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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Really... What Bracha do you make on Sushi?



Uriah’s Wife said...

For spicy sushi you make this brucha.
בּוֹרֵא מְאוֹרֵי הָאֵש

Anonymous said...

No brocha on davar hamazik.

The whitish fish with the pinkish crust is Pollock which is notoriously infested with parasitic anisakis worms. Similar tasting fish species are available but the OU had Belsky manufacture a heter to allow fressing the worms so that they don't lose the income $$$ on several popular fish species. The seaweed between the rice & stuffing is also notoriously infested with miniature seahorses. It's easy to substitute soy paper or rice paper but again the OU doesn't want to lose $$$ on a category and some selfish fressers will whine that they davka want their infested seaweed.