Monday, May 15, 2023

Satmar Quiz for their Students on Lag Be'Omar "Was it the Zionists That Tried to Murder R' Shimon ben Yochai?"


The question on the bottom:

"Who wanted to kill Reb Shimon ben Yochai?

a) The Greeks

b) The Romans

c) The Zionists


Yoely in KJ said...

Alter nayess. Tzionim hubben oichet gebrengen der Mabul.

Frum but normal said...

Typical Jew hating Nazi propaganda. No wonder their young people are leaving that insane asylum called Satmar by the thousands

LES AYM said...

Russian collusion

Anonymous said...

The answer is C! It was the Tziyoinim!

Uriah’s Wife said...

It was Rabbi Moshe deLeon in the 13th century who was unsuccessful in debunking Bar Yochai’s authorship of The Zohar.