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Sunday, February 4, 2024

Canada Stops Assisted Suicides for Mentally Ill Only because doctors not willing to participate

Canada has delayed the extension of its assisted suicide program to people suffering solely from mental illness, health officials announced Monday. 

Canada offers medically assisted death to terminally and chronically ill people, but the plan to extend the program to people with mental illnesses has divided Canadians, the New York Times reported.

Some critics attribute the problem to a lack of adequate psychiatric care in the country.

The controversial policy would allow anyone in Canada with an incurable medical condition to apply for assisted suicide, even if the disease is not terminal, which makes the law one of the most liberal assisted suicide programs in the world. 

Canada introduced medically assisted dying after its Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that requiring people to cope with intolerable suffering infringed on fundamental rights to liberty and security.

The law was expanded in 2021 to include people experiencing “grievous and irremediable” conditions, such as depression and other mental health issues. 

Over 13,000 Canadians were euthanized as part of the program in 2022, the Daily Mail reported

When the program was announced last year, one conservative lawmaker “charged that the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is promoting a ‘culture of death.’”

“Have we gone too far and too fast with Canada’s assisted suicide program?” Conservative MP Ed Fast said.

“Will we evolve into a culture of death as the preferred option for those who suffer from mental illness or will we choose life?”

But now, health officials are slow-walking plans to expand the program, stating there are not enough doctors, specifically psychiatrists, in Canada to evaluate mentally ill people who wish to die, according to the announcement made by Health Minister Mark Holland and Justice Minister Arif Virani.

This followed a meeting of the special parliamentary committee looking into the plan, the Times reported. 

“The system needs to be ready, and we need to get it right,” Holland told reporters. 

“It’s clear from the conversations we’ve had that the system is not ready, and we need more time.”

“Although the curriculum is present, although the guidelines are set, there has not been enough time for people to be trained on them, and provinces and territories are saying their systems are not ready and need more time,” he added. 

The officials did not provide a timeline for the changes, although the expansion had been previously scheduled to go into effect on March 17. 

One group in favor of medical assistance in dying, “Dying with Dignity Canada,” issued a statement in reaction to the news, urging the Canadian government to provide clarity on their plan of action. 

“For the people across the country who live with treatment-resistant mental disorders who have patiently waited for this change in Canada’s MAID law, Dying With Dignity Canada is disheartened and shares the frustration of the continued exclusion, stigmatization and discrimination based on diagnosis,” the group said. 



Garnel Ironheart said...

Canada picks up on any major trend and runs it into the absurd
Other countries permit abortion but put some limitations on it. Canada forbids any limitations. Right up until a woman goes into natural labour, she can request termination of the pregnancy and if you complain, harpies come out of the woodwork on cue to scream at you about women and their bodily autonomy.
Same thing with Doctor Assisted Murder - first it was for the highly suffering and imminently dying. While halakha would forbid this, one could sympathize with such people wanting to end their horrible pains ahead of schedule. But in Canada the activists are in charge and they want a system where anyone can request DAM at any time for any reason.
And lots of doctors are rightly horrified. It's one thing for a end-stage cancer patient who cries with uncontrollable pain day and night but for the patient with depression or even trouble finding affordable housing? Are you serious?
As a physician, I fear the next step will be compulsory participation for certain specialties like family medicine - want you licence? Kill a minimum of 10 patients a year.

Anonymous said...

If Trudeau, who is a mentally-ill leftist should want to commit suicide they should go ahead and allow him to do it.

Cohen Y said...

That's a bit mealy-mouthed. Once you equivocate re: life, Canada is the natural eventual result.It is only a difference in degrees,rather than in kind.

Frum but normal said...

Liberalism aka leftism is a death cult, they want to murder you while still in your mother's womb. After you are born while still in grade school they want to mutilate you and change your gender (even against your parents wishes).
And if you somehow manage to reach an old age, these filthy murderous ghouls want to assist you in committing suicide.

Leftism is a CANCER that needs to be ERADICATED, either they DIE or civilization dies, they are not compatible.