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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Pro- Palestinian and Hamas Protestors Should know that the Neturei Karta Are NOT their friends

The movement for Palestine should not be building its bridges with Neturei Karta, whose ideology necessitates that the Palestinian state be a temporary one, no matter how willingly they may tokenize themselves

 Pro-Palestinian activists should know that they and Neturei Karta do not want the same thing. For the time being, sure, their objectives align. 

In the eyes of Neturei Karta, when the messiah comes – and, for them, this is not a matter of "if" – there will be no river-to-sea Palestine.


There will be a monarchical Jewish theocracy in the entire Land of Israel. The righteous dead will be revived, the exiled Jews will gather from the corners of the Earth and all will recognize the law of the Torah as the truth. Anti-Zionism, as they see it, is part of the commandments put before them to usher in this world to come, one that doesn't quite have room for the sovereignty of the Muslims of Sheikh Jarrah and the Christians of Bethlehem.

The pro-Palestinian movement has many Jewish allies who do not see this as an endgame that the world can embrace. These include organizations that have already been involved in pro-Palestine activism, like IfNotNow and Shoresh. Of course, they may not be as identifiably Jewish at first glance as Neturei Karta, and it might necessitate interacting with people who have been to Israel or are – heaven forfend – Israelis themselves.pro-Palestinians should know that the Neturei Karta Ideology about the Messiah means that the Palestinians will be wiped out by the Jewish Messiah! 




Anonymous said...

How is it your concern if they find each other useful? Perhaps because then the flaw is in your antipathy

Yitzchak Izaak Perl, Lakewood said...

Perhaps you are one very sick perverted ass hole

Anonymous said...

Really? The Nazis and Hamas supporters on Facebook are now quoting NK "Rabbis" as proof that Israel is genocidal etc. And when your average goy gets influenced by these arguments and goes and blows up a Shule or stands a Jews

Anonymous said...

Nazis and Hamas supporters are now quoting NK "rabbis" as supporting proof that Israel is committing genocide, so when your average goy believes these lies and attacks a Jew or blows up a Shule directly because of NK lies, then it's on them and you for supporting NK. MORON

Anonymous said...

The original Neturei Karta has absolutely nothing to do the movement of those people who call themselves NK and are showing any solidarity to the Palestinians. Rav Amrom Blau, the founder of Neturei Karta - every second of his life, his heart pumped with ahavas yisroel, even to all the Jews who were the most anti-religious. But those NK yemach shmois showing solidarity marching with the Palestinian flags and kefiyahs, they hijacked the name of NK, they hate anybody who is not part of their faction, and they love Hamas more than their fellow Jews.

Hamas, ISIS, Al Qeuda - they would not hesitate to kill anybody who is a Jew - they do not differentiate if you are from the left of the left Palestinian loving living on a Kibbutz or hijacked the name of Neturei Karta, and attend all the Pro-Palestinian protests with the Palestnian flags and kefiyahs.

Anonymous said...

So you're using the same argument NK use.Any agenda to possibly save Jews.
Whether bad,nuts,or neutral,they surely have already.There are cases.

Anonymous said...

Ad hominems are par for the course.What else to expect here?
Most Arabs & as well as most goyim, are sort of aware NK have a different destination than they.
& That's ok.But they grasp there is common lousy distaste with the entity of the present.Is the present state of the globe so wonderful?

Anonymous said...

Could be.There have however been cases eg London,Yemen,
where Jews proving or convincing they had some relation with NK saved them from harm

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

Please provide proof and links!
This is an out-and-out lie ...

Akiva Eiger said...

How sick are you?
The majority of Party goers at Nova were all leftists who would have lived under the Palestinian Flag, so why were they raped, mutilated and murdered?
Are you telling us that if the people at kibbutz Be'eri had told Hamas they are NK, they would have let them live?
You sick perverted dick!

Anonymous said...

October 7 proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a liar! Hamas doesn't care what kind of Jew you are they will you even if you are the Satmar Rebbe.