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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Yeshaya Diveroli Instigates A Goy In Miami Dunkin Donuts and Gets him Fired


This "farikta" Meshiginar that calls himself Yeshaya should be ashamed of himself, instead of offering him some kind words he keeps instigating him. What a huge Chillul Hashem!

 An employee of Dunkin Donuts in Miami Has been fired, after he was caught on camera hurling anti-Semitic insults against a Jewish customer.

Yeshaya Diveroli said he’s a regular at the shop on Alton Road but said on Feb. 1 an employee verbally attacked him because he’s Jewish.

In cellphone video shot by Diveroli the employee can be heard hurling a religious slur at him and repeatedly yelling profanities.

In a statement Tuesday, to NBC 6 Miami, Dunkin’ said the worker had been fired.

“We have zero-tolerance for any type of discrimination, and the language used by the former employee is unacceptable and not reflective of our brand,” the statement read. “The franchised employee was terminated.”


Avraham said...

I disagree; racism shouldn't be expressed during any argument in todays day and age and a respectable corporation must not let their representatives express blatant bigotry.

Backstory said...

DIN, let me give you some background here.

This kid is a nephew of Chabad oisvurf "Rabbi" Samuel Boteach. His uncle, the big Lubavitcher Chusid "Rabbi" Shmuley, was involved in a recent, similar incident in Miami Beach, where he lived as a youngster, about a month ago, which, of course, made it into the news. You can see the similarity in how they speak.

The kid's brother, Efraim Diveroli, was an arms dealer, who was involved in fraud, and ended up in prison a few years ago.

As you may have gathered by now, a bunch of big mouths there.

Joe Magdeburger said...

Working in retail, one needs to be able to deal with total jerks and maintain a placid exterior. I take it as a given that the majority of people have latent prejudices that can be fanned into a flame. Collision courses should be identified and avoided. That is both a retail and a human skill, forboth customer and service person.

Boteach-Diveroli info said...
