Saturday, May 13, 2023

While Beit Shemesh and the Rest of Israel are being Bombed, Chareidim Spitting Poison on Israel


The entire Israel is in jeopardy, Jewish children are running for cover into shelters, and yet at that very moment when bombs are falling all around us, Chareidim are commenting on Chareidie news sites like VIN and Yeshivah World (and DIN, I delete them) spewing hate, poison and outright enmity and malice towards the only Jewish State in the entire world.

את חטאי אני מזכיר היום I have to admit that I follow social media, which includes platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I am also on many Chareidie WhatsApp groups. 

I have to say that the comments coming from people of the Chassidishe and Yeshivisha communities match the most vile, vicious and hateful remarks that come from Arab and Nazi sympathizers. You don't have to go to these antisemitic sites to be revolted and disgusted, all you have to do is read the comments on Chareidie WhatsApp groups or the comments on sites like VIN and Yeshivah World to see mamash hate against our brothers and sisters living in Eretz Yisrael. Be thankful that you are not on their WhatsApp groups.

Where is this hate coming from? How can a frum Jew from "Zera Avraham" not have some empathy, some sympathy for the millions of Jews living in the State of Israel?

How is it that a frum Jew from a Yeshiva background can sit back on his leather chair in his comfortable home, in Boro-Park, Williamsburg, Monsey, Monroe, Flatbush, Lakewood etc, and take the time to write the most repulsive, morally debased, depraved, comments while his relatives are being bombed? 

I have a clue, and you may disagree with me on this, but I believe that this hate was instilled into our children by books like Vayoel Moshe, Al Hagilah, The Empty Wagon, and websites like Torah True Jews. 

I'll give you an example. 
Way back in 1948 when the IDF was able overcome 5 Arab armies, the anti-Zionist rabbanim were shouting that the IDF was taking all the credit for themselves and were arrogantly stating כוחי ועצם ידי "it is our might that was able to overcome them." The anti-Zionist rabbanim pointed to that and said "you see they don't believe that Hashem had anything to do with that" they are apikorsim! 

In 1967 when the IDF destroyed the armies of Egypt, Syria and Jordan, in six days, Chareidim like all Jews were excited of these open miracles! It brought a "baal teshuva" movement like no other in the entire history of the Jewish people. 
The Satmar Rebbe was in a panic and got extremely worried that his entire premise was collapsing and falling apart, so he quickly had Yoel Ashkanazi push out a booklet called "Al Hageulah, where he stated unequivocally that the six-day war was in fact not a miracle but that the IDF was naturally a great army and that it was their strength that won the war, his argument now was the exact same argument that they claimed the IDF made, that they won the war in 6 days because of   כוחי ועצם ידי ???????
And he added something very bizarre, he writes that the Satan, the "Sitra Achra" helped the IDF in winning the war! "It was no miracle, it was the "sitra achra" combined with כוחי ועצם ידי!
So as I said many times, to extend this logic one has to ask why is it that when it comes killing 6 million Jews, it is the Ribbono Shel Oilom, but when it comes to saving Jews like in the six-day war, then it was the Satan? 
It makes absolutely no sense, but the damage was done, and this anti-Zionism was embedded into the very souls of innocent young children, and this is now the result, we should not be at all surprised, as  "the chickens have come home to roost." This absurd radical theory was adopted by the Litvishe world as well. 

I copied and pasted just a sample of this vile and vicious hatred of the Jewish State! Keep in mind that this was written when bombs were being launched against Jewish people living in Israel!

 1 day ago
 Reply to  Chanan

The Zionists are the ultimate galus Jew that they so deride. The Zionist “State” exists at the will and good-will of the gentile nations. The Zionists can do no more than their gentile masters permit them.

What a pathetic idol.

triumphinwhitehouse 1 day ago
 Reply to  Chanan

the Zionists dont understand why they exist, they dont feel anything special to the land, to the Torah or anything, they have the capability to make Gaza Bakhmut 2.0 but unlike Putin they dont WANT to. Putin knows he is fighting Nazi Cossacks and the decadenet West of NATO/EU with its toeiva and sick “values” the Zionists dont know.

 1 day ago
 Reply to  Sol

Well, since you brought it up, the Zionists live there not because of a “connection” to the land but because they are worshiping the Nationalist/Zionist idol.

Some, unfortunately, outside of Israel do so, too, as the Zionist idol’s propaganda power is immense. But, we Jews all over the world including in Zionist “Israel”, do not worship idols.

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

What about-ism is not an answer. Regardless, none of those are idols. At worst, they are distractions.

 22 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

the Zionists bring toeiva to the holy land, bring Cossacks, bring bantu. and want to close down yeshivas and put soldiers into their shmad army. WE SAY NEVER.

However, Zionism, according to all gedolim, and as is plain to see, is most definitely an idol.

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Sol

You believe in idolatry. We deny it. The Zionists, lihavdil like the spies, insist that Jews can’t live without an army. Hashem would have taken them all in to E”Y without needing a single weapon, like He did in Yericho.

Zionism is heresy and a grave insult against the Creator of the world.

Lalka 23 hours ago

Can you Israel haters stop spitting your poison at this time, don’t You have regard for your Jewish brothers and sisters and children ? Do you have Yiddidhe hearts at all?

 19 hours ago
 Reply to  Lalka

Calling out the Zionist idol is a reflection of, not a contradiction to, the “regard for your Jewish brothers and sisters and children”.


Anonymous said...

Do you still have the question of why HKBH has not allowed moshiach to redeem us yet, well here you have it, the biggest hater’s of all Jews that are not chareidi and in fact even haters of other chareidi people are the Chareidim

Anonymous said...

Thanks for informing me about this website torah true jews finally

Garnel Ironheart said...

It's funny to read the comment that the Zionists are like the spies.
When it came time to going into Eretz Yisroel, Calev and Yehoshua were the Zionists and the Kolleleits who liked sitting and learning all day while eating free mann were the spies.

yidlmitnfidl said...

Dear DIN,
I know that it hurts to read this vile and spiteful garbage.
I want to put my 2 cents worth to explain where this evil comes from.
I grew up in central Europe in a town full of Hungarian survivors.
Before WW2 Hungarian Jews were by and large total Amei Haaretz.
But in the same time very frum (Roshei Teivos Fiel Rishus, venig Mitzvos).
Since they had no knowledge and no taam in learning, their "Riss'che d'oraissa" was screaming and "outfrumming" each other and looking for causes to do so.
So when they found a good cause (like Satmar vs Belz before the war) they jumped on it with a vengeance. When they found out that the Satmar Rov after WW2 was blasting the "Tzioinim", that was a great cause for these Amei Haaretz to jump upon, whether they had a skin in the game or not (mostly not).
So this following the idiotic "shitta" is nothing else than a give-away on them being big time ignorami.
Dear DIN, al tikach la'lev.
They are beneath contempt.
Amei Haaretz, bonim and Bnei Bonim of big time Amei Haaretz.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for the past 75 years every time someone said anything against Zionists. The argument against it was we're in middle of war

Hussain Obama said...

Are you serious? Do You even know what is going on, or are you living under a rock? Israel has actually been a country at war since its very existence. If you want to be anti-zionist come and live in the country and vote!
And BTW, thank G-d for the IDF ..Do you know that more people were murdered in one week in the Warsaw ghetto than all the Jews killed from 1948 till now 2023?
Take your anti-Zionist views and shove them where the sun doesn't shine. If you have nothing good to say, shut the hell up!

Yehudah said...

You can't whitewash history! Read about Joel Brand and Blood for Trucks. The Zionist founders fought to prevent hundreds of thousands of Jews from being saved toward the end of the war...part of it was exposed at the famous trial and written by Ben Hecht.

You can argue all you want, but the very founders of the state fought against saving the Jews. They hated Orthodox Jews with passion....ben gurions biographer said he never met such a hater of judiasm...those founders of the state are burning in hell for preventing the saving of Jews.

Dusiznies said...

Normally I wouldn't let a lying comment like yours thru, however since there are alot of Frum Jews reading Satmar fabrications and propaganda, I need to address the distortion of the history of Zionists by Satmar/Neturei Karta anarchists.
Esther Farbstein, a Holocaust historian and a Satmar apologist, actually addresses the Joel Brand Blood for trucks idea, and she writes and documents that this idea was dead in the water, since the British and the Americans would have never allowed this to happen.

The author of "perfidy" was written by Ben Hecht who in his early life was a self-hating Jew and wrote a novel called "A Jew in Love" which portrayed Jews as pigs. He married twice and both of them were shiksas and all his children are goyim. He was also a confident of the notorious gangster Mickey Cohen a ruthless outlaw. This was the Satmar Rebbe's hero!

Ben Hecht changed when he met Peter Bergson a Revisionist Zionist activist whose real name was Hillel Kook the nephew of Harav Avraham Yitchok Kook z"l.

Bergson was driven by one belief: the need to save the remaining Jews in Europe. Hecht and the Bergson Group were huge supporters of Menachem Begin's Irgun guerrilla fighters to oust the British from Palestine and helped smuggle arms to the Irgun. They hated Ben Gurion with a passion because Ben Gurion wanted one united army and subsequently ordered his forces to bombard the Altalena pitting the newly created ID against the Irgun, 19 were killed and Menachem Begin,who was Hecht's friend and on that boat jumped and saved his life.
In 1955 Ben Hecht had his chance to get back at Ben Gurion.
In 1954 there was a libel trial that Rudolf Kastner the Zionist that helped the Satmar Rebbe escape the Holocaust, deliberately withheld from the Jews in Hungary knowledge that the trains that the Nazis were putting them on, were taking them to death by gas chamber. Ben Hecht wrote "perfidy"describing the events surrounding the Kastner Trial in Jerusalem. However if you look at the trial's transcripts you will notice huge pieces of the trial missing from Hecht's perfidy. Ben Hecht was only interested to take Ben Gurion down and only recorded in his book what was detrimental to Ben Gurion. I am not going into the details of the trial and I am not a fan of Ben Gurion in fact I am a Beginist, but what I wanted to point out is that when the anti-Zionists want to denigrate the accomplishments of the founders of Israel they bring to main points, "Yemenite Children" that are coming back to the fold by the tens of thousands and they shlep a former self-hating Jew that married two shiksas whose children are goyim and a staunch Zionist who proposed using violence against the British (the Satmar Shita is and was that Eretz Yisrael be under the British flag) the author Perfidy.

The notion that Zionists prevented anyone from saving Jews is so perprosterious and sick that only a crazed sicko would repeat these "shtisim"

Zionists built a State Le'shem Ultiferes, a State that is now the home of over 6 million Jews and is now the biggest supporter of Torah and to have a comment like "yehuda" who is 100% from the Eirav Rav and is most certainly not from Zera Avraham, at a time like this is proof positive that he is also an uncaring sick dog!

Anonymous said...

Times like this?

Anonymous said...

Farbstein is of gerrer extraction
& Is rather zionistic

Joel Brand's deal was unlikely to happen in the original form ,but the allies WERE willing to consider alternative options.
Which were nipped in the bud by the JA ,WJC, WZO
Just as they similarly nipped the possibility previously of temporary refugee sanctuaries eg Guyana , Western Australia, Rhodesia,& others,in the bud.

FYI said...

"read the comments..."

People should keep in mind that extreme commenters online are not necessarily representative of the silent majority, the quieter masses who are not as involved in the virtual world.

Gringo said...

Instead of telling Biden to stop waving millions of Spics in to the country, Fat Jerrold Nadler has joined Hochul to ask Biden for billions of dollars to swamp New York with the Burrito Fressers!

Ezra the Kapo might think he'll get a slice of what they're shnorring but don't hold your breath for Sleepy Joe to cough up any money!

Dusiznies said...

1) Yes, Farbstein is of Gerer Extraction
2) and yes, she is rather Zionistic
3) and Yes she is a Satmar apologist. In her classic two volume extensive work on Orthodox Jewry in Hungary during the Holocaust called "Hidden in the Heights" she writes many times about the Satmar Rebbe's involvement in saving Jews, however she gives absolutely no proof and offers no documentation to support this, which is highly unusual because her entire work is loaded with footnotes and documentation. The Satmar Rebbe was not known for "saving Jews in the Holocaust" and it is never mentioned in any of the Satmar Newspapers or in any of his bios, it could very well be that he was in no position to do that.

1) To suggest in any way that "JA ,WJC, WZO" tried to hinder the rescue of Jews in the Holocaust, shows at least two things, that you know very little about what actually happened, and you are just repeating Satmar/Neture Karta propaganda and, two, this notion is sick, perverted and vile.

2) Your comment that "Joel Brand's deal was unlikely to happen in the original form ,but the allies WERE willing to consider alternative options." is absolutely not true as the allies were absolutely against helping Germany in ANY form, and that fact came out many times at the Eichmannn trial.

3) It is true that Zionists and Zionists agencies gave priority to those sympathetic to their cause but so did the Agudah and all the chareidie rescue organizations, they like the Zionists prioritized who they thought fit into their own agendas. It is only natural for someone to give priority to those of similar ideals and backgrounds, this is human nature. The Zionists also had an agenda to prioritize those who were still young and vibrant to fight for the State. Well, one could argue that this was prudent and was very necessary at the time. In retrospect that was actually a brilliant idea, as we now have a State that is the home of over 6 million Jews and has the most Torah Institutions than any other place on earth and now contributes more money to Chareidie Moisdos than any other institution, and that is all thanks to those who fought and gave their lives to make this possible.

Anonymous said...

"on earth & now contributes "
ad absurdum.
What choice have they ?
For charedim to internationally turn their backs on this state,as they could have, destroying it's
legitimacy in front of the whole globe?
Losing thereby their self adulating perpetual raison d'etre ?

Cohen Y said...

"fit into their own agendas"
Overly simplistic
Agudah was left footed by the secular organizations from early on,leaving them unable to help even most of their own
Are you equating their agendas?

Dusiznies said...

Yes, it is "overly simplistic" there is nothing complicated here, Zionists had their Agenda and Aguda had their agenda. I am not "equating their agendas" I'm simply stating the facts.
Aguda was "left footed by the secular organization?" Whose fault was that? And that is actually not correct, the Aguda had Freudiger actually speak to Eichmann himself, as Freudiger was also on the Judenrat, in fact at the Eichmann trial, he was constantly interrupted by witnesses that sat in the audience and felt that Freudiger's total agenda was to save his own family, proving that the frum representatives were not totally altruistic, everyone was out for themselves, I am not blaming anyone, because no one knows what they would do in these circumstances.
As far as the comment of 2:04 that my comments is "ad absurdum." I agree but that should be addressed to Satmar liars! When one of them come out like a roach when you turn the lights on, I will answer their vile hate against their fellow Jews.