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Showing posts with label satmar israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar israel. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New Satmar book geared to brainwash young girls...Book calls Gedoilie Yisroel that don't agree with Satmar ..."Apikorsim" & "Meenim"

The new propaganda book
Published by Bais Ruchel Satmar Girl School 
Book displayed in yiddish Girl Section in book store 

 My local Sefarim Store has the children books displayed as you walk in. 

Piled up on the first shelf was a bunch of books prominently displayed with the title "Oistzeegen fin Sefer Ve'yoel Moshe." (Excerpts from sefer Va'yoel Moshe)!

The book printed in yiddish has large letters, catering to young yiddish speaking girls. The book is published by the Satmar Girls School on Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn. 
Mr. Hertz Frankel was the "English" principal there for years!

As I perused thru the book, my heart almost stopped beating, as I was reading the table of contents ..... the book contains the entire Satmar anti-Zionist SHIT'ah in concise, precise words geared to teenagers! The book contains hate against other Jews that don't agree with the vicious Satmar ideas. The book quotes the V'yoel Moshe that calls all Gedoilie Yisroel that didn't align themselves with Romanian misguided ideals, "Apikorsim and Meenim"!

Satmar is suddenly realizing that they are losing the anti-Zionist ideas with their young married yingeleit, because as the yingileit visit Israel, they come to realize that they have been fed a bunch of lies and hate toward their fellow Jews living in Eretz Yisroel!

So to "save" the teenagers, the Satmar gangsters have embarked on strategy to start brainwashing the girls, while they are still young, because they know that girls have stronger characteristics than the boys and are by nature more spiritual. Also these girls will marry and have a very strong spiritual influence in their homes!

Read a few lines that I randomly chose, that clearly indicates, the lies and misinformation, gleaned by the author directly from the book Va'yoel Moshe! (loosly translated by DIN)

Byline: "Telling Everyone to Move to Israel is Apikorses" (heresy)
DIN: See how the clowns operate? 
The Rebbe took a Mitzvas Esseh D'oriisah, (a positive Biblical commandment) according to the Ramban and most moinei hamitzvas, Mitzvahs Yishuv Eretz Yisroel Bizman Hazeh, (the commandment of living in Israel in our days) and  turned that mitzvah into a heretical action!

"To tell  all Jews to live in Eretz Yisroel during a time of exile, are words of meeenus and apikorsas, that denies the decree of exile that is mentioned in many verses and in the words of our holy Rabbis"
DIN: Well, this is a lie ... and actually contradicts the words of the founder of chassidus the Holy Baal Shem Tov, that wanted to make Aliyah himself and then encouraged his talmidim to make Aliyah, which they actually did and are buried in the old cemetery of Tveryeh! 
To this sane argument, R' Yoel would say that the "Baal Shem Tovs idea of Chassidus is now null and void!" 
In addition,  the Rebbe's  ludicrous statement, that whoever encourages Jews to move to Israel is a heretic, makes all Gedoilei Yisrael from Ezra HaSofer and Nechemyeh to all Gedoilei Yisroel living in Israel including the Ramban, Ohr Hachyim Hakodesh, Reb Yehuda Ha'Chusid, R' Chaim Sonnenfeld, .... a bunch of Apikorsim and meenim!

I will from time to time quote from this disgusting piece of garbage and comment on it ...
Meee Ke'amcha Yisroel!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Satmar Wins Big! Palestinian request to fly flag at UN passes General Assembly vote by landslide majority

The two Satmar brothers, who like the brothers Yaakov & Eisav, hate each other, will be unified in their Shalosh Seuda Toirelich to celebrate the raising of the Palestinan Flag at the UN!

There is no question in my mind that as they slurp majes herring and gulp  Malaga Wine they will have the time to slide in some anti-Jewish rhetoric before the Yoim Hadin!

Instead of taking a reckoning and having a little compassion for the 6.2 million brothers and sisters in the land that HKB"H gave us, they will most certainly rant and rave with bulging veins, their hateful  twisted ideas taken directly from Va"Yoel Moshe!

It's time to end this craziness, and realize that the State of Israel is a fact and that most of the Jewish people are very happy about that! 
Time to thank Hashem for giving us a country that you will be able to flee to, when the goyim in Monroe get fed up with your constant annexation of land and will because of your violation of the Biblical prohibition of Hisgarus B'eumois, chase you the hell out of there!

The UN General Assembly voted by a landslide majority on Thursday in favor of a Palestinian draft resolution to raise its flag at the United Nations.

There were 119 votes in favor out of 193 UN members. Eight members voted against the draft measure and 45 abstained.

The United States and Israel were among eight countries that voted against the Palestinian-drafted resolution, which says the flags of non-member observer states like Palestine "shall be raised at (UN) Headquarters and United Nations Offices following the flags of the member states."

Most of the 28-nation European Union were among the 45 nations that abstained, though France and more than half a dozen others voted in favor of the Palestinian resolution after the EU split on the issue.

Israeli envoy to the UN Ron Prosor spoke against the resolution in his last speech before being replaced by Danny Danon as UN envoy.

The resolution affects the Vatican as well, as it applies to all non-member observer states. The Vatican's chief delegate to the United Nations on Wednesday said it was unclear whether the Holy See would choose to fly its flag alongside the Palestinians' at UN headquarters if the draft resolution is approved as expected.

The draft resolution says the flags of non-member observer states "shall be raised at (UN) Headquarters and United Nations Offices following the flags of the member states of the United Nations."

Israel has urged member states to oppose the Palestinian draft resolution. UN diplomats say the measure is expected to pass given the widespread support Palestine enjoys among non-aligned developing nations, the largest bloc of UN members.

Initially, the Palestinians had presented their flag-raising initiative as a joint proposal with the Vatican, but the Holy See's mission quickly made clear it would not co-sponsor the resolution and asked that all references to the Vatican be removed.

Archbishop Bernardito Auza, the Vatican's permanent observer at the United Nations, ruled out the possibility that it would let its flag fly at the world body before Pope Francis' speech before a high-level gathering of the General Assembly on Sept. 25.

"We have no intention whatsoever to do that," he said.

Auza added that the Vatican did not co-sponsor the Palestinian resolution "because we have certainly different priorities." He said the Holy See was undecided about whether to allow its flag to be flown at the United Nations at all.

"Whether or not the Holy See in the future would raise its flag, that question is open," he said.

The Vatican and Palestine are the only non-member observer states at the United Nations.

Washington described the Palestinian flag initiative as "counterproductive."

While the United States and Israel are expected to vote against the Palestinian resolution, diplomats said the 28-nation European Union was incapable of reaching a unified position.

While most EU members will abstain, more than half a dozen EU member states - including France, Sweden and others - are expected to vote for the Palestinian draft, diplomats told Reuters.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Group of Satmar Chassidim becoming Zionists making Aliyah!

They take part in anti-Israel demonstrations but secretly, they plan a Charedi-Zionist agricultural community in Israel.

The Satmar Chassidim are infamous for its anti-Zionist creed, but according to a weekend exposé by Zvika Klein of Makor Rishon & NRG, a small group of the chassidim in New York City is secretly planning to make aliyah and establish a Zionist agricultural community.

The organization is named “Zoreah – Hassidim for Settling the Land of Israel” and includes mostly Satmar chassidim, as well as some chassidim from other dynasties. 

They were all raised to hate Zionism and the state of Israel, and some of them even attend anti-Israel protests to this day. But they all decided, after deep study, that making aliyah should be their main goal in life.
"There is great hatred for Zionism in the community I live in,” one of them told Klein. “Anything I say that can be understood as support for Zionism, will haunt me and my family. There is a real mafia out there that can threaten to throw my children out of the educational institutes, and since we do not have an alternative at the moment, I and the rest of my friends cannot expose our identities yet.”
Instead, the chassid said – they are opting for an approach to their dream that is gradual – “like everything having to do with the Redemption.”

The Satmar stream was established in Satu-Mare, Transylvania, in 1905, and moved its center to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, after World War 2. 

Its founder, Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum, saw Zionism as the root of all evil and the main cause of the misfortunes that befell the Jewish people in the 20th century. The stream is currently divided into two sections, both of which abhor Zionism.
"I grew up as a complete anti-Israeli,” one of the members of the secret stream told Klein. He is 34, married with seven children, and works in marketing. 

“In the Satmar institutes we were taught that there are 613 mitzvot plus the 'three vows' of the nation of Israel, one of which is not to make aliyah to the Land of Israel in an organized fashion. Once in a while, the Yeshiva Head would give a speech and tell the students that the State of Israel is based on the uprooting of religion, and that it tries to turn Jews into non-Jews.”

Starting to ask questions

In addition, he said, the students would be bused to 2nd Avenue several times a year to demonstrate opposite the Israeli consulate, when an Israeli prime minister or MK visited. 

However, in his late 20s, he began asking questions
“When friends in the yeshiva told me stories, I simply fell in love with the Land of Israel. The access to internet and to the world also exposes you to a different reality, one you did not previously know. I decided that Israel is the place for me.”

The man, who is referred to by the pseudonym Aaron in the report, went on to relate that he and other Satmar chassidim who were frustrated with the anti-Zionism they were raised upon, began praying together in Williamsburg, at their own “shtibel,” and did so in the style of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, which is not accepted in any other local synagogue.
"Bit by bit, more congregants who were looking for something more free joined us. It made sense that these people would also open up and begin to love Israel. We have a Whatsapp group with 50 members and an internet blog as well.”

The plans to make aliyah are very real. Members of the group have already visited Israel in search of a suitable location for their agricultural community. Aaron visited Givat Ze'ev, became enamored with the scenic view and the proximity to Jerusalem, and told the other members – “this is the spot.”

The members' wives and children speak Yiddish and some English. However, Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Bet Shemesh and other charedi concentrations are “irrelevant for us,” Aaron said, because the charedim in Israel “are not in love with the Land they live on, like we are.” Finding the right place is not easy, he conceded: “finding a Yiddish-speaking congregation that is not anti-Zionist is very hard. If you are a nationalist, you do not speak Yiddish.”

The first group of Zoreah olim will take a few years before it makes aliyah, according to Aaron, but he does not intend to wait. He plans to make aliyah this summer, with his family.

The group does not have a spiritual leader, but informally, they are guided by a 35-year-old resident of Monsey who is identified by the pseudonym "Shabtai." Shabtai's own rabbi introduced him to the writings of Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hakohen Kook, one of the founders of modern religious-Zionism. He sees Rabbi Eliezer Melamed of Har Bracha as his halachic decisor.

Asked by Klein how he defines himself, Shabtai answered – “nationalist-chassidic.” When he is asked about service in the army, his answer is clear: “I am from the Levite tribe, which was always in the front ranks, with the Ark of the Covenant and a drawn sword. Until the Sanhedrin of 72 wise men is established, the IDF is apparently the holiest organization in the Nation of Israel. And if there are religious problems in the army, that will be only be solved through communication and carrying the burden together, not by running away.”

Between Feiglin and Kahane

Zoreah's advisor on aliyah and contact to Israel is journalist and aliyah activist Yishai Fleisher.
“They are Zionists in the full sense of the word,” he explained. “They want to live in the Land of Israel, fulfill Zionism and serve in the army. In the basement where they meet, you can see a book by Rabbi Kook leaning on a book by the Satmar Rebbe. It moved me very much.”

Some of the members dream of living in Judea and Samaria and establishing farms, but according to Aaron this is “probably less possible in reality, because our children are not used to that kind of life.”

The group is very knowledgeable about Israeli politics. “We love Moshe Feiglin very much. Regrettably, he did not enter the Knesset, so some of our guys support Eli Yishai, others Naftali Bennett. Our guys are further rightward than Bennett, some are even in the direction of Kahane.”

A member of the group identified as Yaakov told Klein he wants to live in the Land of Israel and does not care where. “It can be in Damascus, as far as I am concerned. I'm not joking, That, in my eyes, is the problem of the religious-Zionist public, which is always fighting not to give back territory. It's absurd – we should talk about annexing more territory. “

This Week's Haftorah Debunks Satmar Anti-Israel Philosophy!

Those of you following this blog are aware of the irrelevant $atmar SHIT'ah that prohibits Jews from moving to Eretz Yisroel.

 The Shitah's philosophy mimics the now defunct radical ideas of the Minchas Eluzer, the first Muncather Rebbe, that basically states that only when Moshiach comes can Jews make Aliyah... 

This shitah is contrary to the Rambam and other Rishonim that explicitly state that the Geulah will come in stages.  

The first stage will be the in-gathering of Jews from "the four corners of the world." The Second stage will be the rebuilding of the barren land of Eretz Yisroel. The third stage will be the coming of Moshiach and finally, the re-building of the Bais Hamikdash!

See Derashos Chasam Sofer 27 Elul 5580, where he implies that the people of Israel will gather together in Eretz Yisroel, without the Bais Hamikdash, even before Moshiach comes.

The first two stages have already come to fruition with the massive aliyah to Eretz Yisroel; over 6 million Jews live there, bli ayen harah, and the massive infrastructure already in place.

Those of you listening to the haftorah this past Shabbos, must have heard the Baal Mafter, read from the Novie Amos, predicting what is already in place. and which the blind $atmars cannot see and believe!

The Novie states: 
(Verse 13)"Behold days are coming..... so says Hashem,
When the plower will encounter the reaper, and the one who threads upon the grapes will meet the one who brings the seeds, the mountains will drip with wine, and the hills will melt (with fat)...
I shall bring back the captivity of My people Israel, and they will rebuild the desolate cities, they will return and plant vineyards and drink their wine, they will make gardens and eat the fruit.
I shall implant them upon their Land, they will not be uprooted again from upon their Land that I have given them, says Hashem, your G-D!