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Showing posts with label alyssa Csukardi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alyssa Csukardi. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

No problem with "Mesira" at Gourmet Glatt in Boro Park! Because she doesn't wear a Shtreimel!

Gourmet Glatt
It was no ordinary day at the grocery today for shoppers at one Borough Park supermarket as customers were joined by members of the NYPD’s 66th precinct who were called in to arrest a cashier who was pocketing cash instead of placing it in her register.
Borough Park resident Alyssa Csukardi was arrested at Gourmet Glatt on 39th Street on charges of petty larceny by police at 1:43 this afternoon, after internal surveillance video showed the 26 year old cashier first placing a $100 bill given to her by a customer first on top of her register, and then surreptitiously slipping it into her pocket once the customer had left.
“The manager of the store started realizing that they were missing $100 every night from the same register when they were cashing out,” Motty Katz of Borough Park Shomrim told VIN News.

“He went into his office and after searching on his video surveillance, he sees how she is taking money from a customer and instead of putting it in her register, she is putting it in her pocket.  We saw it once, we saw it twice and we called the police.”
According to an NYPD spokesperson, Csukardi was arrested and then issued a desk appearance ticket before being released.  Csukardi will be required to appear in court at an as yet undetermined future date to face charges in the theft.
“This happened maybe five or six times,” estimated Katz, who said that Csukardi, who had been only been working for Gourmet Glatt for a few weeks, seemed surprised that she was being arrested.
“As she was being handcuffed she said to us, ‘I didn’t think I was going to get arrested. I thought the money would just come out of my paycheck,’” reported Katz.