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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Occupy Wall St" Causes Kosher Cafe to fire 21 Employees!

Not only don't they work, they are causing honest hard working people to lose their job. 
Milk Street Cafe 

Read a CBS  Report:

The Occupy Wall Street movement, which says its goals include improving the economic lot for 99 percent of Americans, may have some explaining to do to some cafe workers now out of a job.
Mark Epstein, owner of the Milk Street Cafe at 40 Wall Street, just let 21 employees go.
The reason? The barricades police have set up throughout Wall Street as a consequence of theongoing demonstration.
In June, he opened the New York branch of the Boston shop, which has a 30 year history. Epstein says he leased the space on Wall Street because it was next to a pedestrian plaza – and his was the only restaurant along that plaza.
“The opening was perfect,” Epstein told CBSNewYork.com. “The food was delicious, the customers were happy, and the line was out the door.”
Customers kept coming back, Epstein said.
“Everything was going in the right direction. Sales continued to grow. We started to build our catering business. Costs were going down. I felt that by October or November we would break even.”
Then the Occupy Wall Street movement launched.
“I came one Monday morning and I found the exit by the 2 or 3 subway station closed. I saw all these barriers – barricades – all up and down my street,” Epstein said. “At first I thought nothing of it, but after a week… it’s been six or seven weeks now.”
Six or seven weeks of marches and occasional clashes between police and protesters. So the barricades have remained in place.
“The end result of it is that it completely destroyed the pedestrian traffic on Wall Street. Completely destroyed it,” Epstein said. “It is a desolate, police-controlled area.”
The cafe has a capacity of 150 seats. At the height of lunch hour Tuesday, Epstein estimated the shop was half full. With those sorts of numbers, he’s had to let people go.
“We eliminated 21 positions in the company,” Epstein said. “First time in 30 years I’ve laid anybody off.”
They’ve also cut back their hours at the New York location, closing now at 3 p.m. instead of 9 p.m.
However, Epstein doesn’t lay all the blame at the feet of Occupy Wall Street.
“I think this is an issue of both Occupy Wall Street and the city officials. There’s protest and how you react to protest,” Epstein said. “If the barriers do not come down, I do not see how we can survive. This has got to become like America again. You have to be free to walk around.”
“Everybody should understand the consequences of their actions,” he said.
“Everybody’s empathetic and they’ll have lots to say at my eulogy,” he said. “I don’t want to be eulogized. I want the barriers down.”
Epstein says he’s brought his plight to the attention of city officials and police and has been met with empathy. But the barriers are still in place.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Harav Don Ungarisher Suffers Massive Heart Attack and Passes away this morning

From Yeshivaworld.com
YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of Hagon HaRav Don Ungarisher ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Medrash Elyon in Monsey.

Rav Ungarisher suffered a massive heart attack overnight, and was rushed by Hatzolah Paramedics to Good Samaritan Hospital. He was Niftar a few minutes before 8:00AM, Monday morning.

Rav Ungarisher is the son-in-law of Hagon Rav Reuven Grozovsky ZATZAL, who was the founder of Yeshiva Bais Medrash Elyon.
The Levaya will be at 12:30PM in Bais Medrash Elyon, 73 Main Street in Monsey. The Aron will then be brought to JFK Airport enroute to Eretz Yisroel. Misaskim has arranged for the Levaya to be held in JFK Airport at 4:30PM in the “Cell Lot”. Upon entering the JFK Expressway, follow the big blue signs to the Cell Lot. It is one of the first exits exits BEFORE the terminals.

Dangerous Wires are down on Monsey Roads but Chassidishe Yeshivas are open waiting for disaster to hit!

These guys running Chassidishe Mosdos will never learn. Just a few weeks ago little Reuvein Dovid Herbst Z"L got killed by a downed wire; the roads in Monsey and Spring Valley all have fallen trees and live downed wires on the roads, but the Yellow School Buses of the Chassidishe Yeshivois are driving around at full speed like nothing happened. All the Public Schools are closed, all the modern Yeshivois are closed but the Chassidim don't care and are waiting for G-D Forbid disaster to strike.....

"Occupy" handle rapists "internally" just like Aguda!

This is the second time a lady got raped in Zuccotti Park in a week, and police were not called, they handled it internally. You may ask, "What does handling it "internally" mean?" They shined a flashlight in the rapists eyes and yelled "Pervert, Pervert, get out." You cannot make this stuff up.... 
Our Position here at Dus Iz Nies is: Pull the cops out, spray the place with deodorant, build a fence around them and let them fend for themselves.
Read the following article that appeared in the New York Post today.

Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park battened down the hatches yesterday as the early October snow turned their tents into igloos, but the close quarters also made easy pickings for one predator.
A sex fiend barged into a woman’s tent and sexually assaulted her at around 6 a.m., said protesters, who chased him from the park.
“Pervert! Pervert! Get the f--k out!” said vigilante Occupiers, who never bothered to call the cops.
She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped.
“They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.
“We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much already.”
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/zuccotti_perv_Qd8v3hCAnspzJ7VGC9nJZP#ixzz1cJZiZOen

Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Williamsburg Taliban" terrorize Shaitel Salon

Lady wearing a "spitzal"
They live in Galus, but they still believe that they own the streets. A young frum lady opened a Shaitel Salon, so that the women who wear shaitels can have a place to have their Shailtels styled and combed. In Williamsburg most women shave their heads according to the Hungarian Minhagim. This Minhag is only about 200 years old, before then it was unheard of. The women after shaving their heads put on a "Spitzal" a small rag covered by a $500.00 designer scarf. The Shaitel salon has all the windows covered and the sign above the store doesn't even read Hair Salon, it reads Cleaners .....nevertheless, the "Williamsburg Taliban" doesn't want it there, afraid that their children will rebel and refuse to shave their heads and want to wear, G-D Forbid, a Shaitel!

Snake Swallows an Entire Deer

Authorities in Florida have captured and shot dead a 16-foot-long Burmese python after it swallowed an entire adult deer.

The humongous snake was discovered on Thursday by a water management company in western Miami-Dade County in the Everglades.

The slithering reptile had a giant bulge from the 76-pound female deer it had recently eaten.

Officials said it was necessary to capture the python to help stop the spread of the species further north.

The deer was found dead, but amazingly fully intact, and the python was one of the largest ever found in South Florida.

"This is clearly an extreme event," Skip Snow, a python specialist who conducted the autopsy told the South Florida Sun Sentinel. "It shows you they can eat huge things."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chassidim and their way of life will appear on Oprah Winfrey Show

Oprah Winfrey, in New York as part of a new television series, “Oprah’s Next Chapter,” that premieres in January, visited the neighborhoods of Crown Heights, Borough Park and Brooklyn Heights for a glimpse into the daily life of Chasidic Jews and how their intense spiritual devotion informs and strengthens their dealings with the outside world.

Winfrey sat down with two families as part of her visit, enjoying a traditional meal as well. She also discussed communal affairs with five women and toured a Chabad-Lubavitch run Jewish ritual bath, known as a mikvah, in Brooklyn Heights.

A departure from the talk show format that propelled her rise to stardom, “Oprah’s Next Chapter” will air on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network. According to producers, it will focus on her journeys outside the studio as she takes conversations with real people, newsmakers, celebrities and thought leaders to a new level.

From Crownheightsinfo.com

462 men in all of North America refuse to give their wives a get!

This is criminal.... Why are these men still in shul getting aliyas and being respected?
Read the following article in Jewish Week

Most agunot are younger woman with children who are trying to leave a first marriage, according to a new study.
The findings, which identified 462 instances of women refused a Jewish divorce, or get, over a five-year period, suggest that there has been an increase in such cases, while the rate of case resolution has been on the decline. These “chained women” have little money and are not aware of the resources available to them.
More than 70 community-based and social service-related organizations across North America were polled in the census released earlier this month. The study was spearheaded by Barbara Zakheim, founder of the Greater Washington Jewish Coalition, and polling was conducted pro bono by the Mellman Group.
“There is still no Orthodox systemic solution to freeing agunot from the chains binding them to a Jewish marriage,” Zakheim said. “While some rabbis have taken a commendable proactive role in supporting agunot, many others have exhibited an apparent lack of compassion, reflected in their deafening silence on this issue. It is totally unacceptable when rabbis tell agunot to pay off their husbands to receive a get, or when careless beit din [rabbinical court] verdicts leave women in serious financial straits.”
Exacerbating the problem, the study says, is that there is no centralized communal body or rabbinical court that deals with the issue. The report also found that recalcitrant husbands sometimes apply pressure on the agunot, forcing them to make financial or child-custody sacrifices in return for receiving a get.

Shaul Spitzer Arrested for violating Court Order to keep away from Rottenberg's house

The 18-year-old New Square man charged with trying to murder a village dissident through an arson attempt was arrested this morning on a charge of violating a court order to stay away from the family.
Ramapo police arrested Shaul Spitzer after he left the Rockland County Courthouse following an appearance on felony charges of attempted murder, arson and assault.

Police today accused Spitzer of standing outside Aron Rottenberg's Truman Avenue house on Oct. 4 at 3:15 p.m. in violation of a court order to stay away from family members, their home and business, Ramapo police Detective Sgt. John Lynch said today.

Spitzer will be arraigned on the misdemeanor count of second-degree criminal contempt this afternoon in Ramapo Justice Court.
His lawyer, Kenneth Gribetz, could not be reached for comment.
Spitzer has pleaded not guilty to charges of arson and attempted murder based on accusations of trying to set Rottenberg's house in New Square on fire at 4:15 a.m. May 22.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sikrikim Terrorist (attackers of Jerusalem Book Store & Ice Cream Store) gets a taste of his own medicine

One of the leaders of the Frum Terrorists group called Sikrikim, Avraham Hirschman, messed with the wrong Chassidim and got beaten to a pulp.

He should stick to terrorizing  defenseless storekeepers, like the Jerusalem Book Store, and the Ice Cream Store, and break their windows in the dark of the night, instead of messing with Gerrer Chasidim! 
According to reports, a commercial vehicle packed with Gerrer Chasidim was traveling on Tzefanya Street corner of Yona Street in Jerusalem’s Geula neighborhood when they spotted one of the sikrikim they have been looking for in connection to the brawl which has resulted in threats against Gerrer Chassidim accompanied by derogatory comments regarding the Rebbe Shlita.
Some 20 persons got out of the truck with sticks and batons and beat Avraham Hirschman, who was standing at that location.
Hirschman is reportedly a major player among the radical Meah Shearim element known today as the ‘sikrikim’. He is believed to have been behind the violence and destruction surrounding ‘Kollel Poland’ and the ‘Batei Warsaw’ as well as the attacks against the Ohr Chaim seforim store. Most pertinent to this case, he is believed to have ordered the attack against the son of the Rebbe Shlita, a resident of Meah Shearim. That seems to have been the red line that should not have been crossed.
According to preliminary reports from the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, the victim arrived in serious condition with internal bleeding, fractures, and head injuries. There are no reports of any arrests in the case at the time of this report.

Frum girl loses 205lb to find Shidduch

Is there anything people won't do for love? Merav Yitzhaki, 25, had bariatric surgery, gave up on snacks and pastries and lost more than half her weight. Now she is waiting for her knight in shining armor.
Before weighing 342 pounds

Love, so they say, changes people forever. But a changeover like the one undergone by Merav Yitzhaki, a young woman affiliated with the Chabad Hasidic movement, must have required some help from God as well.As part of her attempts to find a proper match, Merav had a series of operations, lost 93 kilograms (205 pounds) and redefined the concept of a diet. Now, with her new look, she feels available for a serious relationship (preferably with a Chabadnik, of course).

'I started taking things seriously'

"I was always a fat girl," says Merav, 25, of Netanya. "My parents tried to encourage me, saying that being fat is not an offense, and I preferred to just ignore my weight and eat."

And Merav did eat, until at the age of 21, when religious girls start seriously thinking about getting married, she reached the weight of 155 kilos (342 pounds).

But Merav didn't really accept the situation, and at some point found herself on the operating table at the Assuta hospital, where a ring was adjusted on her stomach to reduce her appetite.
"I was warned that I should be thin when I enter the 'shidduch' world, so that I could be matched to a good-looking guy. But I had already accepted the fact that I would probably be matched to a fat guy and that's it."
After weighing 137 pounds

"I started taking things seriously and eating in a healthy way, and with the help of diets the weight just kept falling off until my dietician stopped me," she says.

And then, about a year ago, she looked in the mirror and saw a girl weighing 62 kilos (137 pounds) with a lot of excess skin, which used to cover her 155 kilos in the past. "I looked really weird, only in a different way this time," she says.

In order to look her best and fit into the dating world, Merav was treated by Dr. Tali Friedman, a senior plastic surgeon from the Assia Medical Center in Tel Aviv.

"The problem of obesity is extremely relevant to the haredi-religious sector these days," says Dr. Friedman. "I have been exposed to many patients from the sector who have undergone weight loss treatments and body shaping. Merav is a very impressive and highly motivated young woman, who has done very well."

At the end of the treatments, Merav said goodbye to the excess skin as well and finally joined the world of single women and men.

"I have never gone on a date before," she says. "Even when I had already lost weight, I wasn't offered any matches because people didn't know about it. But I know that God will send me what I deserve.

In the meantime she's happy ("I thank God Almighty 10 times a day") and recently began working as –believe it or not – a pastry cook. "That's what it's about, watching but no touching," she laughs.

To conclude: Sense of humor – check; new look – check. All that's missing is a good ultra-Orthodox groom.
Reported by YNetnews.com

"Occupy Wall St" Protesters believe Rush Limbaugh is more dangerous than Al Quida who destroyed the Twin Towers and murdered 3,000 innocent Americans

Police want victims molested by Turner to come forward

Anyone with Information about this molester is asked to call Ramapo Police
I wonder how many Rabbonim in Monsey knew about this monster and kept it quiet. Why are they obsessed with Tznius issues of women, but will protect a man that sexually abuses hundreds of victims. How many innocent children have to die before the Rabbonim start condemning these gangsters?
Read the following and weep!

A 58-year-old Monsey man has been charged with sexually molesting a 14-year-old boy.
Ramapo police accused Moishe Turner of 5 Dana Road of having anal and oral sex on seven occasions throughout Ramapo and Spring Valley.
The police investigation led to Turner's arrest last week on seven felony counts of second-degree criminal sex act and one misdemeanor count of endangering the welfare of a child.
Ramapo Police Detective Sgt. Brian Corbett said Monday that the investigation found the sexual activities occurred across Ramapo and in Spring Valley.
He said Ramapo detectives kept the case because the alleged crimes started in the town's jurisdiction.
"At this point in our investigation, we think there may have been more victims," Corbett said.
Turner was ordered held in the county jail in New City on $75,000 bail set during his arraignment on the charges in Spring Valley Justice Court. He is to return to court on Thursday, according to his attorney, Kenneth Gribetz.
Gribetz on Monday evening maintained his client's innocence.
"We want to state, without commenting further, that Mr. Turner intends to enter a plea of not guilty and that we intend to litigate this matter in court," Gribetz said.
A felony hearing will be held on the charges and on the setting of bail. The hearing could be adjourned and the case moved to criminal court in New City if the case is presented to a Rockland grand jury and an indictment is returned this week.
While Turner calls himself a rabbi, Corbett said police have no definitive information on his rabbinical status.
Rabbi Noson Leiter said Turner might have been educated in yeshiva but he doesn't lead a congregation and isn't a religious leader in the community. Leiter is a member of Torah Jews for Decency in Monsey.
Leiter said Turner has "misused the term rabbi to cover himself for unspeakable, egregious acts."
"The Orthodox and Hasidic community response to his arrest was very positive," Leiter said, adding Turner has been in the community for some time and religious leaders were helpful.
"We're obliged to uproot these people in our midst," Leiter said, "and make sure they don't harm others in the community or outside the community."
Turner pleads not guilty Thursday Oct 27,2011 see video below

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Single Jewish girls sue to immerse in mikvah

Mikveh for married women only?
 The Religious Action Center has appealed to Religious Services Minister Yakov Margi, demanding that he order Religious Council across the country to allow all women to immerse in a mikveh (ritual bath) – regardless of their marital status.

According to the Center, in many communities unmarried women have been banned from ritual baths to avoid giving them halachic authorization for sexual relations as single women – an act of discrimination constituting "a civil injustice and criminal offense."
he Center's representative, Attorney Orly Erez-Lahovsky, sent a letter to Minister Margi following an appeal she received from a divorced woman living in a small community in the Negev, who was not allowed to immerse in the ritual bath near her home after being required to present her identity card to the bath attendant and prove her marital status.

"The mikveh is a public building operated by the Religious Council for all residents, and is not the bath attendant's private property," the letter said. "All women living in the area may use the mikveh, and therefore a woman cannot be banned entry due to her marital status."

Gaddafi Punched, Slapped and Sodomized during capture, Video

Further harrowing images of the final moments of former Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi have been made public.
GlobalPost has obtained video, allegedly shot on the cellphone of one of the rebel fighters who captured Gaddafi, that showing him being attacked by one of his captors. Various reports have questioned whether the former Libyan leader was sodomized with what appears to be a stick or metal rod in the opening moments of the video. The video shows an attacker striking Gaddafi with the object. The camera pulls away quickly afterward.
Libya's interim leader, Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, haspromised an investigation into the exact circumstances of how Gaddafi met his demise. Initial reports suggest Gaddafi was killed in the crossfire as his supporters clashed with revolutionary forces seizing control of his hometown of Sirte.

Jewish Man that killed his wife and two children bought shotgun months before the killing

Sam Friedlander with his two children
Sam Friedlander, the Westchester man who bludgeoned his wife to death and murdered his two young children with a shotgun, bought the weapon used in the killing more than five months before he took out his family and his own life.

State Police Major Michael Kopy said in a press release that Friedlander, 50, purchased the Remington 870 and two boxes of buckshot ammunition on April 29 at All County Sporting Supply in Yonkers.
Amy Friedlander and her children were buried Sunday in Bucks County, Pa., where Amy grew up.
Friedlander, of the tony Cross River section of Lewisboro, used the weapon to kill his two children – Molly, 10, and Gregory, 8 – Oct. 18 in the family's home. He bludgeoned his wife, Amy, 46, to death in the early morning hours of the same day then killed himself with the gun. The couple was embroiled in a bitter divorce.
Kopy said a preliminary investigation showed that all proper procedures were followed in the gun purchase and that Friedlander showed a valid New York state driver’s license when he bought the weapon.
He said the investigation into the murder-suicide was in its final phase.
All County Sporting Supply could not immediately be reached for comment
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/beforehand_dad_who_brutally_murdered_mASHyBlNmSUo4alJnh0PzJ#ixzz1bkNXAzOL

Shidduch Crises over in Libya, Sharia Law permits 4 brides to one man

Heaven can wait.
Victorious rebels in Libya won’t need to martyr themselves to win an adoring harem of virgins -- one of their governing council’s first orders of business yesterday was lifting restrictions on men having multiple wives.
“As an Islamic country, we adopted sharia as the principal law,” decreed Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, head of the National Transition Council. “Any law that violates sharia is null and void legally.”
The revolutionary then told thousands in Benghazi, the birthplace of the uprising that ended last week with strongman Moammar Khadafy’s death, that all men will again be free to take up to four brides without restriction.
But despite the extra earthly pleasures now afforded to men, Abdul-Jalil offered a kneeled prayer and said fallen fighters are now “somewhere better than here, with God.”
Abdul-Jalil added, in accordance with Islamic law, that bank interest will be capped.
During the Khadafy era, men needed their wives’ permission to marry another woman and banks were generally operated according to Western practices.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/international/marry_men_of_libya_Woe5EY1gz0bhNgMluFEVIP#ixzz1bkKanFA

Monday, October 24, 2011

Moishe Turner accused of Sodomzing Boys in Monsey

Ramapo police arrested 58-year-old Rabbi Moishe Turner earlier this week for allegedly sodomizing boys.
The Monsey resident was arraigned in Spring Valley Village Court yesterday, and charged with seven counts of criminal sex acts in the second degree, and one count of endangering the welfare of a child.
The religious leader posted bail yesterday, and is expected back in court on Oct. 27. His case is being handled by the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office.
Noted: An accusation are mere allegations and defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Bloomberg to Williamsburg/Boro Park Chassidim: "Get your own bus."

New York City authorities said they will shut down a city bus service run by Orthodox Jews if the group doesn’t stop making women sit at the back of the bus.
New York City’s Department of Transportation spokesman Scott Gastel said the agency’s executive director Anne Koenig has asked the company to respond to the allegations and was waiting to hear back.
“Please be advised that a practice of requiring women to ride in the back ... would constitute a direct violation of your franchise agreement and may lead to termination of that agreement,” Koenig wrote.
If such a violation is found, the franchise could be revoked, the DOT said in a statement.

The Private Transportation Corp declined comment.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg told a news conference on Wednesday that if Orthodox Jews want to segregate men and women, they should get their own bus. Segregation is “obviously not permitted” on public buses, Bloomberg said, adding, “Private people: you can have a private bus. Go rent a bus, and do what you want on it.”