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Showing posts with label Sikrikim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sikrikim. Show all posts

Friday, November 25, 2011

Israeli Police finally arrest Sikrikim leader for violent activities against Jerusalem Bookstore

Yosef Meir Hazan, a member of the Sikrikim (Sicarii) extremist ultra-Orthodox group, was arrested this week in the capital’s Geula neighborhood as part of a special operation by the Jerusalem Police.

According to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, Hazan was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of causing public disturbances, damaging property and assaulting a police officer attempting to arrest him.
At a Wednesday hearing in the Jerusalem District Court, a police representative requested a six-day extension of Hazan’s remand; however, the court granted an extension until “the end of the week.” He is expected to be released on Friday afternoon.

On Tuesday, a video was posted to YouTube showing Hazan directing various demonstrations and violent activities against the Or Hahayim bookstore in Jerusalem’s Mea She’arim neighborhood and the Batei Varsha complex in Geula, the focus of a violent struggle between the Sikrikim and the neighborhood’s Gur Hassidim.
Hazan’s arrest appears to have been related to these incidents. The footage apparently shows him damaging the door to a store and engaging in violent activity against Batei Varsha.
The clip also shows him dancing at a wedding with a Palestinian flag.

The video was posted with a commentary in subtitles, as well as an explanation stating that the footage showed “the actions of the Sikrik Yosef Meir Hazan, the representative of Shalom Baruch Rost and Avraham Hirschman [two of the leaders of the Sikrikim group] who are imposing terror in the neighborhood against Batei Varsha.”
all the above from Jerusalem Post

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Charedi Rabbis Only Denounce violence when the Sikrikim get a beating but totally ignore the violence that was perpetrated on the Book Store and Ice Cream Store!

Badatz Rabbis denounce the bloody beating that Avraham Hirschman the Sikrikie got from the Gerrer Chassidim, but don't care when Avraham Hirschman the leader of the Sikrikim perpetrates violence on innocent storekeepers.
From Arutz 7

he rabbis of the Haredi Badatz – the High Court of Justice of the Eida Haredit community – published an unusual and strongly worded denouncement of the internecine violence that has been plaguing the community in recent months.
The violence has been ascribed to Gur (Gerrer) hassidim, some of whom said it was a response to severe provocations by members of a violent group called the sikrikim. The conflict is connected to a turf war over the “Batei Warsaw” neighborhood.
In official posters (“pashkvils”) pasted on the bulletin boards and walls of the Me’ah She’arim neighborhood, the Badatz referred to an incident in which a man named Avraham Hirschman was severely beaten, and to another attack, in which a man named Shalom Roset was beaten inside a synagogue.
“We heard with fear of several incidents of beatings – to the point of pulverization—and damage to Jewish property and capital,” the rabbis wrote. The violent incidents “have reached the point of desecrating synagogues. Woe to the ears that hear this, that such a thing can be done in Israel and no voice be raised in protest.
“Anyone complicit in their acts will not be cleansed of this in the next [world],” they summed up, in a pashkvil signed by the Badatz Head, Rav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss.
Where was Reb Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss when the Book store was destroyed?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sikrikim Terrorist (attackers of Jerusalem Book Store & Ice Cream Store) gets a taste of his own medicine

One of the leaders of the Frum Terrorists group called Sikrikim, Avraham Hirschman, messed with the wrong Chassidim and got beaten to a pulp.

He should stick to terrorizing  defenseless storekeepers, like the Jerusalem Book Store, and the Ice Cream Store, and break their windows in the dark of the night, instead of messing with Gerrer Chasidim! 
According to reports, a commercial vehicle packed with Gerrer Chasidim was traveling on Tzefanya Street corner of Yona Street in Jerusalem’s Geula neighborhood when they spotted one of the sikrikim they have been looking for in connection to the brawl which has resulted in threats against Gerrer Chassidim accompanied by derogatory comments regarding the Rebbe Shlita.
Some 20 persons got out of the truck with sticks and batons and beat Avraham Hirschman, who was standing at that location.
Hirschman is reportedly a major player among the radical Meah Shearim element known today as the ‘sikrikim’. He is believed to have been behind the violence and destruction surrounding ‘Kollel Poland’ and the ‘Batei Warsaw’ as well as the attacks against the Ohr Chaim seforim store. Most pertinent to this case, he is believed to have ordered the attack against the son of the Rebbe Shlita, a resident of Meah Shearim. That seems to have been the red line that should not have been crossed.
According to preliminary reports from the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, the victim arrived in serious condition with internal bleeding, fractures, and head injuries. There are no reports of any arrests in the case at the time of this report.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Its Chodesh Ellul and Haredi Mafia Continues To Destroy Jewish Bookstore because they sell English books, and All the Gedolim are Quiet!

Mea She’arim bookstore hit again by extremist ‘mafia'
Radicals from anti-Zionist Sikrikim group also glued locks shut, thrown tar and fish oil, dumped bags of human excrement inside the store
MELANIE LIDMAN • Jerusalem Post
A bookstore in the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea She’arim, which has been struggling with violence from a mafia-style “Purity Committee” that objects to their English and Zionist books, was attacked once again early on Wednesday morning.

 Marlene Samuels, the manager of Or Hachaim/Manny’s Bookstore, found the outer windows of the shop smashed for the fifth time since the store’s opening in March 2010, and the second time in less than a week. Radicals from the fringe anti-Zionist Sikrikim group have also glued its locks shut, thrown tar and fish oil at it and dumped bags of human excrement inside the store.
 Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said the police had received a complaint and opened an investigation. He added that the police are using intelligence gathered from a wide range of sources to try to stop the violence against the store.The harassment of the bookstore stems from the bookstore’s refusal to accept demands made by the Sikrikim, a group of 60-100 extremists in Mea She’arim which demands all businesses observe specific “modesty standards.”At Or Hachaim, the Sikrikim’s demands include putting up a sign asking customers to dress modestly and removing all English-language and Zionist books. Two weeks ago, owners of the store met with Sikrikim representatives to try to stop the violence, but no solution was found.
 “Their list is too long, they want every English book out, they want the store, that’s the bottom line,” said Samuels.“Nothing good enough for them, and we can’t take out the English books, we won’t have a business.” She complained that the police have not helped them try to find the culprits, despite security camera footage that clearly shows the men breaking the windows. Samuels said they had considered putting up steel shutters on the building to protect the glass, but she worried the Sikrikim would find a way to destroy that as well. “The only thing left to do is beat these people up,” a frustrated Samuels said on Wednesday, the second time in less than two weeks that all of the store’s outer windows have been broken.
 “Just find these people and beat them to a pulp. They’re cowards and only violence will quiet them down.” 
Samuels said that other store owners suffering from similar abuse had hired vigilantes to stop the violence and been successful, though she doubted that the owners of Or Hachaim/Manny’s would do that. Many of the other stores in the neighborhood have acquiesced to the Sikrikim’s demands, though they complain of the “mafia-like” control the small group of extremists wield over the area. Until the Post published an article a week or so ago about this, police had done nothing to stop the violence against the store, and were quoted publicly as saying they had no idea the violence was happening, while denying anyone had made police reports about it. Suddenly there's publicity – sunlight, so to speak, and the police now claim to be investigating. Security camera video exists showing these thugs breaking windows of the store and trashing it. The names of most of these thugs are known. But Israel's crack police department claims it does not know those names or recognize those faces, and so it "investigates." This is a lot like Israel's claim that it could not find Hosam Amara when the US wanted him extradited, even though Amara was living openly in his home and his address and phone number were known.The cops don't want to fight with the Sicariim or Edah Charedit, so they're throwing the bookstore, its owners and the other effected shopkeepers and stores under the bus.They are enabling haredi violence.