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Thursday, February 8, 2024

Beit Shemesh Extremists Kidnap the Body of the 13 year-old AT THE LEVAYEH, after Police Release Body ...

Yesterday we reported on the Beit Shemesh riots, they stopped traffic for most of the morning, the entire Beit Shemesh was a total mess, children on buses from school were stuck on the buses, ambulances couldn't get thru. They destroyed recently planted flowers and burned trash containers in their own neighborhoods. 

The 13 year-old boy just had his bar-mitzva days ago, and he died under suspicious circumstances! The Police held the body to determine his suspicious death and the local court and Judge who is a Shomer Shabbos ruled that an autopsy should be done, they appealed to the Israeli Supreme Court, meanwhile the police continued the investigation, I don't know the results, but they released the body, I don't know if an autopsy was done.

But at the levayeh hundreds of Chareidie Extremists grabbed the body from the family to bring it to Yerushalayim as a prop for more extreme riots! The family screamed and yelled, and supporters of the family grabbed the body back. I cannot describe the craziness ant the commotion at the levayeh, as the family had to deal with the crazies while mourning the sudden death of a child !

Meanwhile, DER GOY, the Satmar Yiddish propaganda newsletter that gets its information on the Hamas/Israeli War from Al Jazira, wrote that "Hundreds of Chareidim, in Chareide Cities, PROTESTED to prevent the desecration of the body."

This was NOT "A PROTEST!!!!!!" 



Anonymous said...

Oy meh haya lanu?

Garnel Ironheart said...

So let's see. Sitting next to a woman on a bus - araoys! Stealing a boy's coffin and running away with it? A mitzvah!