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Sunday, February 5, 2023

Costco in Israel?


Israel Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich wants to bring the Costco Wholesale chain to Israel, according to a report by Yehuda Shlezinger in Israel Hayom. Costco is the largest wholesale chain in the US, and the ninth largest in the world, and is considered the second largest food chain in the world after Walmart.

In a letter that Smotrich sent to the managers of the chain, he wrote that “the Israeli government has set itself the goal of increasing Israeli competition in the food market in Israel. It would be a great achievement if international players like your company enter. We want to interest you in entering the Israeli market, we have an opportunity and shared goals.”

Smotrich said he hopes to meet with the heads of the company during his next visit to the US.

Costco’s entry into the Israeli market could cause a major shakeup and reduction in prices.

Its entry into Israel would also be one less excuse for not making Aliyah.


Anonymous said...

Don't understand why you need a foreign company to cause a shakeup? It's probably just a threat for the bigger stores to bring down their prices

Anonymous said...


Month November
Profession Dentistry

November 2022



Profession: Dentist; Lic. No. 054658; Cal. No. 33174
Regents Action Date: November 15, 2022
Action: Application for consent order granted; Penalty agreed upon: 1 month actual suspension, 23 months stayed suspension, 2 years probation, $10,000 fine.
Summary: Licensee did not contest the charge of violating professional boundaries with a female patient on several occasions in 2017.

Ferd said...


can DIN get the text of this article?

Dusiznies said...

I posted the ifo last week

Ferd said...

I thought last week's was maybe only a partial excerpt?


seems to be more information here