Friday, October 27, 2023

Rabbi of Zichron Moshe in Yerushalayim Condemned the bastard that attacked a Frum Soldier Coming to Daven in his shul


 השינוי ביחס לחיילים בזכרון משה לא מגיע על חלל ריק, רב בית הכנסת הגדול זכרון משה הרב אהרן פישר שליט"א בן ראב"ד העדה החרדית הגרי פישר זצוק"ל מחה בליל שבת בחריפות ואמר שלא מוחל למי שיתקוף חייל 
בבית הכנסת בתקופה רגישה זו. ודיבר בתקיפות רבה בנושא

‎ The change of attitude towards soldiers in Zichron Moshe does not come in a vacuum.

 The rabbi of the Great Synagogue of Zichron Moshe Rabbi Aharon Fisher Shlita ben Raved of the ultra-Orthodox community Hagan Fisher z"l strongly protested on Friday night and said that those who attack a soldier in the synagogue at this sensitive time are not forgiven. And spoke very firmly on the subject‎

1 comment:

Uriah’s Wife said...

If Rav Aharon Fisher wanted to make a demonstrative statement regarding the thugs who attacked a soldier in shul, he should have called out the thugs’ names and asserted that they are not welcome in his shul. He should have told them that if they harbored such animosity against our heroic soldiers, they should daven elsewhere, preferably in a Satmar shteeble.