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Sunday, February 4, 2024

What Are We Waiting For to Finally Take Out the Iranian Nuclear Threat?


America has had many opportunities to deal with the Iranian threat, but President Biden continues to act like Neville Chamberlain and to appease the mullahs.

World War 2 officially began on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Some might contend that it actually began in March of 1938 when Germany annexed Austria. Others would say it began with the Munich Agreement which was an appeasement pact orchestrated by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain allowing Germany to annex the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia in September of 1938. Chamberlain has gone down in history as the “ Great Appeaser”. America did not enter the war until the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Many lives could have been saved had the United States entered the war earlier.

The killing by the Iran-backed drone of Sgt. William Rivers, Spc.Brenna Moffett, and Spc.Kennedy Sanders and the wounding of 25 other American troops in Jordan should have triggered a “Pearl Harbor” moment. So far it has not. 

Will President Biden finally realize that Iran has to be neutralized? 

Regime change in Iran has not happened. I wish it had. There were opportunities. America is left with one choice. Take out Iran’s nuclear capabilities and watch the regime crumble. There are many benefits to confronting Iran head-on. All of Iran’s proxies will go into hiding. Hamas which unleashed a savage attack against Israel on October 7th will be finished. Hezbollah will be broken and the Houthis will be routed. Rather than acting like Neville Chamberlain if President Biden acted like President Roosevelt and seized the moment the world would be in a better place. 

So I ask the question “What are we waiting for?” 

The time has come to act. America has allowed Iran to not only advance its nuclear program to the point of being weeks away from developing a nuclear weapon but also has permitted Iran to develop Ballistic Missiles capable of reaching 1243 miles with a 3300-pound warhead. Iran can now strike Israel and US targets in the region.

Although Israel can do the job, it has its hands full dealing with the war against Hamas. America rightfully as the leader of the free world should finally bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. After more than 150 strikes by Iranian proxies against American troops since mid-October 2023, the shutting down of Red Sea shipping by Houthi attacks, and the drone strike against American troops in Jordan, America has total justification to take on Iran directly. We are running out of time. Iran has been allowed to plague the world for far too long.

by J


Garnel Ironheart said...

Writing in the JPost, Amotz Asa-el (and I normally don't agree with him) points out the big problem - Iran is a large country. It's not one that can be easily invaded.
America has to be strategic - they have to knock out all its proxies and engage in targeted bombings of its military facilities while sinking its navy and shooting down its air force. Then encourage regime change by bombing any IRGC unit that moves against protestors.
The problem is that, faced with its end, Iran is likely to launch all its missiles at Israel. Perhaps the Americans don't want this to happen.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what percentage of Iranians are happy to die if they get to kill Jews first.