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Sunday, October 15, 2023

Satmar's Der Yid Continues Spewing Hate While Jewish Blood is Pouring on the Streets


I thought that they would be able to restrain themselves from making any comments against the IDF that is fighting and protecting the lives of the Jewish people !

On one hand they denounce the Neturei Karta and say that the NK are not going about it in a Jewish way, on the other hand they spew their disgusting hate by sneaking their hate into a news article.

At the end of the above article, in the last paragraph, in Yiddish, they write:

"The Jewish people from the entire world, will need these days, to strengthen their pure faith, not to get caught in the headlines and the news that is constantly pouring in, that can bring amazement about the Zionist military, G-d Forbid, an army that is built on  heresy and apikorsas" bla bla bla bla 

Sick! Very Sick! 

I was in a shul this week where a Litvishe Rabbi gave a "chizuk" shmooze!

In his shmooze given in Hebrew, he said that "even the Satmar Rebbe would cry when he heard that an IDF soldier got killed." 

I don't get it...is this now a thing of greatness that a leader of tens of thousands cries when a Jewish soldier dies "al kiddush Hashem?

Which Jew does not feel immense pain when a soldier dies while giving his life so that others can live in peace? 

"even the Satmar Rebbe would cry?" what kind of idiotic "chizzuk" is that for me? Think about this statement for a minute, and see how low we have sunk, we are now impressed that a great rabbi shed some tears for a fellow Jew that gave his life to the Jewish people.

Der Yid, the spokesperson for the Satmar Community, is afraid, that G- Forbid, a Chasid would read the news and get inspiration from the soldiers fighting for the lives of the majority of the Jewish population, and question the "shit'eh" of the Satmar Romanian propaganda.

Please don't ever tell me about the chesed they do...

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