Thursday, May 4, 2023

Chareidim in Beit Shemesh "BET" Harass Frum Lady Dressed Tznisdik


Tam Aharon, an Israeli comedian decided to take a look at the "anti-tznuah" graffiti in Beit Shemesh "Bet" the area where the "bet-bugs" the extremists live. The "Bet- Bugs" have no clue who Tam Aharon is and what he does for a living. He brought along a frum lady who was dressed with a shaitel and was tzneesdik, but that didn't stop the "bugs" from screaming "shiksa" and "get out of here" at them. 

This was in middle of the day, and you would think that the adults would be in Bais Medresh learning, because they by-in-large do not work, but watching the video you notice they just hang out waiting for someone who doesn't look like them to pounce on them like a cat on a mouse. 
Usually they spit and throw glass bottles at women who don't look like their fat obese wives, but it isn't captured on video, but the comedian brought along a camera crew, and that's how we have the footage

Later in the day, the comedian quipped:

 - 'It went well all in all'.


Dusiznies said...

To the troll out there that commented (I erased it) that by showing this video I'm causing שנאת חינם I say, you are very sick, sicker than the bet-bugs screaming "shiksa"
Any Jew tznies or not has a right to walk where the hell they want. Why is it that the bet-bugs like their Arab cousins can walk wherever they choose, but regular citizens can't walk in their neighborhood? This is just like the Shvartzas in Brooklyn, they can go wherever they choose, but should a white person walk in their neighborhoods, then they are taking their lives in their hands.
The ones causing שנאת חינם are the bet-bugs and of course you yourself.I will not allow you to spew your sick and demnted venom on my blog, you can go comment on Al Jazira

Anonymous said...

I I would guess that they were targeted not because of tznius, but because they were secular media filming in this group's home turf.

The shiksa bit was just the insult they decided to use, just as go to Uganda.

Looks as well that this was orchestrated by someone to whom it may was reported, given the way the screamer was glued to his phone, presumably following orders from someone else.

Anonymous said...

I never said that showing the video was שנאת חינם!
The שנאת חינם is: How you (dishonestly) made it seem that they were yelling about tzniyas even though she WAS tzniyas, while in fact they were yelling about the camera crew coming to antagonize. Right OR WRONG it’s a different Story. שנאת חינם is how you constantly look for, blow up and highlight negative in Chareidim. שנאת חינם is how you use sweeping generalizations and stereotypes, even if what you’re saying applies to the smallest percentage of extremists e. g. Hanging Palestinian flag in Mea Sharim-98% Would never do it.

I used to think that the one redeeming feature of your blog - despite The negativity, hate, racism, LH, Sinas Chinam, was that you allowed free speech, difference of opinion. I now see that you censor what calls you out for the truth ( I know, it hurts). Do some soul ( if there’s any left of your Jewish soul) searching.

Dusiznies said...

You are a troll, and you need to comment on Al Jazirra. This is my blog and I do what I want to do, period.
The crew that went to the bet-bug area has every single right to go and film where they want. They yelled at a frum lady "shiksa" and by the way, I am there every single day, because I need to drive thru there, and there isn't a day that they do not either spit or call "shiksa: and "Nazi" on people they don't look or dress like them. They also rent buses every single night and go to a completely different area called "Dalet" and protest bakeries and restaurants owned by other Chareidim.
There are Camera Crews in Williamsburg every week and you never ever see a reaction like this.
The Sinas Chinum is from them, they are not a Small % that is actually a lie, just last night they protested at that very spot and only G-d knows why, and there were thousands there disrupting traffic. I know of two Bar-Mitvas where no one could show up. I was in Meah Sharim last Friday and every single building had a Palestinian Flag, Again every building had a Palestinian Flag, some had the flag painted on the walls.
You yourself come from a non-chareidie family you come from a family that are "yankees' and were on the Mayfower.and so you have no clue who they are or what they want. You are clueless.
I will not publish anything you troll on this blog!

Anonymous said...

I’m not saying what they did is right!!!! I’m not saying they are not allowed to film. My issue is the way you presented it, Which “4:40” also pointed out.

I’m in Mea Shearim every day , and it’s the same 3 people who paint the Palestinian flag on every single building. MOST of the locals have zero interest in it.

Dusiznies said...

You say that you are in Meah Shearim every day, so you saw what I saw. It didn't bother you? That people with beards and peyos are walking by and seeing a flag that represents savages that murder Jews? It bothered you that I reported that, so that people see how low even frum Jews can go? Thats what bothered you?
If they are indifferent then they are guilty as charged. The
midrash says that Iyov was punished with unbelievable pain, why you ask? because he was an advisor to Pharo and he heard that they will murder all Jewish firstborns and he remained quiet. There was a best seller called "Hitler's willing executioners" by Daniel Goldhagen,in it he says that the ordinary Germans knew what was happening to Jews and said and did nothing, the result is the annihilation of 3/4 of the Jewish people.
Frum Jews living in a neighborhood and tolerate a flag that represents savages that want to murder Jews and do nothing are guilty as charged. This community should be shipped to either Ramallah or Gaza and h entire neighborhood should be razed and a developer should build hi risers.

Anonymous said...

Because of these zealots, no sane mayor wants a religious neighborhood built in his city resulting in a major housing problem

Anonymous said...

Come on ,there are myriads of other things before you get to this cloth they & you would have to protest against.

Do you bother?