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Sunday, January 7, 2024

This Has To Stop!!!! Chareidie Animals Burn Down Cell Phone Store In Ramat Bet Shemesh Alef


The Mayor, Aliza Bloch, condemns the cowardly act!

This happened in Ramat Alef, a predominantly Anglo community. But we border Ramat Bet, whose residents if not extremists themselves, keep quiet and say not a word. 
What these animals do, they send 15 year olds who are minors to do these disgusting violent acts, and so even when they are caught, the judges let them go. 

But what I find appalling is that on the Beit Shemesh Chats, if someone should condemn these cowards, they are immediately met with comments like, "oh they are only children" "Oh you are condemning an entire community" Oh this is Loshon Hara, remove this ASAP!"

My answer: 
This is NOT Loshon Hara, because these acts can lead to death, as it almost happened a year ago in the Geulah section in Yerushalyim when an entire family of 12 barely got out alive when the cellphone store below them was burned down. 
These "children" have parents and these parents should be condemned publicly if they support this as most of them do. 
Yes we are condemning an entire community because they are quiet and laugh it off as "Teenagers being teenagers" 
I wonder what they would say if these teenagers burned down their own homes! 

So far not one Rav of the entire Beit Shemesh community has condemned these cowards. 

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