Tuesday, May 10, 2022

New York Times Smears the Long Dead & Beloved Ed Koch because he was a Jew



Joe Magdeburger said...

Ed Koch was a lousy Mayor. Crime was through the roof under his rule. When anti Jewish crimes took place in Crown Heights, back in the day, you could count on a deaf ear from Koch. He was as awful a mayor as Dinkins, but had better press.

Mighty Garnel Ironheart said...

Remember that according to the Woke, being gay, bi or even omni is normal and a dedicated heterosexual is the one who's sick.

Freddo said...

To paraphrase the tatten Mario: Vote for my brother Andy Cuomo (probably running for Gov. as an Independent), not the Homo.

געדענק said...

Edward Itzik Koch iz geven a heiser Bobover Chusid. He made Bobov promenade in B.P. and sat down for a lechayim with his friend the Rebbe.

A group of brave men, talmidim of Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l, were protesting against Koch for his support for toeivah outside while the Bobover welcomed him.

It is written up in one of Koch's books (Politics, by Edward I. Koch, Simon & Schuster).