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Friday, October 6, 2023

Belzer Rebbe Invites OTD Former Members Of Chassidus To His Sukkah


 A few months ago the Belzer Rebbe, realizing that a significant number of Chasidim have left the fold and gone OTD but still want some connection to their families, established the Ahavas Kedumim organization. 

The new organization does not attempt to bring the erstwhile chassidim back to their former customs but it does try to give them some of the warmth and joy which characterize the chassidim and to demonstrate that they are still loved wherever they are and however they behave.

The response to the rebbe’s initiative has been gratifying, as many former chassidim attended events sponsored by the chassidus and relive their longing for the songs, atmosphere and spirit which they grew up with.

In the following clip a former chassid describes in glowing terms how Ahavas Kedumim helped merely by recognizing the existence of those who have left the chassidus and attempting to give them a sense of community.

The organization conducts trips to Kivrei Tzadikim, meetings and other activities for the OTD members, and the response has been positive from the former chassidim.

On Sukkos the rebbe invited the former chassidim to his Sukkah and even gave them front-row seats, demonstrating that he wishes to maintain the connection with them despite the differences in approach.


Anonymous said...

Stop giving credibility to bums

Anonymous said...

Jealous much?

Anonymous said...

You don't sound very chasidish