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Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Riots in Beit Shemesh "Bet" as Shmuel Meir Weitzhandler Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances and Police Want to get to the bottom of it!


This morning, 13-year-old Shmuel Meir Weitzhandler passed away suddenly in the Cheftziba Section of Beit Shemesh under very suspicious circumstances, just days after he celebrated his Bar-Mitzvah.

The police requested to perform an autopsy on the body, and scores came out to the streets to protest it, causing traffic to come to a complete standstill for a very long time.

A hearing on the matter was held in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court, with the family and ZAKA's legal department demanding a court order against the autopsy.
 The Court just ruled in favor of the police, and the family will now petition the Supreme Court.

After the police used a water cannon against the demonstrators near Lev HaRama, traffic began to ease. The horrible smell remains in the area.

Due to the Court's ruling, more protests are expected.


LES AYM said...

So sad BDE. 馃槳
But what are the "very suspicious circumstances"? Of course a young person dying is always a shock.

Anonymous said...

There are "virtual" autopsies that are non- or less invasive, with less halachic issues. What will happen if it's a vac*cine blood clot??