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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

In "Spinka" they want to know "Who is the Baal Buus" the boss ...Spoken like a real Jew!


 DIN: Did you ever wonder what the very first words from a Jew were to Moshe Rabbienu? 

How quickly we forget. It's recorded in the Torah, Parshas Shemos.
I can tell you it wasn't pretty! 

That's why you need to continue to read DIN so that I can point out to you guys, pashut pshat in the parsha!

So here it is:

?מי שמך לאיש שר ושפט עלינו
"Who appointed you? as a dignitary, a ruler, and a judge over us?" 

Wow! Read that again! A Jew asks Moshe "who made you the boss?"

Moshe doesn't answer but disappears from the scene and doesn't show up till about 40 years later. This could be the pshut pshat why Moshe refuses Hashem's request that he be the one to talk to Paro. He had a very bad experience!

It's now over 3,500 years, and nothing has changed!

In the video above, a Wiseguy pulls out a smartphone at a Spinka gathering, and one of the "tzaddikim" wants to throw him out, but the "tzaddik" meets his match, as the Wiseguy asks him "do you need attention? Are you the "baal buus' here? "
The "tzaddik" answers "Yes, I'm the Baal Buus here, you mechutzif"
So the Wiseguy asks him"
"Show me the contract that you signed" 
The Tzaddik eventually sits down, I don't know what happened after this.
But I see that Parshas Shmos is alive and well!

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