Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Arabs on Social Media Now Using Satmar "Talking Points"


Anonymous said...

Looks like some sand-niggas gonna remain refugees for a long time....

Zako said...

The Arabs never rejected peace in 1948 ? Really ?
So how come they DID reject 95% of the local Christians out of Gaza, Jenine, Ramallah, Nablus, Bethlehem, out of North Africa and out of the whole Persian Gulf ? And how come they DID reject over a million people out of Lybia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey, Yemen, Iran and Iraq just because these people were... local Jews ?
And btw these were only those who survived and escaped the Arab pogroms.

PS: Quick fact. Around 2 million Syrians fled out of Syria in just the last 10 years (and that's beside those who were shot and chemically killed), and you wonder why no one seems to care. Even super muslim intellectual heroes such as Rashida Tlaib, Ilan Omar and AOC don't give the tinyest d. about this.)