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Monday, March 24, 2025

Why Bnei Torah should vote in the WZO elections

DIN: Many Roshei Yeshiva and so called Gedoilim who have no skin in this game ruled that one should not vote!

Harav Moshe Corodovero, writes in his Tomer Devorah (Chapter 7) that one must think constructively on behalf of all Klal Yisrael, for their benefit. The author of Yaaros Devash (Vol 1, on the Bracha of Hosheva Shoifteinu in Shemoine Esra) also discusses this and writes "that all hardships that befall Israel are due to improper leaders" 

 By Rabbi Yair Hoffman

This article is about why Bnei Torah should vote in the WZO elections for the frum slates. 

Let’s imagine, that we stand at the very formation of Klal Yisroel.  It is time for the brachos.  If things go as planned – well, Aisav would get the brachos.  There is Daas Torah going both ways.  Yitzchok Avinu says – let’s give it to Aisav. Rivka Imeinu says, “No Yaakov, take the funding away from Aisav and take it for yourself – for the future of Torah.  Ki Haim Chayeinu!  Say the words, ‘Anochi.  Aisav Bechorcha.’

But what would have happened if there was a huge outcry against Yaakov?  “How dare you say, ‘Anochi Aisav??!!”  Aisav is a Rasha!  He is a Kofer!  He is a Rotzayach!  He was me’anais a Naarah m’urasa! And you sign on saying Anochi Aisav??”

Ultimately, Yaakov Avinu did say, “Anochi. Aisav Bechorcha. And the Torah world developed along the path that it should have. Boruch Hashem.

This is essentially what is happening now.  There are conflicting Daas Torahs.  One side is saying, “But if you vote – you are joining up with Avodah Zarah! It is Kefira!”

The other side is saying, “The word Zionist is an anglicized version of the word Tzion – which appears in TaNach over 150 times. In Sefer Yishayahu Tzion is mentioned 47 times alone! LeMaan Tzion lo Echesheh  – for the sake of Tzion – I shall not be silent (Yishahayu 62:1)!   Why can’t we sign on a form and have in mind the true Torah definition of the true word?  How are we allowing Kofrim to hijack a word and define the exclusive use of it? 

Registering to vote for the frum slate in the WZO election with this in mind is less of a stretch than Yaakov Avinu’s  use of Anochi.  Aisav Bechorcha. 

The secular nationalists used Jewish money to force frum kids into secular programs in what is known as the “Yaldei Teheran Affair.”  They used it to tell Yemenite parents that their children died in Israeli hospitals and placed them instead in secular families in what is known as the Yaldei Teiman Affair.”    The secular and non-frum groups want Women of the Wall to take over the Kosel.  

Granted these may be isolated incidents – but at the heart of things – the secularists still use these moneys to Shmad Klal Yisroel. This is likely the reason Rav Chaim zatzal advised a shliach from England that they should vote for a Frum slate of delegates.

Should these moneys be used to further fund Israel Beiteinu and Conservative and Reform Jewish agendas – and create a secular anti-religious reality in Eretz Yisroel or should these funds be re-directed to Russian Kiruv – where Talmidei Chachomim Russian Jews teach in programs? 

Should the moneys be used to further Reform Jewish programs?  Or should they be used to bring down the $31,500 cost of sending a young lady to seminary?  Why not have the money go to help the Kiruv programs directed at not-yet frum college kids and they end up in UNZERER Yeshivos – yes, that money is what brings our estranged brethren wherever they are – back home – back to their birthright of Sinai.

It is unfortunate that many on the side opposing the vote are saying that there is no Gadol of note saying to vote.  This author knows that it is not true.  There are many. 

In fact, a Gadol of note reached out to me to write that it is a “Milchemes Mitzvah” to vote – his words.  Just like there were two daas Torahs back then – that of Rivkah and Yitzchok – there are two daas Torahs now. 

Some of those who are opposed to the WZO vote have laid claims that “NO ONE SAYS TO VOTE IN THE WZO ELECTION” and that those on the Frum Slates are lying, evil, diabolical people.  They are not.  The Gabbaim and family members of the Gedolim behind voting are not bribe-taking sellouts chalillah.  They have honestly served the Gadol or Rosh Yeshiva with erlichkeit for years. 

As far as the notion of having to vote and support for national service for those not doing IDF service.  No one says that one must only fit the definition of the WZO writers – we can very well have in mind the Torah’s definition of national service – Torah, Chessed, Tefillah, etc.

If we speak to people in the trenches, in the Kiruv field itself, struggling for budgetary assistance and notwithstanding the financial support succeeding remarkably – we will see firsthand why the voting is life-saving.  To save someone from spiritual Shmad – the Ramah rules that one may do (under certain circumstances) Chillul Shabbos. 

If your Rebbe holds that doing so is Avodah Zarah then, of course, listen.  But perhaps you might consider sending $500 or $1000 dollars to a Kiruv organization – so as not to miss out on this “Milchmes Mitzvah.”  The main thing is to vote for a Chareidi slate.  Both of these are good.






There are many מחלוקות תנאים, אמוראים,ראשונים, & אחרונים
In the Yeshivah & Torah world, we try to explain both sides
of the מחלוקה.
We are interested in the reasoning of both sides even of
the מאן דאמר that is against the accepted פסק הלכה because
we assume אלו ואלו דברי אלוקים חיים.

Today we have a מחלוקת הגדולים if voting for ארץ הקדש is
a חיוב ומצוה or it is אסור באיסור גמור to do so. Here again,
we may assume that אלו ואלו דברי אלוקים חיים. However,
we have no mechanism to establish a clear פסק הלכה
therefore one should follow his Rebbi's/Gadol's guidance.

The אוסרים claim that we have the חפץ חיים and most of the
Gedolim of his generation who pointed out the grave danger
of Zionism. They gave us clear instructions never to join
or cooperate with the Zionist movement.
The אוסרים hold this ban is still applicable to this day and
therefore one is prohibited from voting for ארץ הקדש.

The Gedolim who hold it is a חיוב ומצוה claim that the ban
of the חפץ חיים etc. has expired in 1948 with the establishment
of The State of Israel.
רוב מנין ורוב בנין of Gedolim of that period decided to cooperate
with the Zionists in a limited way. They even allowed an Agudah
member to sign on the מגילת העצמאות.
They argued that by placing Frum representatives in the Zionist
Knesset will significantly benefit all of כלל ישראל.

There is no doubt that the hundreds of billion Shekalim
the government gave to the מוסדות התורה for the past 75 years
helped in turning the country into the greatest מקום תורה.
(Probably in all of history)

So too today by voting for ארץ הקדש the Frum community will
greatly benefit from the yearly 2 billion dollar fund instead of the
money going to the reform to be עוקר תורהtherefore it will be a win win situation.

Garnel Ironheart said...

A long essay that can be summarized: If we don't vote, we can't suck any money out of them

Theodore Fartzl said...

Hoffman is just a Linker who puts on episs a 'yeshivish' veneer because it's good for some paid gigs that he gets. He purposely ignores all the Rebbes & Litvisher gedolim who warn that the Zionist voting scheme is assur betachlis haissur! Gantz funny that Hoffman fort isn't enough to the Left to appease the heisseh Zionists who are blasting him. LOL!

Crown Heights said...


Dayan Braun & the Beis Din against voting

Dusiznies said...

Crown Heights
Exactly, Chabad is really more antizionist than Satmar, I have been writing about this a lot, there is one difference though, an important one, Chabad Loves every Jew even Zionists, and Satmar hates them with a passion!

Poshutte Yid said...

I disagree. There are some Satmar peasants who are full of sinah as DIN describes but I would say that at least more than half of them are huge baalei chesed. The times that a Modern Orthodox person was missing, hundreds of Satmar volunteers have immediately mobilized to search. The Modern Orthodox in Fair Lawn questioned buslaods of Satmarers who showed up when an Alzheimers patient wandered off, what are you guys doing here? There were no more questions when they answered "he's one of us". When cars break down on the highway near KJ close to zman Shabbos the stranded parties usually get taken in at the first door that they knock on. Satmar Bikkur Cholim is 1st Class, etc

Chafraud said...

There are some Chabadsker shluchim who are money hungry ogres only caring about lining their pockets with the allmighty dollar, not people.

Satmar 101 said...

To "Poshutte Yid "
While you are correct that Satmar does Chesed, they nevertheless put a "sinah" in Klal Yisrael that no other frum sect ever did. I come from Kiryas Yoel, I grew up there and was part of that community for over 25 years. They hate and when I say "hate" I mean that they hate with a passion the Zionist people. Absolutely, yes they will help the sick on which they do a huge schnoor campaign but basically the children while still very young, just like the Palestinians, are taught to hate. You van try to paper it all you want but the facts even though you might not agree remain facts

Moishe Pupick said...

That’s a shtarkeh nekudah about the peasants. I learned in Brisk, they know I don’t have affinity for Zionism. And they don’t teach the kids in KJ or Willy to hate Briskers. Farkert, they say we are among the few Litvisher who ‘get it’. They once had a major article on Briskers in Der Yid that was full of shevach vehoidoah. But noch allah meissos there are some Satmar peasants who HATE me, mock me as “ahhhh, a Litvisher” with a mocking niggun attached to it