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Friday, October 6, 2023

Far-Frumte American Smashes Roman Statues At Israel Museum For “Violating The Torah”


DIN: I'll tell you what "violates the Torah!" 

B"H I had the opportunity to celebrate the wedding of a grandchild in the USA, may Hashem grant me years and health to celebrate simchos ! During my stay some of my readers and followers who knew that I would be in the US, invited me to spend shabbosim with their families. 

One of those shabbosim was very memorable as it was up in the mountains. My hosts asked me to accommodate him to a nearby bungalow colony where his Chassidishe friend was making a Bar-Mitzvah for his son. 

 As I entered the shul, I noticed a small kitchen where I saw 5 goyitis, slicing meats that I didn't recognize, and placing them on gigantic boards. Oh! Did I tell you that outside there were 3 chefs preparing fresh sushi. In addition, I noticed two more ladies thinly slicing, smoked and other assorted baked and cooked fish and placing them on gigantic boards. Trays of different types of prepared chicken were constantly being refilled and brought out to the supposedly half-starved guests. 

I entered the shul and saw a few hundred Chassidim with shtrimlich sitting with their talisim still on, munching on 8 different variations of "greevin" or "griviis" (Kosher pork rinds) and slurping from an assortment of at least 15 different flavors of herring. Each table had at least 20 different of the finest most expensive scotch, bourbons and vodkas; I am not going to tell you about the 50 different of the finest imported wines. 

All what I just described is not even a smidgen what was being served there constantly, and I'm not even going to go into what the women were having, but I did observe many Ladies walking out of the building and none of them looked anorexic, all looked well fed.

When I naively suggested to my host that I estimated that this Bar Mitzvah Kiddush was $5,000 (nisht Shabbos ge'redt) he stared at me as if I was an alien that dropped from the sky and said, in all earnestly, that the cost (of course, nisht shabbos geredt) was not a penny less than $50,000. 

I must tell you that after this gluttony, most of the families went back to their bungalows to eat a full seuda with their families. 

So my friends, is a statue of a dead avoda zara, not worshipped for over 2,000 years, in a Zionist Museum that no frum person ever sets foot in, is a "violation of the Torah?'

 Or is what I just described a "violation of our holy Torah." 

A 40-year-old American tourist was detained on Thursday evening for allegedly vandalizing ancient sculptures inside the Israel Museum’s archaeology wing.

Police were alerted to the museum after reports came in of a visitor intentionally damaging several statues. Images shared by law enforcement depicted two sculptures knocked off pedestals and shattered into multiple fragments. Identified artifacts include the 2nd century CE head of Athena, discovered in 1978 near Beit She’an, and a representation of the Roman god Nemesis as a griffin holding a wheel of fate, dated 210-211 CE, found in 1957 in northern Negev.

Museum officials confirmed the damaged artifacts were “ancient Roman statues from the 2nd century CE” and prominently displayed in the archaeology section.

Before police arrived, a museum security guard detained the man, and authorities later released a photo of a stick, suggesting the individual might have used it during the incident. Subsequent police questioning indicated the man vandalized the statues due to his belief that they are “against the Torah.”

The damaged artifacts are now with the museum’s conservation lab, where experts will attempt restoration. While the museum deemed the event “severe” and “disturbing”, it announced that there would be no disruption to its regular operating hours.


Anonymous said...

He is now ordering a party to outdo all parties because he was mekayem the Mitzvah doiraysah. The date of party depends on how he sits in the crap hole. But the party is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

This has become the standard for any Kiddush/parlor meeting or any excuse of a gathering, all the while shouting Reb shaya Ben Reb moshe (or whatever the next idol is currently in style) to make it kosher. People are going broke just to keep up with the joneses. SMH!