Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The real reason Biden waited so long to shoot down the Chinese spy balloon


The Chinese spy balloon fiasco is a microcosm of everything that is wrong with the Biden administration.

First, President Biden sat around and did nothing while a Chinese balloon casually traversed thousands of miles in the U.S., likely collecting sensitive nuclear and military secrets.

Then to Biden’s dismay, a civilian spotted the balloon and alerted the media, at which point the Pentagon insisted that they could not shoot it down, lest they endanger civilians, but they assured us they neutralized the balloon’s spying capability, with no explanation of how that’s even possible.

They acted as though the experts suggesting to shoot it down knew nothing about spies, balloons, or the military in general.

When that claim was debunked by even more experts, they shot the thing down, and the same people who acted like we were crazy suddenly praised Biden for his courage and leadership.

Best case, Biden is incompetent and pitifully weak when it comes to national defense and foreign policy.

More likely, his handlers are so interested in retaining any semblance of a positive image, they allow China (and Iran, the Taliban, Putin, and other enemies) to threaten us and get the upper hand, essentially throwing Americans under the bus for political gain.

Biden’s claim that he could not shoot down the balloon because of danger to the population does not make sense.

We know the exact route the balloon traveled, crossing over the Aleutian Islands long before hitting mainland, which would have been a perfect spot to shoot it down. Then it traveled over sparsely populated areas in Alaska and Canada, before hitting Maine, which has seven people per square mile.

There was ample opportunity to shoot it down with zero risk. Yet Biden did nothing. probably because he did not want to antagonize China, especially days before the State of the Union address.

Biden even admitted that the Pentagon did not even brief him until Wednesday. If that is correct, it is unthinkable that the Chinese were spying on us in plain sight, and the president was not informed.

Will anyone be fired? Of course not.

The only reason the balloon was finally shot down, after gathering a huge amount of valuable intel, is because a civilian spotted it and reported it to the media. They only shot the balloon down because he had no choice. That is terrifying.

China has learned a valuable lesson. They can threaten, taunt, and spy on us–and unless there is enormous political pressure, Biden will bend over backward to allow them to do so.

In all likelihood, this was probably a test or a smokescreen of sorts. I mean, who uses spy balloons in 2023? Are we living in a James Bond movie?

China may intend to use this as propaganda, when they retaliate because we shot down their “weather balloon” which mistakenly wandered into US territory.

I only wonder when the administration will start claiming that the balloon inadvertently came from a bat market in China, unbeknownst to the respectable Communist leadership, and insist that we be sensitive and not refer to it as the “Chinese” balloon.

1 comment:

Frum but normal said...

The reason this demented TREASONOUS America hating DemonRat, did not shoot it down immediately, is the exact same reason this traitorous Marxist gangster does not lift a finger to defend our country from being invaded by millions of illegal criminals and drug dealers.
Its the same reason this America hating terrorist loving swine, deliberately left 50 billion in modern arms for the murderous Taliban.
It’s the same reason this traitor, was the only one in Obama’s cabinet who voted against killing that monster BinLadin