This was not the first strict ruling issued by the Viznitz grand rabbi.

 The Viznitzer  rabbi told a group of followers that those men who wear watches, should also wear earrings because they look like women.

During a recent speech for yeshiva students, the rabbi said that his followers need to fight modernization because it destroys everything that is holy.

He told his yeshiva students to wear only old-fashioned plastic eyeglasses. He also said that he recently saw a yeshiva student wearing a watch and he told him to remove it.

"Those men who wear wristwatches should wear earrings as well because they look like women," the rabbi said.

Despite owing millions to creditors, Brooklyn landlord, Menachem Stark, killed over single $20,000 debt

Police say that, Brooklyn landlord, Menachem Stark, was killed over a single $20,000 debt despite owing tens of millions of dollars to different creditors. Stark was kidnapped on Jan. 2 and his burned body was found in a dumpster the following day on Long Island

“We’re waiting for forensics on the car and tracking his calls. But he owed this money, the guy picked up in the Caravan knows him and the phone under [Stark’s] car has ties to the contractor,” the law-enforcement source said.

He owed creditors tens of millions of dollars - but police believe Brooklyn landlord Menachem Stark might have been killed over a single $20,000 debt.
A contractor Stark owed “about $20,000” to is being eyed as a suspect in his death, sources told the Daily News Thursday.
The contractor has links to both the van that was used in Stark’s Jan. 2nd kidnapping, and to a cell phone that was subsequently found attached to the undercarriage of Stark’s car, the sources said.
Police found the 2002 Dodge Caravan used in the kidnapping in Brownsville on Tuesday. They questioned the driver, who’s the son of the van’s owner.
Sources said the owner is not a suspect, but the driver had ties to the contractor.
One source said an arrest is not yet imminent.

Detectives believe the abduction might have been carried out to scare Stark, 39, into paying the debt, and that his death by suffocation might have been accidental.
A source close to the Stark family said that despite his numerous real estate holdings, the father of seven didn’t leave behind a will.
The source said Stark's longtime business partner Israel Perlmutter will take control of Stark's share of the business, while working with an appointed member of Stark's family.
Among the properties the pair owned was an apartment building called South Side in Brooklyn, which bankruptcy records show they were $40 million in debt.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Germany dictating to Jews where to live again!

Frank Walter Steinmeier
In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws, seeking to "clean" Jews living on German soil, severely restricted Jews where they could live. The Germans subsequently set up Jewish Ghettos to confine Jews to specific areas that were under German control and then sent  most of the Jewish Ghetto inhabitants to concentration camps to have them murdered.

So here comes the living bastard German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, and tells reporters in Israel, immediately  after Sharon's funeral, that the Jewish State is "damaging" the peace process by building homes for Jews in Judea and Samaria. 
He went further in his discussion with Prime Minister Netanyahu, admonishing him to refrain from additional construction as "this could still disturb the process."

Mr. Steinmeier, we don't need someone whose countrymen murdered our brothers and sisters, and robbed us of our grandparents, to tell us where to live and where we can build in our own country! You already shoved us around and murdered us, you bloody hypocritical German bastard!

Stark Kidnap Van Found!

Kidnap Van parked in front of 228 Blake Ave, Brooklyn, Google map 2011
The 2002 Dodge minivan that was used for Menachem Stark's kidnapping, was found in Brownsville with Pennsylvania Plates. Detectives seized the van . Stark was abducted on Jan 2 in Williamsburg and found murdered the next day in Great Neck, Long Island.
The van appears to have been washed and cleaned. Police hope to find forensic evidence

Police investigators are focusing on Stark's financial affairs with a now defunct Chicago bank.
Investigators are still analyzing a smartphone that had been attached to the front wheel of Stark's Lexus SUV and police stressed that while they are combing the phone for clues, they do not believe it was used as atracking device, as previously reported.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

No problem with "Mesira" at Gourmet Glatt in Boro Park! Because she doesn't wear a Shtreimel!

Gourmet Glatt
It was no ordinary day at the grocery today for shoppers at one Borough Park supermarket as customers were joined by members of the NYPD’s 66th precinct who were called in to arrest a cashier who was pocketing cash instead of placing it in her register.
Borough Park resident Alyssa Csukardi was arrested at Gourmet Glatt on 39th Street on charges of petty larceny by police at 1:43 this afternoon, after internal surveillance video showed the 26 year old cashier first placing a $100 bill given to her by a customer first on top of her register, and then surreptitiously slipping it into her pocket once the customer had left.
“The manager of the store started realizing that they were missing $100 every night from the same register when they were cashing out,” Motty Katz of Borough Park Shomrim told VIN News.

“He went into his office and after searching on his video surveillance, he sees how she is taking money from a customer and instead of putting it in her register, she is putting it in her pocket.  We saw it once, we saw it twice and we called the police.”
According to an NYPD spokesperson, Csukardi was arrested and then issued a desk appearance ticket before being released.  Csukardi will be required to appear in court at an as yet undetermined future date to face charges in the theft.
“This happened maybe five or six times,” estimated Katz, who said that Csukardi, who had been only been working for Gourmet Glatt for a few weeks, seemed surprised that she was being arrested.
“As she was being handcuffed she said to us, ‘I didn’t think I was going to get arrested. I thought the money would just come out of my paycheck,’” reported Katz.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Moshe Klein, Satmar Rebbe's Right Hand Man and Driver of Satmar Rebbe Tweeted picture of Weberman's Victim

The Satmar Rebbe, R' Zalman Teitelbaum, thundered at the "Anti -Internet" Asifa against the Internet and against smart phones, 
but his right hand guy and his personal driver, Moshe Klein, had no problem tweeting the picture of Weberman's victim testifying in court, according to the Daily News.

He has a tweeter account!

Lemon Juice

Story Background

The Chassidisher Meshiginer, that calls himself, Lemon Juice, was arrested for violating court rules that prohibits court spectators from phographing rape victims, he claims that he didnt post it to tweeter, "a fraudster" did it.

Turns out that the tweeter account belongs to Moshe Klein! Indeed, a "fraudster"!

A Brooklyn Hasid charged with posting a Twitter photo of a teen sex abuse victim testifying 
against her former counselor claims the picture was actually uploaded by a fraudster.

The defendant, known as Lemon Juice, was arrested in November 2012 during the explosive trial of Nechemya Weberman after a photo of the victim — who was 18 at the time — appeared on Twitter showing her testifying. Lemon Juice and two others are charged with criminal contempt.

Legal papers obtained by the Daily News show the real poster is believed to be Moses Klein, the personal driver of the Satmar sect’s grand rabbi. 

The document said the AOL email address associated with the Lemon Juice account is registered to Klein, “the driver and right-hand man to Rabbi Zalman Teitelbaum.

The case against the three defendants was pushed back to Feb. 7 after a prosecutor said plea offers may be made.

Belzer Rebbe rules that all Belzer Ladies, have to shave their heads bald, no perfume, no makeup and no shoes that make noise?

Enough with the attractive pretty wives .....

Only baldies and dumpy women for Belz ...

Belzer Ladies  are furious after the  Belzer Rebbe  ordered them to shave their heads.

The Rebbe spoke to thousands of his female followers across the world via the Internet, and ordered them among other things to shave their heads.

“You should shave your entire head and not leave even one single strand of hair,” Rokeach thundered.

“You should not eat at a home in which the woman does not shave her head because the food is not kosher,” Rokeach added.

Rokeach also prohibited women from applying makeup.

“The only makeup that is allowed is that of a natural color, and any eye makeup is prohibited,” the rabbi said during his speech.

The rabbi said that women should not use any perfume.

Rokeach did not forget to attack women’s shoes. 

“You should not wear any shoes that make noise while walking, as noisy shoes was the reason God destroyed ancient Israel,” he said.

Monday, January 13, 2014

חסיד 'תולדות אהרון' הגיע לכנסת להיפרד מאריאל שרון ז"ל.

Look Satmar guys
Here is a picture what Judaisim should be all about.....
A "Toldos Aaron" Chasid comes to give respect to Sharon!

בין האלפים שהגיעו הבוקר (ראשון) למשכן הכנסת להיפרד מראש הממשלה לשעבר אריאל שרון ז"ל הגיע חסיד ירושלמי משכונת מאה שערים שלקח את תשומת הלב של המשתתפים כאשר הגיע עם הלבוש המסורתי של החסידות • צפו בתמונות


Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman's love and respect for Arik Sharon

If we had more Rabbonim like Rav Grossman Shlitah, we wouldn't have to worry so much about our children going off the derech!

Instead we have Rabbonim that instill hate and venom in our youth!
We reap what we sow!
Migdal HaEmek Chief Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Grossman expressed his sorrow upon hearing of the petira of Ariel Sharon.

 Rav Grossman spoke of Sharon’s ahavas yisrael and referred to him as a loyal and trusted friend, one who loves and cared about Jews.

R’ Grossman explained the former government minister was always too willing to assist him with his Migdal Ohr project, helping thousands of underprivileged children. “Never once did he decline a request from me for assistance” explains the rav. He stated Sharon exhibited his love for Jews and concern for others “in all stops in his life, in the military and as a politician.”

Rav Grossman explains that Sharon was there to enlist the support of philanthropists on behalf of the “tenokos shel beis raban”. A dormitory for girls was named Beit Lily in memory of the former prime minister’s wife.

Rav Grossman recalls that his secretary on January 4, 2006 told him “the prime minister is on the line” explaining this was not rare as Mr. Sharon often called to inquire into the well-being of the children. The next day he suffered the stroke from which he remained comatose until his petira. Rabbi Grossman recalls that just a short time before his stroke the prime minister had him and some of the children at his Sycamore Ranch for Chanukah candle lighting.

Shas Party will partner with Arab party! This is a Torah leader?

Aryeh Deri Shas Party

Speaking with ‘Ladaat.net’ last week, Shas leader Aryeh Deri announced his party will support legislation from Arab and the left-wing Meretz parties for their support in return for Shas in the party’s battle against the new draft law containing penal consequences for chareidim. Deri stipulated that Shas’ support for their bills obviously does not include any bill which Shas feels will bring “catastrophic results”.
Deri has been meeting with MKs including opposition leader MK Yitzchak Herzog in the hope of mustering support for the chareidi position in the new draft law. Deri basically is working to establish a quid pro quo arrangement with opposition parties. He adds that “one should not be under any illusions. We are going to vote against the chareidi draft law but as Maran ZT”L instructed us, we must act to limit the damage as much as possible.”
Deri is planning to continue meeting with left-wing opposition MKs this week ahead of the new chareidi draft bill being voted upon in Knesset.

Israel deports Anti-Semitic punk from UK, finally a country with guts!

Anti-Semite Bastard  Gary Spedding 

A British student was deported from Israel after being declared a “security threat” by authorities due to his use of social media.
Sky News (http://bit.ly/1aOjdYr) reports that Gary Spedding of Belfast arrived at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport Thursday afternoon to meet Israeli politicians and NGOs.
He was taken to an interview room and subjected to a full body search and interrogation.
Spedding states he was told he would be deported and banned from entering Israel for 10 years due to his presence and activity on Twitter and Facebook.
Spedding’s case is thought to be the first in which comments made by an individual on social media have been labeled a risk to Israeli national security.
While in detention, Spedding used Twitter to provide live details of what was happening. His first tweet said: “Being detained at Israeli immigration. Lots of threats, they’ve went right through my phone. I’m about to be transferred to detention centre.”
In another tweet he wrote: “Just been subjected to another horrendous set of searches including very personally invasive ‘body search’ - felt all near my underwear etc.” Then added in another, “Just been informed they have booked me a flight tomorrow 5pm to deport me and I am now banned from Israel for 10 years.”
Israel’s interior ministry has no comment at this time.
Spedding is an active youth member of Northern Ireland’s Alliance Party and a columnist for the Huffington Post.