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Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New Satmar book geared to brainwash young girls...Book calls Gedoilie Yisroel that don't agree with Satmar ..."Apikorsim" & "Meenim"

The new propaganda book
Published by Bais Ruchel Satmar Girl School 
Book displayed in yiddish Girl Section in book store 

 My local Sefarim Store has the children books displayed as you walk in. 

Piled up on the first shelf was a bunch of books prominently displayed with the title "Oistzeegen fin Sefer Ve'yoel Moshe." (Excerpts from sefer Va'yoel Moshe)!

The book printed in yiddish has large letters, catering to young yiddish speaking girls. The book is published by the Satmar Girls School on Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn. 
Mr. Hertz Frankel was the "English" principal there for years!

As I perused thru the book, my heart almost stopped beating, as I was reading the table of contents ..... the book contains the entire Satmar anti-Zionist SHIT'ah in concise, precise words geared to teenagers! The book contains hate against other Jews that don't agree with the vicious Satmar ideas. The book quotes the V'yoel Moshe that calls all Gedoilie Yisroel that didn't align themselves with Romanian misguided ideals, "Apikorsim and Meenim"!

Satmar is suddenly realizing that they are losing the anti-Zionist ideas with their young married yingeleit, because as the yingileit visit Israel, they come to realize that they have been fed a bunch of lies and hate toward their fellow Jews living in Eretz Yisroel!

So to "save" the teenagers, the Satmar gangsters have embarked on strategy to start brainwashing the girls, while they are still young, because they know that girls have stronger characteristics than the boys and are by nature more spiritual. Also these girls will marry and have a very strong spiritual influence in their homes!

Read a few lines that I randomly chose, that clearly indicates, the lies and misinformation, gleaned by the author directly from the book Va'yoel Moshe! (loosly translated by DIN)

Byline: "Telling Everyone to Move to Israel is Apikorses" (heresy)
DIN: See how the clowns operate? 
The Rebbe took a Mitzvas Esseh D'oriisah, (a positive Biblical commandment) according to the Ramban and most moinei hamitzvas, Mitzvahs Yishuv Eretz Yisroel Bizman Hazeh, (the commandment of living in Israel in our days) and  turned that mitzvah into a heretical action!

"To tell  all Jews to live in Eretz Yisroel during a time of exile, are words of meeenus and apikorsas, that denies the decree of exile that is mentioned in many verses and in the words of our holy Rabbis"
DIN: Well, this is a lie ... and actually contradicts the words of the founder of chassidus the Holy Baal Shem Tov, that wanted to make Aliyah himself and then encouraged his talmidim to make Aliyah, which they actually did and are buried in the old cemetery of Tveryeh! 
To this sane argument, R' Yoel would say that the "Baal Shem Tovs idea of Chassidus is now null and void!" 
In addition,  the Rebbe's  ludicrous statement, that whoever encourages Jews to move to Israel is a heretic, makes all Gedoilei Yisrael from Ezra HaSofer and Nechemyeh to all Gedoilei Yisroel living in Israel including the Ramban, Ohr Hachyim Hakodesh, Reb Yehuda Ha'Chusid, R' Chaim Sonnenfeld, .... a bunch of Apikorsim and meenim!

I will from time to time quote from this disgusting piece of garbage and comment on it ...
Meee Ke'amcha Yisroel!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Satmarism vs Zionism Part 5 "IDF are the Biggest Murderers"

Recently, Satmar published a booklet,  שמעו דבר ה׳  a transcript of Reb Yoel Teitelbaum's Shalosh Seudois Torelech given  during and immediately after the 6 day war, in 1967. The booklet is accompanied with an MP3 which is an actual  recording of the Rebbe speaking on Shabbos at Shaloish Seudois.
Notice the arrogant title of the booklet: 
"Listen to the Words of Hashem," 
as if the Satmar Shitah is the words of Hashem!

Click on links to read :
**Part 1 Titled "Chabad Shabsai Tzvi" 
was posted on Sept 7

**Part 2 Titled "Zionists Started the 6 Day War " 
was posted on Sept 8

**Part 3 Titled "Israeli Flag Avoda Zara "

was posted on Sept 11

** Part 4 Titled "Miracles" 
posted on Sept 14


Before I take the liberty to translate the piece, its really hard to believe that a "Manhig Yisrael" would spew such venom and hate against Jewish Children! It was the Satmar Rebbe that misled thousands of his Chassidim in pre-war Rumania into believing that Hitler would never touch Hungary, and advised those pathetic individuals not to use their Visas to America and to the then Palestine. The majority of his Chassidim that took his advice perished in the Holocaust!
He then took the opportunity to flee Romania with his family, on a Zionist train.
It could be that in hindsight, no one really knew, and that he really meant well, but to then turn around in 1967, when Jewish Soldiers in a Jewish Army, fought gallantly in self defense to protect  their own families and other Jews from the bloody murderous Arabs and call those very saviors, "Murderers"  is beyond the call of decency!

And now the loose translation:

"(Quoting from Malchai 2) 'If you do bad ... is that good in the eyes of Hashem?'
Lots of people say that the chayalim (IDF) are "bnei Olam Habah"  how can someone be sooo blind?
The Almighty saves Jews.... can anyone actually think that those who brought the sword to the world, are actually the saviors?
On the contrary! It would be a miracle if we could be saved from their hands! 
The biggest murderers are the IDF! They caused this war (1967) they brought the sword, literally, this war was needless!
I won't go into it at this time , this will all come out soon (that Israel started this war). 
all the troubles that Jews are going through, is only because of the establishment of the profane country!"

My Dear Readers:
I had to re-read it four times and then went to the recording, because I couldn't believe that a Shomer Torah U'Mitzvos would call another Jew, a "murderer"!
And not just a Jew, but a Jew who put on a uniform to put his life at risk to save other Jews!
This is the Satmar Shita! And this my friends has to be reputed and denounced.
The Satmar Rebbe refused to thank the Shliach that Hashem sent to save him....the Zionist, Rudolf Kastner!
But we will thank the Jewish Soldiers that put their necks on the line to make sure that there can be a Satmar Shul in Bnei Brak, so there can be a Satmar Shul in Meah Shearim....