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Monday, February 12, 2024

The Satmar Newspaper "Der Goy" Takes Headline Straight From Al Jazira "State of Israel Ignores US Warning on Rafa Operation"

 This would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic. As I reported previously "Der Goy" the Satmar Yiddish Newspaper with a circulation of over 500,000 takes it's news about the Hamas/Israel war directly from Al Jazira. 

The fact that the entire world including the demented Biden wants Israel out of Rafa, is proof positive that the key to victory is actually in Rafa, that is where the Hamas leadership is hiding and that is where the hostages are. In fact just last night the IDF was able to rescue in a daring operation two hostages on its very first day in Rafa! 

If you remember the US warned Israel not to go into Gaza predicting that Israeli troops would be killed by the thousands, and even though "one" is too much, only 226 soldiers were killed, the ratio of civilian deaths is also the lowest of any recent war anywhere in the world. 

But the headline of Der Goy straight out of a headline in Al Jazira  angrily Shouts: 

 "State of Israel Ignores US Warning on Rafa Operation" 

The article is also very antagonistic against the only Jewish country in the entire world, that houses the majority of the Jewish people, the brothers and sisters of those writing the article!

The article begins

"Tel Aviv:" 

Tel Aviv?????????? Isn't the capital of Israel, "Yerushalayim?" 

But Der Goy doesn't recognize the State of Israel nor its capital! So to supposedly stay "woke" they begin with the words "Tel Aviv." 

The following is a loose translation that reads like an article by Der Shturmer! 

DR GOY: "The prime minister of Medinas Yisrael, Bibi Netanyahu, openly defied the Biden Administration, stating that the IDF will continue their planned operation in Rafa! 

DIN: Bibi is not the PM of "Medinas Yisrael" he is the PM of the State of Israel. He didn't "defy the Biden Administration, he did what every single leader of every sovereign country should do, and that is to do what he thinks is best for his country and to protect its citizens! Israel would not tell the US what to do to protect its citizens. Did Israel protest US policies as the BLM marchers destroyed and burned down half of Portland?

DR GOY: The American Government warned that an operation in Rafa would result in many deaths of Palestinian civilians, since many of the refugees from the other parts of Gaza that relocated there! 

DIN: This is the same government that gave the same warning when the IDF went into Gaza in October, and judging from the wars that the US started and engaged in like Vietnam and Afghanistan, the IDF is doing a suburb job. 

Der Goy is quoting the demented Biden about "Innocent Palestinian lives" Let's not forget these Palestinians elected Hamas and in a poll made by Al Jasira just two weeks ago, over 90% of Palestinians are thrilled with Hamas! In addition these "innocent Palestinians, cheered on while their neighbors were parading naked girl victims and watched them being tortured and raped! 

I am not translating anything further, it's parroting Al Jazira! 

Satmar should stick to bringing Chicken Soup to the sick and stay out of Jewish affairs. 


gevalt! said...


Garnel Ironheart said...

At least they called it "Medinas Yisrael" instead of "the Zionist entity"