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Showing posts with label Rav Ungarisher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rav Ungarisher. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2011

Harav Don Ungarisher Suffers Massive Heart Attack and Passes away this morning

From Yeshivaworld.com
YWN regrets to inform you of the sudden Petira of Hagon HaRav Don Ungarisher ZATZAL, the Rosh Yeshiva of Bais Medrash Elyon in Monsey.

Rav Ungarisher suffered a massive heart attack overnight, and was rushed by Hatzolah Paramedics to Good Samaritan Hospital. He was Niftar a few minutes before 8:00AM, Monday morning.

Rav Ungarisher is the son-in-law of Hagon Rav Reuven Grozovsky ZATZAL, who was the founder of Yeshiva Bais Medrash Elyon.
The Levaya will be at 12:30PM in Bais Medrash Elyon, 73 Main Street in Monsey. The Aron will then be brought to JFK Airport enroute to Eretz Yisroel. Misaskim has arranged for the Levaya to be held in JFK Airport at 4:30PM in the “Cell Lot”. Upon entering the JFK Expressway, follow the big blue signs to the Cell Lot. It is one of the first exits exits BEFORE the terminals.