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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Wow! What is written on the Houthis Flag?



Anonymous said...

Some Yemenite Jews believe the immigration of Jews from Yemen was instigated by Zionists . The Zionists did not let Jews take religious articles, stole Yemenite children, cut off their peyos and tried to curtail religious observance .

Dusiznies said...

I was actually waiting for the Zionist haters to come out like the roaches when you turn the lights on.
The murderous Muslims raped and murdered and expelled Jews from their land but some sick Jew will blame it on the Zionists!
Yemen is 1,900 miles from the State of Israel, it doesn't border it and there were no Zionists living in Yemen, yet perverted thinking Jews blame Yemen's atrocities on the Zionists!

Those Jews whose "peyos were cut off" all have grandchildren that are coming back to yiddishkeit, witness hundreds of Yemenite Yeshivos and Shuls in every single neighborhood in Israel, but in the US and in Chutz Le'aretz the Yeminite population is 90% assimilated!

Anonymous said...

A Yemenite in 1954 ! proudly told a journalist on a ship: they brought us here(Isreal)& they freed us from our tradition.Though how happy he was was hard to tell

Dusiznies said...

Oh wow! "A Yemenite in 1954 told a journalist on a SHIP" Wow .. he spoke to a journalist ON THE SHIP and he already knew on the SHIP that "Israel freed him from tradition" even though he was still on the "ship"
Sounds like a guy who was already OTD!
I think that you gleaned that fabricated story from DER GOY!

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

Was this on a cruise?
BTW "peyos" grow back, it's not like they cut off their hands!
Satmar actually did the same to Chabad guys that were teaching Tanye to Satmar Chassidim they took a guy and cut off his beard and peyos off. Looks like Satmar and Zionists have a lot in common!

Anonymous said...

Seems like he was working for Zim or something