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Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Bnei Brak Under Missile Attack Twice in two days


Interesting very interesting. I don't wish missiles on anyone, but the Litvishe tzaddikim keep saying that the Chazon Ish promised that missiles would never be launched against Bnei-Brak. 

Now, personally, I don't believe he ever said it, but since up until now there weren't any missiles launched on Bnei Brak, this dangerous lie kept going around and around, and the bochrim who will never put on a uniform kept repeating something that they felt with 100% amunah that it was true. I say dangerous because instead of relying on the Ribono Shel Oilim, they relied on a "basar vedom" and went around with their business with no care in the world.

Well the Ribono Shel Oilim had different plans and lumped Bnei Brak with Tel Aviv, Ashdod, and Rishon Letzion all together in one fell swoop. 

Thank G-d no one hurt! 


Anonymous said...

Saddam fired missiles at Bnei Brak that all missed except for one that was a dud that didn't explode. There also haven't been any terrorist attacks in the city except on a street where there was chilul Shabbos, as the Chazon Ish said altz shmiras Shabbos. So if no reports come back now of deaths in Bnei Brak, please throw a kiddush serving imitation crow. Thanks.

Cohen Y said...

R Chaim Kanievsky
reportedly stated something to the effect it only applied till they have smartphones

Akiva Eiger said...

According to legend the Chazon Ish z"l said that there would be NO missle attacks at all, he didn't say that there would be missile attacks except that no one would be killed.
99% of the missile attacks throughout the entire country and we are talking about 50,000 did not result in any casualties, so we didn't need the Chazon Ish's promise.
The deaths in Bnei Brak due to terror were on the blocks where there was absolutely no Chillul Shabbos.

R Leibel Eiger said...

Sorry grandpa, but an inert missile that hardly made a dent while landing does have the din of an "attack".

As far as terrestrial terrorist attacks, gedolei Bnei Brak who knew the Chazon Ish have indeed said there was a chilul Shabbos exception and that there was a chilul Shabbos problem on the specific route.

There was one other false alarm that did nothing to shlog up the Chazon Ish. Another earlier terrorist attack was actually on the Ramat Gan side of a street shared with Bnei Brak. Close only counts with varfing horseshoes.

Akiva Eiger said...

R' Leibel
If there are exceptions then it proves absolutely nothing, this is not the Torah!

Your comment that "gedolei Bnei Brak who knew the Chazon Ish have indeed said there was a chilul Shabbos exception" said that only AFTER there was an attack, so anyone can make any ridiculous claim about anything and then if something happens that disproves it, say, well there was this and that exception!
Kool-Ais drinkers will forever be Kool-Aid drinkers.
The Chazon Ish's remarks if he actually said them, was proven time and again flat out wrong. Doesn't make the Chazon Ish any less of a tzaddik, it just means that his predictions were meaningless.

Dr Phil Esquire said...

Hey Leibel Bachi
It seems abundantly clear from your very own remarks that the fact there were exceptions to the Chazon Ish statement, makes the CI statement false!
Why didn't the Chazon Ish himself say that there are exceptions to his statement? Why do we need "gedoilei yisrael" to add to remarks to the Chazon Ish that he himself never made?
The Chazon Ish in every other respect makes himself very clear. He himself writes in many of his Psaks that there are exceptions to his psak, and he writes those exceptions!

Wondering said...

"the Chazon Ish promised that missiles would never be launched against Bnei-Brak"

I don't think that is correct, as the Chazon Ish was before the modern missile warfare age that came decades later.