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Monday, March 24, 2025

Mind Blowing Views On Eretz Yisrael!


Now listen to the American Rabbis at the Aguda Convention .. an Outrageous answer from Rabbi Reisman to the question of making Aliyah!  His reaction is the same as the Orthodox Rabbanim in Europe pre-WW2! 

Rabbi Uri Deutsch's answer is totally off the wall he says that stating that the rabbanim who advised Jews to stay in Europe instead of leaving is a mistake is "Kefirah" Who even decided to put this guy on the panel? Iposted about this immediately after the convention

Some may say that these Rabbis are the modern-day meraglim! 


Moishe Pupick said...

There’s a lot of context missing here. Rav Reisman is probably influenced by the Chofetz Chaim saying that in the next major world conflict after WWII (which many understand to be the war on terrorism), there will not be a single place in the velt that will be guaranteed safe. Note that there have been Arab terrorist attacks in such places as India, China & Kenya and foiled ones in New Zealand and the town of Tappahannock, Virginia, population 20,000. It would be better Al kol ponim that the aliyah shaylah be posed to rabbonim who don’t have shuls. Reisman & Deutsch are Shul rabbonim who both have negios, especially Reisman who his whole neighborhood is being bought out by SYs, Moroccans & Israelis. It’s amusing that Reisman is fielding the question because when his Madison neighborhood was still totally Ashkenazi his Shul was mockingly called “Young Israel” instead of Agudah because of the very large percentage of Modern Orthodox in srugies who were his members. LOL. Deutsch might be purposely dodging the emunas Chochomim question - he has been known to dodge certain questions. The correct answer that he avoids is as the Brisker Dayan said. Rabbonim did not have the capability of properly evaluating the Nazi era relocation question because of shaas Hester Ponim which is why he couldn’t posken which side of the Molotov-Ribbentrop line to stay on.

Garnel Ironheart said...

In America, the Agudah hotshots are important. In Israel there's thousands just like them and they ain't special.
The theological arrogance is dumbfounding. Here is God, moving history for centuries to set up a triumphant return of His people to Israel. And here are the leaders of His people denying everything He did and demanding that their followers not take advantage of His kindness and generosity.

Anonymous said...

is shtikl machloykes if it's deoraysa... one should at least learn the other tsad even if you don't hold this way

Dusiznies said...
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Dusiznies said...

Learn the "other tsad?" Whatever Chareidie literature you pick up has the "other tsad" and everyone holds that "Yishuv Eretz Yisrael B'Zman Hazeh" is a Mitzvah ,the question is if it is a Drabannan or De'Orisah! Those who say that it isn't a mitzvah all together don't count as you can say that about any mitzvah!

Anonymous said...

Putting words in his mouth…Rabbi Reisman never said nor implied not to go if the motivation is for the wrong reason…he is responding to a question which was based on a specific reason and he essentially answered work on yourself to change the reason…I understood that he was telling everyone to go…the points that he “didn’t” address here (listen to the last few minutes of the critique) he addresses every few weeks in his public shiurim

Dusiznies said...

No one is putting any words in his mouth, his message was very clear and it wasn't for making Aliyah, period!

"You work on yourself to change the reason?" So tell me why isn't this by any other mitzvah?
Actually the reason of the Zionists were to cultivate the land which everyone agrees is a mitzvas eseh de'oriisah even for those who want to say that Yishuv Eretez Yisrael is me'drabaanan! See Chasam Sofer who states that cultivated land in Eretz Yisrael is a Mitzvas Eseh De'orissah!
Mitzvas can me done without any reason and you get credit for that!

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

I found Rabbi Reisman's remarks belittling concern for another Holocaust very alarming, Rabbi Uri Deutch's remarks were condescending and actually what he said that "Gedoilim can never be wrong" out and out apikorsas! If that were true we wouldn't have any differences between Tanaim, Amoraim, Rishonim and Achronim! And in fact we find that many Gedoilim were wrong. What about those Gedoilim that backed Shabsai Tzvi? What about the Meraglim? Weren't they Gedoilim? The Torah said that they were! What about those who backed Korach, there again they were the Sanhedrin, so were they right?

Anonymous said...

Everybody? What of the Avnei Never who held only if you're can find employment

Dusiznies said...

The Avnei Nezer was niftar in 1910, meaning he probably said that sometime in the end of the 1800's when Israel was a desert! It is now 2025, Israel has one of the greatest economies in the world!
Intesesting that theAvnei Nezer also said that there is no "Three Oaths" today!

Anonymous said...

Your bias. So many suffer