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Friday, October 6, 2023

Jews murder Christians, traffic children, former congresswoman shares on X

 Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney shared a number of antisemitic posts on X throughout the beginning of October.

One of the posts that McKinney shared claimed that “Jews promised to murder Xtians…they boast that they murdered Christ…so Christ followers no biggy to Jews. World, we have a problem!”
Screenshot taken from Cynthia McKinney’s X account 

In another repost by McKinney, it was claimed that “Jews and Israel love trafficking organs, children and women, murderers, slavery black and white, genocide Muslims and other countries worldwide, lies, manipulations, pedophilia and sex offenders, funding training azoz nazis and al-Qaida….”


Garnel Ironheart said...

You'd think if they really believed this, they'd be afraid to post about it.

frum but normal said...

This filthy rabies infected sewer rat is the face of the new treasonous Marxist DemonRat party