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Sunday, January 7, 2024

28 Years BEFORE The State of Israel Was Established Arab Savages Pulled Off an Oct 7


The myth that Jews lived good with the Arabs is just that a myth. 

But DER GOY, the Satmar Yiddish weekly, keeps writing that Arabs killed Jews because of the Zionists.  This propaganda, Satmar gets from Al Jazeera and Abbas. 

To hold on to their bankrupt and irrelevant SHIT"ah they find alte kockers who lived in Yerushalayim and who relate that prior to 1948 they lived good with the murderous Arabs. This is of course hogwash. Yes, there were a couple of neighbors that lived "good" with their neighbors but you could say that about the Nazis too, the Nazis lived "good" with their Jewish neighbors till 1935. Satmar has to keep up this myth because otherwise they have nothing to sell. The Rambam had written about Arabs murdering Jews over 800 years ago! 

October 7 has proven that Arabs don't care if Jews are Zionists, Leftists, Chilonie, Chassidish, Frum, Yeshivash, they kill Jews because they are Jews, in fact in the same week of October 7th  Arabs murdered 3 frum Jews in Yerushalayim. 


Anonymous said...

Agree.But to be fair, the violence could have been mitigated then if some leaders would have conceded Arab control of the Kotel area

Dusiznies said...

The "violence could have been mitigated" if Jews didn't exist!
You are like the leftists, if only the "settlers would leave, everything would be quiet" so how come we had a war in 1967? They had the "west bank" and Gaza?
Your view is Satmar Romanisher propaganda .. We actually did concede the Kotel area in 1948, how did that stop Arab violence? Crazy .....