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Monday, May 15, 2023

Chaim Hecht to Chareidim Bringing Food For the Sick on Shabbat "Leave your Challos at Home and Get a Job in the Hospital!


Chaim Hecht a commentator for "Kol Rega" goes on a 6 minute vicious rant against Chareidim,

 In it he describes the scene in a hospital as patients are defecating on themselves and there is no one to clean it up, the bathrooms are filthy because of lack of staff. The nurses are running themselves haggard, fatigued with lack of sleep and then come the "baalei chesed" with their challos and candles for  Shabbos
He rants, "keep the challos home, and come get a job in the hospital"
"Come clean the bathrooms, clean the floors, assist the nurses."
"this is not a Kiddush Hashem, This is a Chillul Hashem. 


Zako said...

So why doesn't HE get a job in an hospital ??

Anonymous said...

Wha?? Which hospital does he go to?

Dusiznies said...


Anonymous said...

Sad story.However there would be some left wing lunatic that would want that money for their agenda.Its not money for Kollelim or money for hospitals.BTW a visit and warm Challis are better than ignoring this very sad situation. How about programs to inculcate "different " people to society.How about stopping and paying for the hospital with the budgets for all "pride parades" in the country.

Yanki L. said...

Two points to make: 1- During the reign of the previous government things were bad at the hospital; why didn't the previous government pour money into the health care system?
2- The previous government generously gave the Lebanese a gift that could have brought tens of billions of USD(!) yearly revenue, so why blame others?

Worthy of consideration said...

Is he right or wrong?

He seems to be raising a valid point to consider, even if he may have come on somewhat strongly.

Anonymous said...

Using his logic, its OK to criticize anyone that does good.

I'd ask him, when is good truly good?

Uriah’s Wife said...

It’s not all chareidim/Chasidish that ought to be criticized for their for their bikur cholim efforts. Only Satmar that should be bashed for their mitzva contrivances. Hospitals should accept Satmar bikur cholim like they should accept gifts from Hamas.

Anonymous said...

Get help

Anonymous said...

Who is this lunatic? Who cares what he has to say? Most of these ppl have full time jobs and they make sure to make some time for their generosity. How does a person live with so much hate?