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Showing posts with label rabbi mizrachi holocaust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rabbi mizrachi holocaust. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Yoisef Mizrachi Claims that Nazis were more Tznisdik than not-frum Jews

The meshiginer, Mr. Mizrachi, claims in this video, that the Nazis YM"S had better morals than secular Jews, since  Nazis "separated the men from the ladies" before murdering them!

I'm not kidding! 

Before you watch the video below, make sure to have a barfing bag next to you, otherwise your wife will get upset that you threw up on her carpet! 

The truth is, that the reason Nazis separated men from the ladies was because they wanted to keep the ladies in the dark and give them some hope, to keep them orderly, so they told them that the men were going to work. 

This is well documented in the transcripts of the Neurenberg Trials and recorded in many scholarly books on the Holocaust!
But this vicious snake whose hatred against his brothers and sisters, that are not religious, far exceeds his dislike of the Nazi barbarians, distorts and re-writes history and wants you to think that the Nazis were far more Tznisdik than secular Jews!

There are many not frum Jews and even goyim that dress tznisdik, in fact all the Kol Koras that are distributed about Tzenees are primarily addressed to the frum oilem... 
All the Seforim that address Tznees issues are for the fum oilem...
So it's the Fummies that need help in Tznees issues!

Here watch where Mr. Mizrachi also claims that secular Jewish women posed in the nude to Nazi murderers knowing full well that they will be murdered minutes later..
He keeps saying "naked" "naked" "take their clothes off"  "putting men and woman naked together like sardines"
This guy has one filthy perverted mind!
Sick dude!

Monday, January 4, 2016

Holocaust Survivors Don’t Accept Apology From Mr. Yosef Mizrachi Over Comments Made About 6 Million Kedosim

On Sunday, Mr. Mizrachi issued a half assed apology 

One well-known survivor, Dr. Moshe Katz, agreed to go on camera and deliver a message to Mr. Mizrachi.

Dr. Moshe Katz is a noted author and lecturer about the holocaust. He is the author of the well-received holocaust book, “Nine Out of Ten.” He has lectured at hundreds of Yeshivos, shuls and schools about the holocaust.

Dr. Katz was also one of the founding members of several Yeshivos and schools including Yeshiva of Southshore, Yeshivas Sh’or Yoshiv, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, and Torah Academy for Girls. He is both a pillar of the Torah community as well as a pillar of the survivors of the holocaust. 

Below is his reaction to the unfortunate lies regarding the holocaust that was promoted by Mr. Mizrachi.
(Dov Gefen

Here watch where Mr. Mizrachi claims that secular Jewish women posed in the nude to Nazi murderers knowing full well that they will be murdered minutes later..
How sick and perverted can a guy be? How low can a guy go?
And he calls himself a "rabbi"!

This is an outright lie and a rational human being wouldn't even understand this sick statement! 
He seems to be busy with woman all the time and in this video he admits  looking at nude photos of  secular and religious Jewish dead women of the Holocaust!
And how does he know when he looks at a nude lady whether she is frum or secular? 
You cannot tell by the hair, because many frum women have their own hair underneath the shaitel or the scarf!
Does a frum lady have an identifying mark on her body that a secular lady does not?
Let's ask the expert ..... Mr. Mizrachi!