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Wednesday, February 14, 2024

St. Sgt. Omer Sarah Benjo killed in missile strike

 The IDF has cleared for publication that Staff Sergeant Omer Sarah Benjo, 20 from Ge'a, was killed as a result of a Hezbollah missile barrage on a military base in northern Israel.

She served as a combat intelligence coordinator in the 869th Battalion of the Galil Formation.

Eight individuals were taken to Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat for wounds sustained as a result of the barrage, one in serious condition, one in moderate condition, and six in light condition.

One of the wounded, a man in his 30s, was taken by helicopter from Ziv to Ramabam Medical Center in Haifa due to the severity of his wounds.

National Unity Party chairman Minister Benny Gantz addressed the deadly rocket attack stating: "The IDF, through the Northern Command and all formations, has been working for four months to protect the north and push Hezbollah from the borderline," he said.

He also added that "we are in combat in the north all the time, and this morning we experienced a difficult event for which the response will come soon and strongly."

"We must be clear - the party responsible for the shooting from Lebanon is not only Hezbollah or the terrorist elements that carry it out but also the government of Lebanon and the state of Lebanon which allows the shooting from its territory and there is no target or military infrastructure in the area of the north and Lebanon that is not in our sights.

"Also in the future and in whatever arrangement there is, whoever endangers us will be dealt with operationally. We are not ready to return to the reality of October 6, neither in the south nor in the north," Gantz said.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hyd, is Omer a Jewish name?