Friday, October 27, 2023

Mother Of 10, Border Police Commander, Rescued Tens Of Youths From Rave Party

  Superintendent Shifra Buchris is in many ways a superwoman. Balancing a career as a commander in the southern section of Border Police together with being a mother of ten, the feisty policewoman has her hands full at all times. Yet her courage and determination truly came to the fore on the dreadful day of October 7, when she and a small force of three other fighters from her unit bravely entered the ghastly scene of the Reim rave party and rescued tens of youths from the terrorists while under fire.

As soon as she heard the reports of terrorists attacking the party, Buchris (45) and her unit raced to save lives.

“I would have liked to eliminate terrorists, I’m a fighter by nature,” Buchris said, “But there, in the valley of death, we decided that first and foremost we would prevent the injured from bleeding to death. I don’t know if its because I’m a mother of ten childfren but I decided that my unit would bring back as many children as possible to parents waiting for them at home.”

“The angels have come, you’ve saved our lives.” This sentence is etched in Buchris’s memory. She says that “We found young people who posed as dead and that’s what saved them. We rescued them, placed as many as possible in the cars, in the trunk and raced to Urim junction and the ambulance point. We worked automatically, didn’t let anyone stop them.

They were stunned by the barbarity of the sight, hundreds of youths murdered with bullets to the brain. Bullets were flying near them as well but they continued the work. One of the soldiers said, “I was waiting for the bullet that would get me,” but they didn’t stop for an entire 12 hours, searching for survivors. At one point they found 11 terrorists hiding, handcuffed them and brought them to security forces.

The unit didn’t see themselves as heroes. “We were doing our job. It’s our task to defend civilians, to protect them from danger, even at the expense of our lives.”

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