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Monday, March 17, 2025

Gerer Chassidim Beat the Crap out of Moshe Porush, son of MK Meir Porush

 Head of the HaMevaser newspaper, Moshe Porush, son of Minister of Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Meir Porush, was violently attacked on Sunday night in his father's apartment building in central Jerusalem, by neighbors identified as Gerrer Hasidim.

Witnesses reported that the assailants grabbed the baby stroller he was holding, tore off his jacket and pulled his beard.

During the attack, the assailants were heard shouting: "Your father harmed the Gerrer Rebbe, we will take revenge on you."

The minister's personal security guard, who regularly stands outside the building, noticed the incident a few minutes later and came to help.

He managed to return the baby to the father, but the assailants tried to attack him as well.

The police arrived at the scene, collected details of the incident, including security camera footage, and opened an investigation. At the same time, the personal security system in the Prime Minister's Office began investigating the incident.

Porush was later evacuated to a hospital for medical treatment.

The violent attack occurred following an ongoing fierce political confrontation within the Agudat Yisrael party, between the “Shlomei Emunim” faction, headed by Minister Porush and the Gerrer Hasidism faction, headed by Minister Goldknopf.


Anonymous said...

Tell me again why the Chareidim believes their the righteous ones

Garnel Ironheart said...

There is a tremendous amount of historical ignorance or revisionism when it comes to chasidim and misnagdim.
Before the war, these two groups were at each other's throats. The violence between the two communities was epic.
Today, we're told pre-war Europe was this peaceful, cooperative nirvana.

Anonymous said...

This is why we separated religion (church) and politics (state) here in the US. The founding fathers understood this danger.

Anonymous said...

VIN says they pulled his beard. Nebach. And they threw a lolly at him. And called him names. They should all go serve in the army and grow up.


Agudah Fresser said...

The above Anon should be ashamed of himself for downplaying the assault! Lollipops can cause serious injury! And beard pulling can cause inflamed hair follicles!