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Friday, July 8, 2022

Ukraine Says No Visitors Allowed in Uman for Rosh Hashana


Tens of thousands of Breslover chassidim are reeling Thursday following an announcement from the Ukrainian ambassador to Israel that dashed any hopes of chassidim being able to visit the kever of Rebbe Nachman in Uman for Rosh Hashana.

“Due to concerns for the lives and well-being of the visitors to Ukraine and in light of the blatant Russian war in our country, despite all efforts, we can not guarantee the security of pilgrims and do not currently allow tourists and visitors to enter Ukraine,” the country’s ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk said in a statement.

“On this occasion, we address to you, because your prayers are important to us,” the statement continued. “Please pray that before Rosh Hashana the war in Ukraine, which broke out due to blatant and cruel Russian aggression, will come to an end, and pray for the victory of Ukraine.”

“We hope that the prayers will be fulfilled, and that Ukraine will once again be a country that generously receives visitors from Israel, and especially Jews who come to Ukraine to visit the graves of the righteous.”

The annual pilgrimage to the tziyon is a yearly highlight for an untold number of chassidim, whose davening during the Yomim Noraim is uplifted as they spend time near their revered Rebbe.

“It’s a devastating blow,” a Breslover chassid who routinely visits Uman. “We look forward to this literally every day of the year. And while we knew this was likely to happen, its confirmation is no less crushing.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, there's an old story that goes like this.
Two Ukrainain wagon drivers meet on the road. Each has a Jewish passenger. Dimitri, the first driver looked ath Vladimir (2nd driver) and says "I see you have that dirty Jew Goldberg as a customer." Vladimir is ourtraged. "How dare you insult my passenger? For that, I will beat your dirty Jew passenger, Greenberg." Which he then does.
Dimitri is now outraged. "How dare you assault my passenger? For that, I will beat your dirty Jew passenger!" Which he does.
And when both Jews are broken, bloody pulps, the two drivers look at each other, spit and go their separate ways, satisfied that justice was done.
So now Russia announces Israel can't fly in Syria anymore. Ukraine is barring Jewish tourists. All because Israel is just trying to keep out of this idiotic conflict.