Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Munkatch Puts Out "Kol Korah" Against One of the Mispallem That Made a "Mi Shebeirach" For the IDF


The Munkatcher Rebbe is a fake anti-Zionist whose father R' Baruch Rabinowitz z"l wrote in his will that the present Munkatcher Rebbe should not say Kaddish for him and not hold his Yurzeit.

In the Kol Korah above, they say that the Minchas Elezer, the grandfather of the Munkatcher would constantly curse the Zionists stating "Zionists Yemach Shemom" 
Some old munkatchers say that the Minchas Elezar's utter hate against the Zionists caused many of his flock to remain in Munkatch, refusing to make Aliya to the then Palestine, only to be brutally murdered by the Nazis just a few years later.

The Munkatcher's father the late R' Baruch Rabinowitz was the Minchas Eliezer's son-in-law and was an anti-Zionist himself until R' Baruch saw during WW2  that no nation in the entire world wanted the Jews and stated that "if we didn't have the State of Israel all would be G-d Forbid lost." R' Baruch z'l became a "mizrachist" and a staunch Zionist. Turned out R' Baruch z'l was absolutely correct as the Zionist State of Israel has accepted all Jews with open arms, and is now the home of over 7 million Jews. It is "dafka" in this Zionist State that has the most Moisdois Ha'Torah,. In Munkatch, the city that was annihilated by the Nazis, there isn't a Jew living there. 
R' Baruch's son, today's Munkatcher cut off relations from him and stole the name "Munkatch" from him and made himself rebbe in Boro Park when he was barely 20 years old. 

Two weeks ago, on Parshas Noach, one of the mispallim of his shul on 14th Avenue was called up for an Aliyah, and then innocently made a "Mi Shebeirach" for our Chayalim who are putting their lives on the front to save their brothers and sisters!
All hell broke loose! G-d Forbid to make a "Mi Shebeirach" for Zionist soldiers.

One nice sunny day, mobs of Goyim will come rioting on the streets of Boro Park and may even storm the Munkatcher Shul, and who is going to protect them? NYC Cops? 
Think this never happened in New York? Well ask the dead Yankel Rosenbaum z"l who was murdered on the streets of Crown Heights when mobs of Black rioted against the Jews and the Cops stood by doing nothing, because of the then Mayor Dinkins, who gave a Fatwa to let the blacks"vent."

Guys this is why Moshiach refuses to come. 

 A Munkatcher Chasid fun der Alter Heim just emailed me stating that the Minchas Elazer also cursed the Agudists and the Mizrachim saying 
"Dee Zionistim, Agudasts in deee Mizrachistin ym"s"
I want to put this in context of the times, The Chafetz Chayim was an Agudist, and so was the Gerer Rebbe. In fact, the Aguda was then against a State, but that didn't stop the Minchas Eluzer from cursing them.


Anonymous said...

Innocently? Gabbaim make a mishebeirach not mispallelim. Sounds like he was davka causing machlokes

Dusiznies said...

He is giving a "mi-Shebeirach" for our children in uniform and HE "is causing machlokas?"
How low have we all sunk? How low?
A "mi-shebeirach" is "causing machlokas"
Only in a sick perverted world would that cause "machlokas"
I daven in a very Litvishe Yeshivishe shul, and they officially made the Israeli Mi-Sheberach"

Dr Phil ,Esquire, Petach Tikvah said...

I sure hope he is pulling our leg with this sick comment, but if he is actually serious that saying a "mi-shebeirach" is causing machlokas, and this is the Chassidishe and Litvishe way of thinking, we are all doomed. This Satmar SHIT"ah has put such a "sinah" in the hearts of Klall Yisrael that it is impossible to reason with them ... a the great Bob Grant said:
"it is sick out there and getting sicker"

Anonymous said...

If you can read lokshen kodesh
About the munkatch rebbe

Anonymous said...

Please note that this story you printed did not happen in minkatch boro park , it happened in minkatch Montreal, and it was 1 mêshugener who made this pashkevil , it was without any permission of the Rav or the Gabaim, you owe an apology to Minkatcher rebbe, and next time please check your information before you put it in your site

Anonymous said...

You don't make such a mishebeirach in Minkatch. That's just idiocy. It's causing a fight. You can disagree with the Rebbe all you want but it's HIS shul. So yes, this fool caused machlokes. Sorry you don't like hearing the emes.

Shorty from Telz said...

The current Munkatcher's first cousin is the self-proclaimed "Partzever Rebbe", Rabbi Dr. Nosson Dovid Rabinowich, a weirdo if there ever was who grew up with the Frankel's shul felons & attended Chaim Berlin. He wears a regular suit. He's a convicted pedophile who used to own Boychick's in the City & a worldwide tour company. The Munkatcher was involved with organizing his criminal defense. He got divorced & closed his loser shul at Ave R corner East 27th St. Rabbonim & askonim forced the closure of his annual Pesach hotel program & threatened him to stop running his summer tourist pilgrimage business to the kever of the Buffalo, NY, Rebbe.

DIN you forgot your yearly shlomo tribute ! said...


frum but normal said...

What's with these criminally insane ignorant so-called Rebbes?.
That other Israel-hating rat calling himself Bobover Rebbe, vomited out this obscenity" that praying for the success of the IDF is prohibited.
And then we wonder, why our young are leaving in droves.
It's these Jew-hating vermin that prevent Moshiach from coming.
Those two anti-semitic rags AL-HAGEULAH and the VAYOEL MOSHE, have poisoned the minds of tens of thousands of Jews and turned them into nothing but Jew-hating monsters

Frum but normaL said...

Shouldn't surprise us at all, after all this same Jew-hating rat calling himself a Rebbe, took his own father to secular court in an inheritance dispute.
This guy is a rebbe exactly like my next door neighbors Cocker Spaniel is
and I apologize to that dog for daring to compare him to that RASHA MERUSHA

Frum but normal said...

This is the other filthy Israel and Jew hating rat calling himself a Rebbe,
listen to what this rat is vomiting out.
If you don't understand Yiddish ask your grandparents to translate this obscenity


Dusiznies said...

2:41 wrote above and ill answer this screwed up menuval!

"You don't make such a mishebeirach in Minkatch. That's just idiocy. It's causing a fight. You can disagree with the Rebbe all you want but it's HIS shul. So yes, this fool caused machlokes. Sorry you don't like hearing the emes.

Oh you don't make "such a mishabeirach in Minkatch?"
Why not???? Because it will "cause a fight?"
Wow a Mi-shebeirach for Jewish soldiers will cause a fight.
What kind of low life Jews daven in "Minkatch" What kind of sick perverted human davens in "Minkatch?"

Oh! "Its HIS shul"
What a childish response! "It's HIS shul?'
Oh so now "it's HIS" It has nothing to do with the Ribono She Oilim, since it's HIS shul!

And you call the guy with brains who made the mi-shebeirach a "fool"
You are not only a fool but have no heart, no empathy,no rachmunias. Check if you are from Zera Avraham if you happent to find out that you are, you must be from Hagar!

To 1:55
You scribble:
"Please note that this story you printed did not happen in minkatch boro park , it happened in minkatch Montreal, and it was 1 mêshugener who made this pashkevil , it was without any permission of the Rav or the Gabaim,"

First of all it makes no difference where this took place, it did take place and that's what is important! It was "1 meshiginar?" I don't think so! This sick mentality was brewing in Munkatch for decades. Uvarta ha'raa mi'kirbecha

Anonymous said...

What would the Bobover rebbi say if all police and IDF are removed from his community in his Bat Yam place ?

Anonymous said...

Whatever the story is . This guy that made the me sheberock is a trouble maker, he could have prayed in many other shuls that adopted this new prayer, he chose muncocks for a reason

Anonymous said...

Ask y Rosenblum? This is pathetic to bring a story from 30 years ago, when more then 1000 ppl were killed, a few thousand injured hundreds of thousands displaced, in just the past few weeks

Anonymous said...

Get a load of this guy, he calls a Jew that wants to make a "mi shebeirach" for Jrewish soldiers a "troublemaker"

Anonymous said...

It's pathetic to bring up a Jew that was murdered in Crown Heights in a pogrom? Because the story happened 30 years ago? Do you know that Yankels Mother died soon after from a heart attack, his brother Norman brought this up on a daily basis until his untimely death. How about if Yankel was your child? Your brother? Think about it ..

Frum but normal said...

DIN, you asked what kind sick and perverted Jews daven in Munkach?
Answer, child raping perverts like Baruch Mordechai Lebowitz yemach shemo.
The Munkacher mikveh in Boro park for years was known as the hangout for all the perverts.

And by the way, how come no one is bothered by the fact that 90% of all shulls shtieblach minyanim in Boro park Williamsburg Monsey Lakewood Stamford hill etc,etc, did NOT feel it important to make a mi Sheba reach for our soldiers risking their lives for AM YISROEL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment. People shouldn't publish things on the internet without verifying.. In this case, maybe he could have spoken with the rav about his opinions.We need achdus.

Anonymous said...

Facts need to be verified before publishing. The Rebbe should have been contacted before publishing. We don't need motzei shem ra and lashon hara. We need achdus. No, I'm not from that group. In fact, my sons are soldiers in IDF.

Minkatcher Mar Merosher said...

You are a god damned liar ... Your Children are "soldiers in IDF?" You bald faced liar. No father of children in the IDf would find ways to back this Kol Korah. It's verified a "Min'Katch" shul wherever, shamed a Jew who wanted to make a mi Shebeirach for the Jewish Soldiers.
"Motzie Shem Ra? " you sick pervert! YOU ARE NOT BRINGING ACHDUS! You a father of children serving in the IDF is looking to be dan zchus of these sickos?

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

"the rebbe should have been contacted? You mean the multi-million dollar rebbe? And if he would have been contacted, how do you think this conversation would have gone down?

Caller: Are you aware that a member of your congregation publicly shamed a Jew because he made a mi-shebeirach in one of your shuls?

Rebbe Stroking his beard: What kind of mi shebeirach?

Caller: A mi Shebeirach for the Jewish Soldiers dying al Kiddush Hashem.

Rebbe Stroking his beard: We don't do that, we follow my holy zeidi the Minchas Eluzer who cursed the sZionists saying that all Zionists and Agudists "YM"S"

Caller: So you approve of this Kol Korah that publicly shamed a Jew?

Rebbe Stroking his beard: I didn't say that I approve the specific Kol Korah, but I'm not against shaming this JEW, they should have picked him up by his collar and thrown him out of shul, for making a tefillah to the Ribbono Shel Oilim that I personally don't approve!

But most of the shuls that the heimishe people daven in, say this prayer?

Rebbe Stroking his beard: I don't give two hoots about the rest of the world Jewry, all I care about is that in MY SHUL no one should dare give a bracha for the Zionists Soldiers... now let me go back to my call with good friend Eli Wiesel?

Caller: But Eli Wiesel is already dead?

Rebbe Stroking his beard:So are 11 soldiers

Anonymous said...

I am a parent of soldiers in the IDF. We don't need lashon hara and motzei shem ra,. It's worse than not saying a misheberach. Learn about the effects of lashon hara. Please I'm begging people for the sake of my sons in the IDF , for the sake of all of the choyolim in the IDF, for the sake of the captives , for the sake of klal Yisroel, let's stop lashon hara. Please!

Mrs. S. said...

I am anonymous from above. I am a parent of soldiers in the IDF. I am begging people please do not say or write lashon hara or motzei shem hara. Saying lashon hara is worse than not saying a misheberach. Read about the effects of saying lashon hara, r"l. Please I'm begging people for the sake of my sons in the IDF, for the sake of all the IDF, for the sake of the captives, for the sake of klal Yisroel, please stop lashon hara.

ISH CHAYAL! said...

Hey Mr "father of Chayalim" We are not the ones spreading Loshon Hara! The ones spreading Loshon Hara was "MINKATCH!!!!!!!!!"
They were the ones who publically shamed a Yid who made a mi shebeirach for our Jewish Children on the front
Now Mr. Father of Chayilim: the Chofetz Chayim himself said that in a case such as ours it actually a mitzvah to be "Mefarseim"
I don't believe that you are a father of Chayalim, DIN is actually a father of a Chayelet! She is a medic in a combat unit!
So stop with your "Loshon Hara ama ratzes, and your farkumpt kup/
At a time like this there are Jews that will make a machlokas in a frum shul because someone made a blessing for soldiers, Jewish soldiers on the front!
For Shame on you
Tell what unit your children are serving and who is their commander?

Anonymous said...

Why don't I believe your claim that you are a father of chayalim? What is it about your comment that makes us all doubt you and makes us believe that you are a damned liar??
One "dead" giveaway
One who really is worried about "Loshon Hara" doesn't go on blogs, period, end of story.
Here you are preaching, and yet you violate your own premise, as the CC states unequivocally that listening to Loshon Hara is on the same exact level as speaking, so why are you on the blogs???

Mrs Zelensky said...

Mrs S 10:41
You are addressing the wrong party...tell it to Munkatch and the rest of the IDF haters. As a parent you are sticking up for disgusting people that made a fuss because of a blessing? There is no way in hell that you are a mother of soldiers, no way!