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Sunday, February 4, 2024

Major General Shimon Yehoshua Asulin, 24, from Beit Shemesh, was killed on Saturday in a battle in the south of the Gaza Strip.

 The IDF Spokesperson's Unit on Sunday morning cleared for publication that Major General (res.) Shimon Yehoshua Asulin, 24, from Beit Shemesh, was killed on Saturday in a battle in the south of the Gaza Strip.

His family has been notified.

On Saturday, the IDF published footage of troops destroying a tunnel shaft that led to a hideout room for the Hamas terrorist organization and which contained an underground elevator.

The brigade's soldiers located many weapons, night vision and observation devices, intelligence documents belonging to the terrorist organization, and rocket launchers.

The weapons were confiscated and the launchers were destroyed.


Thomas said...

Major General at age 24? Cannot be right.

Anonymous said...

Thomas ...yes he made "Major General" he was in the reserve.

Thomas said...

Sgt. Fist class (res) according to the Times of Israel

Thomas said...

No, He did not, he was a sergeant according to all other media.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the comments, "Major General at age 24? Cannot be right." "No, He did not, he was a sergeant according to all other media."
How sick are you guys?? What difference does it make? The guy gave his life for the Jewsish people and all you can do is debate whether he is a General or a Sgt?
Bunch of sickos on this blog