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Monday, March 24, 2025

White House Zeroes In on Qatar’s Role in Funding Pro-Hamas Campus Demonstrations


The Trump administration is reportedly developing plans to cut off the money supply fueling the surge of anti-Israel protests that have disrupted American college campuses since Hamas’s unprovoked attack the Jewish State on October 7, 2023.

Multiple sources familiar with the discussions tell the Washington Free Beacon that Trump is going for the jugular by targeting wealthy foreign nationals from Qatar with suspected ties to Hamas through sanctions and visa revocations. Among those reportedly drawing scrutiny is Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, former Qatari prime minister and co-owner of the Maybourne Beverly Hills hotel.

“President Trump has made it a priority to ensure that Jewish students, indeed all students, feel safe and free from harassment on college campuses,” one senior U.S. official confides to the conservative news outlet. “You can’t get rid of anti-Semitism on campus without getting rid of the funding, and the funders are Qatar.”

“To that end, his administration is taking a comprehensive approach, not just looking at the visas and green cards of student instigators, but also, for example, going after the people funding the protests, wherever they may be.”

Another diplomatic source claims the Biden administration considered similar measures but hesitated to implement them to avoid disrupting Qatar’s role as mediator in Israel-Hamas peace talks.

“This was on the menu when I was there, but the previous administration was a bit squeamish about taking extreme measures, like revoking visas,” he said. “But that’s not a problem in this administration, and we’re hearing they’re looking at all options—from sanctions on individuals to the revocation of visas.”

Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers are also developing parallel legislation targeting financiers of what they describe as “Hamas’s U.S.-based propaganda arms,” such as the controversial Students for Justice in Palestine organization.

“There are mountains of evidence that Qatar paid for groups committed to halting Israel’s campaign against Hamas,” a senior GOP congressional official told the Free Beacon. “Everyone knows where the investigation into illegal protests will end up, and Republicans will look to punish those responsible.”


Theodore Fartzl said...


I assume Qatar is not to blame for this flagship Zionist instituion caving to the Militant Toievaniks

Dusiznies said...

Theodore Fart
YU is in the USA .... Some Zionists!

Achad haBum said...

YU pushing all graduates to go to Hesder “yeshivot”. Besides that they have branch in Israel. So what do you call them if not Zionist? They sure aint Pupa or Mishkenos haRoiem. Check out the newer YWN report, part of the main YU building collapsed on the sidewalk after they messed with abomination

Dusiznies said...

So tell Mr Navie why were 45 Jews killed by other Jews in Meron ? Was there perhaps "abomination" that we didn't know about?

Dusiznies said...


Dusiznies said...


Brisker Payois said...


Ezra Friedlander & Qatar said...

Friedlander has worked for Qatar insider Hassan Ali bin Ali for years.


Now Friedlander has made him Ali the chairman of another of his Congressional Gold Medal PR enterprises (see writeup and last sentence at url below).


How long will we suffer from this Friedlander? Qatar cannot be allowed to whitewash themselves with PR from Friedlander's Shoah business.

Pini Dunner - where are you?