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Thursday, August 12, 2021

Watch as "Heimishe Yiddin" Blow up a Tractor that was working on the New "Light Rail"


These gangsters are sophisticated arsonists who are not experts in Torah but are outstanding in causing damage worth millions of shekels..
זו תורה וזו שכרה
I'm sure that they are shukling a way a storm saying לדוד ה' אורי... 
These are not guys that work for a living so the money they used to buy sophisticated material came from "schnorring" for their holy "moisdois"
This is the 5th Tractor they blew up....
however that will not stop the Zionists from continuing to beautify and expand Yerushlayim
כאשר יענו אתו, כן ירבה וכן יפרץ

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